Feng shui is a chinese taoist art that allows the revitalization of one’s environement by optimizing the circulation of the chi, a process that brings health, well-being and prosperity.

For ages, the Chinese have used it for the implantation, the construction and the lay-out of their houses and workplaces. There is a positive chi that ought to be stimulated and a negative chi that needs to be corrected.

In the Balinese tradition, houses are built according to the measurements of the head of the family. First of all, the most favorable day should be chosen for conceiving the house, certain days being more auspicious than others for this activity. Then, if he has the means to do so, the head of the family entrusts a traditional architect with the project, who calculates the exact proportions of the entrance, the thickness of the walls, the height of the ceiling… again according to the measurements of the head of the family, as if he was working on a made to measure suit. Finally, the location is chosen carefully so that there is an harmony between the occupants and the spirit of the place.

Today, feng shui is very fashionable. One’s dwelling can be harmonized by consulting an expert or by reading books. There is an appropriate location for every piece of furniture and principally for the bed. The bedroom should retain a yin energy as it is used for resting. Too much yang energy should not be brought into that room.

A great tool for optimizing the circulation of energy is the ba gua, a map that shows the principles of the Yin and the Yang, the eight trigrams of the Yi king than the five elements.

There is a scholarly way to use this tool, but most of the books of popularization on feng shui indicate a simple way to proceed: copy the ba gua on a sheet of tracing paper and place it over the floor plan of your living space, making the entrance and the north (the sector of career) meet exactly. It will then be possible to strengthen the chi in certain areas or to counteract the negative chi. Be careful! It is wrong to consider feng shui as a set of recipes: a mirror or a crystal placed in the sector of prosperity attracts riches; a plant with circular leaves, placed in the sector of relationships attracts love…
That is why one should first develop their sensitivity to energies. This pragmatic process allows the understanding of what truly functions and thus helps avoiding superstitions.

A good technique consists in working with the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the sensations of light which are not directly caused by light stimulating the retina. The phosphenes can be produced by focusing shortly on a source of light. Dr Lefebure has demonstrated the influence of light on mental processes. Once a phosphene has been produced by focusing shortly on a source of light, it will persist for several minutes. The presence of the phosphene channels attention on the object of study – here, the layout of a house. It sharpens sensations and favors associations of ideas.

Example: if you wish to place a crystal to strengthen the chi in a domain of the ba gua. Pick up a particular place in your house or apartment. Do a phosphene and observe the sensations and the thoughts that come to your mind during the presence of the phosphene. Repeat this operation for every room and choose the one who has provided the most pleasant sensations.

There is another way to proceed. Instead of working on the circulation of the chi in the house, it is possible to increase the circulation of the chi within oneself. This process allows the regulation of the flow of the chi around oneself. Thus, thanks to the practice of qigong, it is possible to improve the feng shui of one’s dwelling or workplace.

Similarly, practicing Phosphenism regularly strengthens the nervous system, a process that stimulates the positive chi and allows to be less affected by the negative chi.

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Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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The practice of fasting is ancient. Its healing properties have been known since the antiquity. Hippocratus prescribed fasting. Socrates and Plato used to find it essential for a good physical and mental balance. They used to fast regularily, sometimes for periods of 10 days. Pythagorus fasted for 40 days before passing an exam at the University of Alexandria and he required his students to do the same before accepting them.

Fasting is a natural process as animals refrain from feeding when they are sick or wounded. Fasting gives the organism a rest, regenerates it and detoxifies it. It is only prudent to prepare a period of fasting and to gradually revert back to normal feeding once the fasting is finished.

German scientists have measured the action of fasting on sleep and have found that it improves the subjective quality of sleep, that it brings more energy during the day and ensures a better emotional balance and a better concentration.

All traditional societies practice fasting. It is often associated to rites and precedes initiations.

Most religions mention fasting and recognize its spiritual value. It is mentioned more than 50 times in the Bible.

Dr Lefebure, a French physician and researcher, studied the spiritual aspect of fasting. In 1963, he had the idea to check the efficiency of initiatory exercises that had been taught to him, by using the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light stimulating the retina. This is how he discovered the importance of the rhythm of two seconds. He realized that when he swayed his head softly, a traditional initiatory exercise, it was this rhythm that dragged the phosphene, when a faster or slower rhythm would leave the phosphene fixed.

