The qi or chi, (pronounced ‟chee”) or ki (in Japanese), is a chinese word that can be translated by ‟breath”, ‟vapour”, ‟exhalation”, ‟flux”, ‟energy”. It is an essential concept of chinese culture.

According to this spiritual approach, the chi encompasses the whole universe and connects all living beings together; it flows within living organisms, along lines called meridians that intersect at a point called hara by the Japanese and dantian by the Chinese. This point is the ‟energy center” of the organism. The chi is thus present in all the manifestations of nature.

The concept of chi does not have a precise equivalent in Western traditions. Nevertheless, the concept of ether or fifth element of the alchemists can be interpreted as equivalent. The indian concept of prana is also very close. The notion of chi has inspired the concept of ‟The Force” in George Lucas’ Star Wars.

Chinese cosmology states that the chi, or original breath, precedes the binary scission of the yin and the yang, a scission that gave birth to the ten thousand wanwus that compose all the living beings in the universe. It is interesting to note that the chi is also at work in the mineral kingdom: the veins of the jade, in particular, are considered in interaction with the veins of the human body. Also, the geological strata of mountains are a macroscopic manifestation of the chi.

The center of energies (dantian in chinese, hara in japanese), point of intersection of all the meridians, is the ‟crossroads” of the chi. It is situated in the abdomen, roughly 3 centimeters (2 inches) under the navel.

Chinese medicine is based principally on the notion of qi.

The notion of chi is at the origin of techniques like acupuncture and massage, that consist in stimulating the intersections of the meridians. The purpose of ‟internal” martial arts, like tai-chi-chuan or qigong, is to maintain the balance and the dynamism of the chi in the body. Similarly in Japan, the purpose of shiatsu (massages) and of physical exercises (including breathing exercises) is to stimulate the ki.

The mastery of the qi through meditation and various exercises, is also part of the advanced teachings of Buddhism, highlighting the aspect of the chi that is related to mental activity.

The different Yogas of India teach the art of developing the chi (called prana in India), principally with breathing exercises.

The medicine and the science of the West, unable to find a scientific way to measure and observe the chi, pass over the concept in silence and barely tolerate the various forms of therapy that ensue from it.

Nevertheless, a French physician and researcher (Doctor Francis Lefebure) designed a set of techniques, a ‟scientifically improved yoga”, from a comprehension of human physiology based on the systematic use of the phosphenes.
The phosphenes are all the sensations of light that are not directly provoked by light stimulating the retina. They can be produced by focusing shortly on sources of light.

Thanks to the phosphenes, the action on the brain of the exercises meant to stimulate the chi can be measured precisely. Dr Lefebure called this protocol: ‟cerebroscopy”. From this principle, stems a rationalization of the exercises destined to develop energy, allowing a pragmatic evaluation of the techniques that are proposed by the various traditions.

Fundamentally occidental, Doctor Lefebure offers a simple but serious explanation of the principles that govern the development of the chi. This approach is particularly friendly to the Western mind, used to dealing in scientific terms.

The basic exercise is ‟Phosphenic Mixing”. Very easy to realize, it consists in mingling a thought with a phosphene. This process charges the chosen thought with the energy of light, triggering many positive effects, on an educational level (development of memory), on a personal level (improvement of concentration) and on an initiatory level (enrichment of the theme of meditation).

Then, there are many varied rhythmic thinking exercises: sways of the head, rhythmic breathing, repetitions of mantras and static muscular tensions. The goal of these exercises is to associate the phosphenes to rhythmic thinking, a process that develops the chi in a considerable manner.

Indeed, Doctor Lefebure’s ground-breaking discovery is the understanding of the very foundation of all traditions and initiations, and the capacity to demonstrate it.

Extract from Phosphenism, a scientific explanation of the origins of religion:

‟Religious rites and the rhythms of the phosphenes:
When it is observed, the phosphene seems to present but an uncoordinated agitation. Nevertheless, it is possible, in a way, to dissect the phosphene and to detect several separated very regular rhythms, though at first glance, their interferences give the impression of disorder.