Thanks to this discovery, he studied what would happen with two phosphenes and designed the Cerebroscope, a prize-winning device. Thanks to this new medical protocol, he was able to observe unknown cerebral rhythms.

Three years later, he had the idea to check what would happen if one thought about a precise subject during the presence of a phosphene. He thus discovered the foundation of what would become his method: Phosphenic Mixing. Thoughts and phosphenes interact allowing the development of memory, intelligence and creativity.
Phosphenes, rhythms and thoughts, these are the basic ingredients of Dr Lefebure’s scientifically improved yoga: Phosphenism.

Dr Lefebure recommends fasting because it can provoke revelations. In his complete course of Phosphenism, he answers the following question:

‟What would happen if one associated a thought to fasting?
If you associate a thought to fasting, especially if this fasting is not excessively long, you can obtain very interesting results. All the persons who have tried fasting agree: during fasting, sleep is lighter and half-sleep is much more important than during ordinary life.

During half-sleep or light sleep, one frequently experiences directions about the exercises which are best suited to their nature, in the form of dreams, visions, or auditory perceptions… This process also takes place while one is awake. Many traditions state that fasting favors visions.

In the beginning, you can associate your usual exercises to fasting. The most appropriate exercises are Phosphenic Mixing and mantras. If you practice head sways, you will find that you are much more sensitive to nausea during fasting. To avoid any discomfort, simply practice small movements. Static tension exercises are not suited as they consume more oxygen. Breathing exercises, maintaining a slight lack of air are fully suited. You will feel this instinctively.

Mantras and Phosphenic Mixing combine themselves very well to fasting. You can also ask what exercises are best suited for you, during the presence of a phosphene. You will then receive exercises which are specifically adapted to your nature. (…) It will be easy for you to keep practicing these exercises when the period of fasting is over, as these exercises are suited for your personality.”

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Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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There are different ways to develop clairvoyance.The most efficient one is focusing on a source of light: the flame of candle, the light of the moon, the reflection of the sun on water…

The clairvoyants who use a crystal ball, one of the most popular media, often place candles behind their crystal ball. Focusing on the reflection of the candles in the crystal ball produces a phosphene. It is within this phosphene that they perceive visions.

Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and scientist, discovered the principles underlying these practices by systematically using the phosphenes. He then designed a revolutionary method of personal and spiritual development: Phosphenism. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly produced by light stimulating the retina. They can be produced by focusing shortly on sources of light


The term ‟clairvoyance” could be replaced more accurately by ‟thought-forms reading”. The concept of ‟thought-form” comes from Theosophy, a doctrine which states that when people think about a thing, an image of their thought is created in a subtle matter and remains in their aura. It is these thought-forms that the clairvoyants perceive in their visual chaos.

Likewise, an architect who is designing a house start by representing it in his mind’s eye. He starts with the overall shape, then goes on to the details, the problems and the solutions, thus creating a thought-form of his project in his aura.

The majority of clairvoyants read the thought-forms of their clients. Of course, interpreting these perceptions can be tricky and mistakes can be made. Nevertheless, these are authentic phenomena of clairvoyance.

In his Complete Course of Phosphenism, Dr Lefebure relates the following story: the victim of a theft asks an African mystic to help him find out the identity of the thief. The sorcerer contemplates the reflection of the sun on water in a calabash and transmits the vision to the person consulting, like Nostradamus did for Catherine of Medici. The victim can perceive the image of the thief in the reflection of the sun on water, as all phenic phenomena can be transmitted telepathically. But, let us suppose that the victim suspected somebody already. However accurate his suspicion, a thought-form will be created in his mind that the sorcerer can perceive. This illustrates the fact that one should be careful when interpreting clairvoyance.

Daniel Stiennon relates:

I met a clairvoyant: Madame Gisky. Doctor Lefebure had talked to me a lot about her. As a child, she had developed clairvoyance by practicing Phosphenism instinctively; and like all the children who played with the phosphenes and used the rythmo-phosphenic function of the brain, she had developed lifelong abilities of divination. Only this kind of practice can develop authentic clairvoyance abilities.