This study of the rhythms of the phosphenes is essential to understand their relationship with religious rites. If one thinks while observing a phosphene, one’s thoughts tend to take the natural rhythms of the phosphenes, even if one has the subjective impression that it is the phosphene that is adapting itself to the rhythm of their thoughts.

We can understand why (…) praying while focusing on the sun has been at the origin of all religious rites. The rhythm of the solar co-phosphene actually induces the rhythm of prayer and their combination generates currents of energy in the body that are exteriorized in the form of dances and postures.”

A rhythmic thinking exercise for developing the qi

During a particularily difficult physical exercise (going up a steep hill on a bike or on foot, for example), you can pratice a rhythmic thinking exercise that will help you to overcome this challenge, thanks to the extra energy it generates.
Do a phosphene by focusing briefly on the sun (no more than one or two seconds). Focusing on the sun should always be practiced without glasses (even sunglasses) or contacts, as they could produce a burn on the retina.

Repeat mentally a mantra, at a rhythm of six beats per second. You can, for example, repeat the sound ‟ki” six times per second or, in a more musical approach, ‟Ti ki ti Ti ki ti Ti, etc.” accentuating each ‟Ti”.

After a few minutes, the energy produced by reciting the mantra changes your state of consciousness, allowing you, in a way, to forget tiredness and pain while bringing you extra muscular energy.

This process can be found in all the working or marching songs that have been used by many different cultures.

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The UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) are phenomena, perceived in the air by witnesses or recorded on various media, but that cannot be identified. It is impossible to assert that these phenomena all have the same origin. There is absolutely no unity in the testimonies as they come from varied sources.

Unexplained observations can come from different sources:

– Wrong interpretations: an object is wrongly identified as an alien vessel. Generally, these objects are: the planet Venus, meteorites, lenticular clouds, airplanes, weather ballons, nightclub lasers, etc.
– Optical illusions: sun dogs or parhelia, heat mirages, etc.
– Hallucinations: the subject perceives, in a pathological manner, an image that does not really exist.
– Fabrications: the subject lies, in a volontary manner.
– False memories: the subject imagines he/she has seen an object.
– Rare natural phenomena: red sprites, blue jets, ball lightning, etc.
– Mental images: the subject experiences a vision that he/she interprets as a flying object.
– Visitors from another planet.

The two more mysterious causes deserve additional explanation.

1) Visitors from another planet

Though romantic and attractive, this theory is not very plausible. First, the theory of relativity does not allow travel at speeds higher than the speed of light. It would thus take centuries to travel across the cosmos. Also, it is surprising that no material trace (object or artefact) has ever been left behind by interstellar travellers, though thousands of people maintain that they have been kidnapped by aliens, or that they have seen an alien craft landing.

The generalization of mobile phones equipped with cameras should lead to an upsurge of recorded observations of UFOs. It is not the case. Finally, certain scientists like professor Meesen have analysed the data of military and civilian radars and matched them up observations of UFOs, particularily those which took place during the ‟great waves of UFOs” like the one that took place in Belgium in 1990. They have discovered no connections between the observation of UFOs and the unidentified echoes detected by radars.

None of these explanations completely buries the theory of alien vistors, but one must admit that it is rather fantastic.

2) Visions or mental images

Visions or mental images are different from pathological phenomena like hallucinations. They remain mysterious for today’s science. The discoveries in cerebral physiology of Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and scientist, have allowed him to understand scientifically the mecanisms responsible for the production of mental images (hypnagogic visions that appear while one is falling asleep, dreams, mystical visions). His works are based on the systematic use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light stimulating the retina.

Dr Lefebure did a complete study of the solar prodigy that took place in Fatima (Portugal) on october 13th 1917. Among the testimonies, we can quote the perception by many witnesses of a ball of light crossing the sky or the perception of little balls of light that fell from the sky like snow flakes and that disappeared when they reached the ground or when witnesses tried to catch them in their hands.

Dr Lefebure considers that these perceptions are connected to the rhythms of the phosphenes and explains in detail these phenomena in his book: Phosphenism, a New Explanation of the Origins of Religion.