We talked for three hours. The main subject of our conversation was the dangers of clairvoyance. Here are a few things she told me and that seemed very wise and clever to me. I understand why Dr Lefebure decided to mention her case in his book: Phosphenism and the Origins of Religion. This woman is worth meeting: the words she speaks are incredibly rich.

‟(…)These abilities are not a power, they should serve to direct the future.”
‟Let we warn you: clairvoyance is dangerous. I have learned to use it in a different way.”
‟… in order to understand things, one needs to experience them.”
‟One should not let anyone predict the future for them. All human beings can do this for themselves!”
‟Seek within the phosphene.”

Here is an anecdote that she related to me:
‟One day, a lady came to consult me. Once the clairvoyance was finished, as she was leaving, she said:
– You are a bad clairvoyant. You did not fulfill my expectation, though people had told me you were the best.
– But, madame, I answered, I know very well why he you came to consult me: you wish to know the date when your husband will die!
– Ah, you see, you can predict the future.
– Of course I can, but how do you know you will not die first.
Stunned, she did not say any more.
– Fifteen years ago, you went to see a clairvoyant who ‛predicted’ that your husband was going to die, without giving you a precise date. Since then, you have been consulting every clairvoyant around, wishing to obtain this date. And every clairvoyant you consulted told you that your husband is going to die, only because the first clairvoyant had told you so. Of course he is going to die, like everyone else, but nothing proves that he will die before you.
Because you were so impressed by the prediction of this first clairvoyant, you created a thought-form that all the other clairvoyants perceived. All this happened because you have had a lover for the last 15 years and that you wish your husband dies so that you can be with him!
– You have wasted 15 years seeking an answer that you do not need. Do you really think that your husband must die for you to change your life?…”
Her conclusion was:
‟I sometimes perceive the mediums that other clairvoyants have used for their reading: one time I even saw the tarot cards a person had drawn during a previous consultation with another clairvoyant.”


For these exercises, you will need a pen and paper.
Choose a touchy subject: a conflict, a concern, a project…
Do a phosphene while concentrating on this theme.
During the presence of the phosphene, write down all the ideas that appear.

Practicing clairvoyance

You will need a pen and a paper.
Choose a person about whom you wish to experience a clairvoyance phenomenon.

First phosphene:

While focusing on a lamp, let ideas flow, impressions, sensations related to this person.
Switch the lamp off.
Let your thoughts flow during the presence of the phosphene.
Remember memories related to this person.
Write down the important elements that come to your mind.

Second phosphene:

Switch your lamp back on and, while focusing on it, think about what you have just written down. Try to visualize the person in different circumstances, in different contexts. Let your thoughts flow.
Switch the lamp off.
Again, write down the new ideas that have appeared.

Third phosphene:

Switch your lamp on and, while focusing on the light, keep thinking about what you have just written.
Switch your lamp off.
Ask yourself questions.
First question: what is this person’s character?
Let ideas and impressions related to this question come to your mind. The image of this person will change, expressing his or her character.

By proceeding this way and asking several questions, you will observe that the image you have of this person changes, sometimes in a surprising manner.
Write down carefully any new impressions.

Fourth phosphene:

Switch your lamp on and, while focusing on it, think about what you have just written down.
Switch your lamp off. Close your eyes. Ask yourself the following question:
What could be his or her deepest inspirations, his or her tendencies?
Observe the evolution of your thoughts. This can lead you to the perception of this person practicing an activity that he or she does not practice yet, but that would be perfectly suited for him or her.
If you have difficulties perceiving scenes, experiencing visions or flashes, ask yourself questions instead.
Once this experiment over, carefully write down the kind of images that came to your mind, as well as the impressions and the sensations that they have provoked.

Fifth phosphene:

Switch your lamp on and, while focusing on it, think about what your have written in a global way.
Switch your lamp off.
Now, in a panoramic way, let all the main points that have appeared since the beginning of this exercise come back to your mind.
Write down one last time the main ideas that come out of this final Mixing. From all these notes, the main tendencies the chosen person will surface.


You have certainly been able to observe a great difference between reflection during the presence of the phosphene and reflection without the phosphene. The first ideas that appear are not necessarily the most original ones; but there are already more organized and more logical. The deductive reasoning and the thought processes are of a much better quality; and you will generally be able to observe one or two new ideas of better than usual quality. During the following phosphenes, ideas become stronger and more original.