‟The greatest miracle of the roman Church was the solar prodigy of Fatima that occured in front of 70,000 people. For ten minutes, the crowd saw the sun moving in unusual ways. First, it started to tremble, it then darkened. Afterwards, it started to sway in the sky, to rotate, its rays rotating like the spokes of a wheel, then it seemed to fall on the terrorised crowd before going back up in the sky, several times in a row. Many persons experienced visions during these ten minutes. It was raining just before the event. Nevertheless, the mud on the ground and the clothes of the witnesses were dried as if by miracle. A lieutenant took a picture on which appears objects that did not exist physically. A teacher of science, standing on his balcony, said: ‛I have seen something I cannot explain’. The editor of an antireligious newspaper left convinced and wrote several enthusiatic articles.

The phenomena perceived during the great miracle of Fatima match the characteristic rhythms of the phosphenes: the people in the crowd believed they were seeing movements within the sun because they confused the sun with their phosphene. The trembling of the sun is the rhythm of 1/6th of a second. Its darkening is the negative phosphene.

The sways of the sun match the rhythm of two seconds of the phosphene that can often be triggered by simply practicing Phosphenic Mixing, without swaying the head. Under the influence of the exercise of Phosphenic Mixing, the phosphene can sometimes start whirling or it can give the impression it is moving forwards or backwards.

These various movements of the solar phosphene can be produced easily if one focuses slightly next to the sun, rather than directly on the sun, and if one has practiced exercises of lateral head sways of the top of the body, while focusing on the sun.

The crowd perceived these rhythms in an intense manner, because they were multiplied tenfold by telepathic resonance.”

Photograph of a phosphene (diffuse glow or UFO?)

The diffuse glow, final phase of the phosphene, presents remarkable properties. It can be photographed and allows the perception in the dark, of physical objects moved across it. It has a major role in the production of visions. The diffuse glow appears as a whitish cloud with an unprecise edge. According to clairvoyants, it is within this cloud that visions or ‟flashes” of clairvoyance appear. It is also what the children shepherds of Fatima related. The ‟Lady” appeared in a cloud that looked like white smoke.

In The Initiation of Pietro, Dr Lefebure establishes a connection between phosphenic phenomena and UFOs.

‟More and more people believe that the extraordinary occurrences of Fatima should be imputed to UFOs. There are even priests who maintain that the Virgin Mary used a flying saucer to manifest herself.
First of all, it is interesting to note that, whatever the original source of the phenomenon, its connection with human consciousness was the phosphenic substance generated by focusing on the sun.

Also, it is important to note that very disparate phenomena are classed as UFOs. Among these phenomena, there might be several unknown phenomena of different nature.

We do have to acknowledge that there are some similarities between the descriptions of flying saucers and what we know of the phosphenic substance.

For example: ‛This object, which had a diameter of about 25 to 30 meters, was swaying in the air and, as it was oscillating, it was moving towards us, in complete silence.’ Policemen who arrived on the scene noticed that ‛the object that hovered at a distance of roughly 100 meters above them was swaying.’ Several other witnesses that had not consulted each other saw the object move towards them, ‛swirling and fluttering about like a leaf that falls slowly from a tree.’ Finally, the scenery took on a red tint and the white walls of the farm became red.

It is obvious that this description resembles, on a smaller scale, the description of some of the phenomena described by the crowd in Fatima: whirling movements and sways, colored light projected on the ground.

We can thus wonder if some of the phenomena classed as UFOs are not actually clouds of phosphenic substance.”

The explanations of Dr Lefebure, applied to UFOs, are closely akin to those of certain authors like Bernard Méheust who talks of technological fantasy or C.G. Jung who describes UFOs as modern myths. Indeed, visions of flying chariots of fire or white-winged angels are symbols of travel and communication between the material and the spiritual plane (the sky). A modern point of view substitutes spacecrafts to this kind of images, and these visions of flying saucers also are metaphors of travelling between the planes.