When you wish to obtain answers to problems brought to you by clients, remember to place their queries in a phosphene. You will obtain many more solutions by associations of ideas.

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Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive information through visual subjective perceptions. Clairvoyance takes place in a flash, through the appearance of very brief mental images which interpretation is obvious rather symbolic.

Clairvoyance is different from divinatory sciences. The latter consist in an intellectual interpretation of signs obtained through various media (cards, star charts, etc.)

Since the beginning of humankind, people have aimed to foresee the future, to determine the most auspicious moment for undertaking an action, etc. Clairvoyance has been practiced in all the domains of human activity.

Sometimes, clairvoyance became an institution. It was the case with many civilizations of the ancient world, for example in Delphi, where the people used to consult the Oracle and its priestesses, the Pythia, who obtained visions by focusing on a fire.

Clairvoyants generally use a medium to produce visions: a crystal ball, fire, a bowl full of water, torches, etc. The common characteristic of these media is that they all are related to light. Again, clairvoyance differs from the divinatory sciences because of the nature of the media used.

Dr Francis Lefebure, a French physician and researcher, made many discoveries in cerebral physiology. These discoveries explain the mecanisms of clairvoyance. His research was based on the systematic use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly provoked by light stimulating the retina. Phosphenes can be obtained by focusing on sources of light for short periods of time.

Dr Lefebure defined a certain number of parameters that come into play in phenomena of clairvoyance. The production of phosphenes using sources of light is systematic. For this purpose, clairvoyants use varied supports. Placing a candle near a crystal ball, for example, creates lighting conditions suitable for clairvoyance. The use of a fire, the moon or of the reflection of the sun on water produce the same kind of effects.

Polarized light, i.e. light reflected by a surface, is particularily conductive, as Dr Lefebure demonstrated. The light of the moon, the reflection of the sun on water or the reflection of a candle on a crystal ball belong to this category.

In Phosphenism: The Scientific Explanation of the Origins of Religion, Dr Lefebure analyses the circumstances in which certain clairvoyants developed their gift.

Pentier, the fisherman from Berck

‟It was a man called ‛le père Pentier’ by the population of Berck (Pas-de-Calais, France). His gift of clairvoyance was quite famous in the area, and we were able to verify that his reputation was deserved. He talked very little, but everything he foresaw happened. He was retired, but he used to be a fisherman.

According to a custom of the time, he always used to pray while he was working and he attributed his gift of clairvoyance to the fact that he prayed to Saint-Côme and Saint-Damien. He believed that these saints were particularly powerful because they came from primitive Christianity. But, as with other cases that we had the chance to study, and though he actually was a clairvoyant, we believe that he was mistaken on the cause of his gift, though this assumption might seem surprising. Indeed, the two syllables ‛Côm’ and ‛Dam’ hammered out his litanies: we believe that it is thanks to them that he practiced rhythmic thinking. Also, he told us that in the beginning, his clairvoyance only took place when he focused on water.

It is only much later that we understood why: he mixed his litanies to the two saints with the phosphenes produced by the reflection of the sun on water, and it is only after a long maturation of his brain by this exercise that his clairvoyance could persist in the absence of phosphenes.

Let us also quote the case of Mrs. Spique, who since the age of six has been subject to real bouts of clairvoyance; for example, while she was talking about something completely different, she used to see a white ball that started whirling. Inside this ball, as it became transparent, appeared visions that she described. On one occurence, she gave us many details about a character that coincided exactly with our father, who had been deceased for a long time and about whom we had never talked to her. The precision of the details was amazing, as she described the major part of our relationship with our father.

When she was a child, she used to scare the people around her by announcing deaths or accidents that took place soon afterwards.

She told us that when she used to live in Algiers (Algeria) between the age of three and six, she had such a degree of rachitis of the lower limbs that she was disabled, and could absolutely not walk. During this period, in order to fortify her, she was taken to the beach with a doll and, as she would get bored quickly by this toy, she used to spend hours looking at the reflection of the sun on water as a game.

It is interesting to note that this habit not only seems to have developed her clairvoyance, but also seems to have had a favorable action on her character as she developed a great generosity.”

The poetess Minou Drouet

‟Everyone in France knows the child prodigy Minou Drouet whose poems amazed the world, when she was only 12 years old. She was so famous for a while that, sometimes when she visited provincial towns, crowds would gather as if she was a head of state.

All her biographies agree to say that while she was in an orphanage, she seemed slightly retarded. Her foster mother took her to a house that was located near the ocean and, instead of sending her to school, let her do as she pleased. We have learned, from her mother, that she used to look at the reflection of the sun on water for hours, every day, and that at the same time, she swayed softly her head from left to right. After a few years of this solitary game, the people around her realized that she had become a genius.

The process that took place here seems obvious to us and will be confirmed by another case that we will quote later. When she focused on the reflection of the sun on water, she mixed her child reveries with the phosphenes produced by the movements of this reflection.

Moreover, as we have seen previously, swaying on a pendular rhythm of two seconds is a natural rhythm of the phosphenes. Thanks to this watery mirror, Phosphenism carried her along into this rhythm, as the pendular motion of the phosphenes and the movements of the waves are of a similar nature: sinusoidal.

Experimenting with hearing a sound alternatively in and the right and the left ear, thanks to a device called ‛Alternophone’, has showed that these alternating stimulations are very beneficial for the functioning of the brain. They develop a stronger attention, sharpen artistic sensitivity, but also make thoughts surge in a polarized form, a process that favors the creation of verses. As does Phosphenic Mixing, this alternating hearing process simultaneously increases the quality and the quantity of ideas.

The action of Mixing and the action of alternating hearing thus belong to the same category of phenomena, and have led us to the discovery a previously unknown function of the brain that we have called ‛rhythmo-phosphenic’ function.”
Minou was guided by her instincts towards the phosphenes produced by the reflection of the sun on the moving waves. The latent rhythmic power of the phosphenes manifests itself as soon as it has a chance: Minou instinctively started swaying her head, another practice which has the ability to develop a more vivid intelligence by its effects on the higher abilities of the brain.

Exercise: contemplating the reflection of the sun on water

Find a suitable stretch of water. A simple basin will suffice.
Place yourself in a way that allows you contemplate the reflection of the sun on the water.
Wear a cap, so that the sun does not shine directly on your eyes.
Focus on the reflection. You will see various forms appear: arrows, triangles, crosses, snakes of fire… These perceptions are your cerebral rhythms that are activated by light and the rhythm of the ripples.
After approximately three minutes, close your eyes and observe the colors.
With a little bit of practice, you might perceive visions of characters or sceneries in the reflection of the sun.

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Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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Chromotherapy or color therapy is an alternative medicine. It is used to balance personal energy, on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level.

The standard method of diagnosis used in chromotherapy was developed by Dr Max Luscher in the beginning of the 20th century. Chromotherapy dates back to ancient times, probably to the beginning of ayurvedic medicine. The indian tradition associates colors to the chakras. There are also traces of the therapeutic use of colors in the ancient Chinese civilization. Traditional Chinese medicine associates a color to each organ.

Chromotherapy uses colors on various mediums: stones and gems, candles, prisms, clothes or colored glass, for example. The colors having, at the same time, a positive and negative effect, chromotherapy functions according to very subtle rules.

The colors of the chakras and their position in the human body:

First chakra: located at the base of the spine.
Color: red

The first chakra has an influence on the legs, the feet, walking as well as the anus and elimination. Its color is red. The positive qualities associated to this color are: tenacity, courage, loyalty and perseverance. The flaws caused by an excess of red are: stubbornness, bigotry, dull wit.

This chakra can be related to blood or marrow diseases as well as energy loss.

Red is considered to be the color of life and fire. Red is supposed to accelerate the rhythm of the heart, as well as to increase blood flow and the rhythm of breathing. Red is also called the color of desire. It is generally used as a support for circulatory functions and to combat anemia, asthma, the diseases of the larynx, certain skin diseases and chronic cough. An excess of red in the aura of a person can express tendencies to domination, cruelty, anger and vulgarity.

Second chakra: located roughly three centimeters below the navel.
Color: orange.

The color orange is a mix of red and yellow; chromotherapy gives it a quality of warmth and conviviality. The color orange is the color of the rising sun and makes people nimble and happy. Surprising results can be obtained thanks to this color in the treatment of mental illnesses, depression and pessimism. The color orange can be used to treat atherosclerosis, appetite loss, anemia, anorexia and digestion problems. An excess of orange in the aura of a person can express confusion, fatigue and pessimism.