Exercise with the diffuse glow

Do a phosphene by focusing on the phosphenic lamp for 30 seconds.
Put an eye patch on, to create optimal conditions of darkness.
Observe the different colors of the phosphene until it disappears.
After about 15 minutes, the diffuse glow appears in the form of a whitish cloud. Concentrate your attention on a detail of this cloud. The area of the cloud you focus on will become brighter and sharper. If you stay concentrated on details in the same region of the glow, you will probably be surprised by the appearance of a very sharp though very brief image.
This cloud, called diffuse glow by Dr Lefebure, can easily be perceived with your eyes open and can be transmited by telepathy…

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From the latin word transire – ‟to cross”, the word trance is connected to the notions of threshold or channel. From the 5th century, the word trance is used to signify the passage from life to death, but it is in the 14th century that it acquires the meaning of ‟a particular psycho-physiological state”. The word is then used more and more to signify the passage through different states of consciousness and, today, it is particularily linked to shamanism.

It is also interesting to note that the word trance is commonly used in the vocabulary of rave parties, to define a particular style of techno music but also to represent the various states of consciousness produced by the combination of music and the consumption of psychedelic drugs. Though it is based on dangerous excesses, the culture of rave parties seems to be a kind of neo-shamanism or resurgence of an ancient instinct of transcendence.

The states of trance are often interpreted as states of religious ecstacy; several operating modes can produce these states: prayer, religious rites, meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, certain physical exercises, tantrism, music, dancing, fasting.

These different techniques are related to the cultures that developed them and are all part of various traditions. Thus, experiences of ecstatic states of consciouness are interpreted within the context of these cultures and traditions.

Shamanism is probably the oldest tradition to have practiced trance. Indeed, shamanism is the first religion and dates back to the dawn of humankind. Shamans systematicaly use music and more particularily rhythms to produce states of trance. Dances are often a major part of these rituals. But, this type of mecanisms can also be found in many subsequent traditions which practice trance. The Sufis, for example, use dancing and music to achieve contact with the sacred. The animist traditions of Africa or Voodoo also practice trance induced by dancing and music. The Eastern practice of reciting mantras is also based on the notion of rhythm, a notion that is much more important than the actual meaning of the words that compose the mantras.

The production of states of trance seems to follow certain universal modes of operation.

Dr Lefebure’s discoveries bring out a new comprehension of these phenomena. Understanding the physiological mecanisms that produce states of trance has permitted Dr Lefebure to draw several essential conclusions and to go beyond the empiricism of primitive cultures.

It is thanks to the systematic use of the phosphenes that Dr Lefebure has been able to study the cerebral mechanisms that are responsible for the production of states of trance. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly produced by light stimulating the retina. They correspond to what ophtalmologists call ‟images of retinal persistence” or ‟after images”. The phosphenes follow their own particular rhythms. Thus, producing a phosphene by focusing on a source of light also induces these characteristic rhythms in the subject’s thoughts.

In Phosphenism: The Scientific Explanation of the Origins of Religion, Dr Lefebure describes the connections between light and the techniques used for producing states of trance, the latter being inspired by the former.

‟The study of the rhythms of the phosphenes is of major importance for understanding their relationship with religious rites. If one thinks during the presence of a phosphene, one’s thoughts tend to follow the natural rhythms of the phosphenes, though one has, on the contrary, the subjective feeling that it is the phosphene that is adapting itself to the rhythms of thought processes.

Focusing on the sun is the basis of all religious rites. The rhythm of the solar co-phosphene actually induces the rhythm of prayer, generating currents of energy within the body that are exteriorized by way of dances and postures.”

States of trance are thus provoked by the induction of a rhythm in thoughts.

The techniques based on breathing or prayer also use rhythms. Their practice can be sensibly improved by using regular and repetitive rhythms. Dr Lefebure designed a scientifically improved yoga: Phosphenism. This set of techniques systematically uses focusing on sources of light and inducing rhythms in thoughts. Its results do not need to be proved but experienced.