Third chakra: solar plexus.
Color: yellow.

Yellow is the brightest color. It is commonly used in chromotherapy. Yellow reflects light in all directions and can thus create a feeling of detachment and liberation. Chromotherapy uses the color yellow to combat glandular diseases, illnesses of the lymphatic system and to strengthen the nervous system. An excess of yellow in the aura of a person can express a lack of concentration or a tendency towards malice and wickedness.

Fourth chakra: located between the lungs, on the level of the heart.
Color: green.

The color green is situated in the middle of the spectrum of light. It is associated to harmony and calm. Green is considered to be the color of concentration. Chromotherapy uses green to treat bronchitis, cough, inflammations of the joints. Green can also have a positive influence in the treatment of cysts, eye diseases and diabetes, improving the processes of secretion. The color green is supposed to promote the relaxation of the organs and the detoxication of the body. An excess of green in the aura of a person can show a lack of motivation or problems of lethargy, insecurity and jealousy.

Fifth chakra: the throat.
Color: blue.

Chromotherapy considers the color blue as the color of peace and infinity. The color blue is supposed to have a profound effect of relaxation on the body and the mind. It can be used to soothe migraines and headaches, stomach pains, cramps and even liver diseases. Generally, blue has a positive influence on pain. An excess of blue in the aura of a person can show a problem of apathy, melancholia, doubt and excessive suspicion.

Sixth chakra: located on the forehead, between the eyes, on the point called third eye.
Color: indigo.

The color indigo is supposed to develop spiritual perception and intuition. It is used for treating the eyes, the ears and psychological problems. It is also used to combat addictions. The color indigo is supposed to have a calming and sedative effect. Chromotherapy asserts that indigo can be useful in the treatment of absesses and to control bleeding. An excess of indigo in the aura of a person can be the mark of a personality that can be too serious, too restrictive.

Seventh chakra: located on the top of the head.
Color: purple.

Chromotherapy considers purple as the color of emotions and meditation. The color purple is used to treat the lymphatic system and the spleen. It is also used to soothe the organs, relax the muscles and calm the nervous system. An excess of purple in the aura of person can show a tendency towards fanatism and domination.

The colors of the spectrum correspond to various vibratory frequencies that are interpreted by the brain as different tints. They are undulatory phenomena and should be analyzed as such.

Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and scientist, designed a method of personal development based on the systematic use of the phosphenes: Phosphenism. The phosphenes are the colored patches that appear when we close our eyes, after having focused on a source of light for roughly 30 seconds. Dr Lefebure has proved that the phosphenes are rhythmic phenomena. A rhythm being essentially a vibration, the phosphenes are thus of a vibratory nature. The study of the rhythms of the phosphenes allowed him to discover new laws of cerebral physiology that were not known before. The phoshenes stimulate the brain in a very positive manner, improving memory, concentration, attention, ideas and creativity. Their effects on personality are also particularily interesting.

Using sources of light of different colors can stimulate the brain in various manners. This is where Phosphenism and chromotherapy meet.


Choose a light bulb of a color that corresponds to the work you wish to practice, or place a colored filter in front of the Phosphenic Lamp.
Do a phosphene with the colored light.
Project this phosphene on a part of the body that is related to this color (chakra, organ…)
Keep in mind a thought that is related to the work you wish to realize (healing, stimulation of a chakra, psychological reconciliation, rhythmic thinking…)
When the phosphene has disappeared, do another one.
Continue practicing like this during 15 to 45 minutes.

Click on this image to discover other themes

Understand the practice
thanks to our 27 short
animation videos:

4 about Phosphenice Mixing
applied to Education
18 about Individual Development
5 about Initiatic Techniques

Click Here


Importante Note

We have done our best to provide you with the most accurate translation of our french website. Nevertheless, it is possible that some language errors may remain. So, don’t hesitate to contact us to communicate them to us.

Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

You too, learn how to transform Light Energy into Mental Energy, thanks to our many animations and 100% free videos.

4 videos (animations) to understand the practice of Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education
+ 18 videos about Individual Development
+ 5 vidéos about Initiatic Techniques
+ Many videos about the Method presentation