An Exercise of Rhythmic Thinking

Choose a repetitive music (traditional shamanic music, Gnawa music from Morocco, Ju-ju music from Nigeria, deep techno/trance, etc.)
Do a phosphene by focusing on the phosphenic lamp for thirty seconds.
Sing the rhythm mentally.
Follow the rhythm with a soft sway of the body.
Do a new phosphene every 5 minutes.
At the end of the exercise (15 to 45 minutes), observe your state of consciousness.

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To familiarize yourself with this revolutionary theory, the best material available is The Elegant Universe, a three-part documentary directed by David Hickman in 2003.

The first part is titled Einstein’s Dream. It relates the quest of the inventor of general Relativity for a unique theory that would include all the laws of the universe. Convinced that he was searching for something essential, he devoted his life to the search for this scientific Grail, kepping a notebook at all times for writing down equations, in case he found the ones that confirmed his Unified Field Theory. Meanwhile, quantum mecanics were being developed though Einstein showed absolutely no interest in them (hence the famous quote: ‟God does not play dice”). In fact, the theory of the infinitely large and the theory of the infinitely small turned out to be perfectly incompatible. Though Einstein was alone in his quest, this first episode shows that the legacy he left for the future generations was his dream of finding an all-encompassing theory.

The second episode, The String Theory, fits in this approach. Its underlying idea is that the whole universe is made of a single ingredient: tiny strings that vibrate in a multitude of different ways, the universe being a gigantic cosmic symphony. This theory reconciles the two previous ones, the theory of the microcosm and the theory of the macrocosm.

As for the third episode, Welcome to the 11th Dimension, it invites the audience to radically change their conception of space. Brian Greene’s humour, his skills as a frontman, drag us into a most exciting experience. The boldest animations capture our attention as the concepts studied drift away definitively from our everyday lives. Here our universe becomes a slice of bread! The other slices of the loaf are parallel universes. And, of course, there are hundreds of such loaves. Enough to make your head spin! Especially when Brian Greene brings up the pathways that lay between these universes. And what if the Big Bang did not mark the beginning of our universe?

An amazing scientific epic, the history of the discovery of the string theory, from its inception to the unification of its five different versions by Edward Witten, will certainly fascinate you, especially if you practice Phosphenism.

But let us go back to the scientific presuppositions of this theory situated at the far end of science.
The universe is composed of ‟string-like, tiny, oscillating strands of energy”. If an atom was enlarged to the size of our solar system, these strings would be the size of a tree. The strings of a cello can vibrate at different frequencies and thus produce various notes. Similarily, it is the different modes of vibration of the strings that confer particular characteristics to particules, i.e. their mass and their charge.

There lays the elegance of this theory, but also its weak point. Indeed, can we really speak of theory when faced by one that is impossible to disprove? There are no experiments nor observations that are in the position of doing so. Strings cannot be observed. Does the string ‟theory” belong to the domain of physics? Or does it belong to the domain of philosophy?

Let us now briefly describe Phosphenism, in order to demonstrate that it goes in the same direction as this ‟theory”.
In 1959, Francis Lefebure, a French doctor and researcher, had the idea to check the efficiency of the initiatory exercises that had been taught to him, by using the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light stimulating the retina. This is how he discovered the importance of the rhythm of two seconds. He realized that when he swayed his head laterally at this pace, the phosphene followed the movements of his head. On the contrary, when he swayed his head faster or slower, the phosphene remained fixed. Building from this discovery, he studied what would happen with two phosphenes and developed the award-winning Cerebroscope. This device allowed him to monitor cerebral rhythms in a new, revolutionary way.

Three years later, he decided to experiment with thinking about a precise subject during the presence of the phosphene. This is how he discovered the foundation of what would become his method: Phosphenic Mixing. Phosphenes and thoughts interact dynamically, allowing the development of memory, intelligence and creativity.

Phosphene, rhythm and thought, these are the fundamental ingredients of Dr Lefebure’s ‟scientifically improved yoga”.

The idea that the universe is constituted of tiny vibrating strings is particularily attractive to the Phosphenists, as they consider that rhythm is a primary component. Also, the fact that these minuscule ‟ingredients” that compose the universe can resonate together to perform a cosmic symphony, can seduce the minds who are trying to achieve resonance with themselves and the universe they live in.

Dr Lefebure, and those who walked in his steps, have developed a privileged relationship with the cosmos. Indeed, Dr Lefebure used to meditate in the direction of the constellation of Sagitarius to establish a relationship with spirits, guides, electrons of a high energy level.

Some veteran Phosphenists are unwary travellers who wander back and forth across the cosmos (the universe lays within us…).
‟(…) one night, I find myself in a scenery that I know very well, as it is a place where I spent a part of my childhood and all my summer holidays: my cousin’s farm in the Brittany region of France. There, in the middle of a field, stands a massive tree. I move towards it and, slowly, I enter it, as if I wanted to be at one with this tree and with nature itself. Then, I feel propeled up into the sky. I am rising. I am moving away from the earth and it is becoming smaller and smaller. Above me, I perceive the inifinity of space. Suddenly, I am freefalling at a tremendous speed. I have just crossed the spiritual equivalent of the line of equal gravity, i.e. the line where the attraction of the earth is cancelled by the attraction of the sun. I have just entered the ‛high astral’. I keep travelling, and find myself in the cosmic plane. There, a grand sight is presented to me.
Myriads of stars shine in the distance (…) I contemplate this subjective universe.”
Extract from: Preparation for Astral Projection or The Exploration of the Subjective World, by Daniel Stiennon.

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Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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The Kirlian effect is: ‟the transformation of the non electrical properties of an object or a body into electrical properties with the transfer of charge from the object or the body to a photographic emulsion”.

Kirlian photography is a method that uses a device that can establish energy health assessments and measure the energy of an organism. It is the energy that appears on Kirlian photography as well as the state of intercellular vibratory communication, a complete image of the energies that run through the human organism or a physical body.

The basic equipment used by S. Kirlian is very simple: a coil (Teslo) connected to a metal plate and isolated by special plate. A sheet of light-sensitive paper is placed between the subject and the machine. The photograph is then taken. The Kirlian machine then emits a high-tension, high-frequency electric field.

Semyon Kirlian and his wife performed an advanced research that emerged on the worldwide recognition of the Kirlian effect.

The existence of a field of subtle energy that surrounds the human body has been known for thousands of years. In the past few years, scientists have started to express interest in this phenomenon. Thanks to ‟Aura” photography, we know now that every living being is surrounded by a field of electromagnetic energy.

Our aura can bring information about our qualities, our abilities, our thoughts, our feelings, our problems. The aura can be modified by external factors like the quality of the environment, the air we breathe, the persons that surround us, a tense or harmonious atmosphere.

The interpretation of the colors of the aura brings vital information. It allows better knowledge of oneself. Its colors reveal our affects, the state of our health, our mood; they express who we are.

A therapist can analyze the photograph and draw useful conclusions. No present technique other than Kirlian photography can assess the energy of individual globally and in real time. Three to six months later, one can have a new photographic assessment and compare it to the first one in order to judge the progress or the degradation of their energy.

Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and researcher, has designed a method of personal development based on the systematic use of the phosphenes: Phosphenism. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light stimulating the retina. The phosphenes can be produced by focusing shortly on sources of light.

Practicing Phosphenism develops personal energy in a considerable manner and can influence the results of Kirlian photography.

Exercise of Phosphenism applied to the Kirlian effect:

Do a phosphene.
Project this phosphene on the back of your hand, for example.
The phosphene has a surprising property of concentration: if you project it away from you, on a wall for example, it dilates and appears of a large size. If you project it near you, on your hand at a distance of 10 cm, for example, it contracts itself to the size of a coin.
Practice this experiment during several phosphenes.
Take a Kirlian photograph of your hand: the magnetic emissions are much wider, illustrating the extra energy released.

Why project the phosphene on the back of your hand?
Simply because the chakra located in the hand absorbs energy by the back of the hand and transmits it by the palm.

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Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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