There are a number of connections between the Templars, the Cathars and Phosphenism that appear clearly in certain documents, certain traditions and even in the architecture of the time. We will refer to several of these sources in the course of this study.

The Cathars (or Albigenses) used to pray while focusing on the sun. They stated that Jesus Christ had taught such a pratice. The castle of Montségur, their sanctuary, was built as a solar temple, an architectural fact that can still be observed today. Indeed, on the summer solstice, the 21st of june, sunlight goes through two thin slits in one of the walls, producing two parallel rays of light that the local legends call ‟the parallels of Montségur”. These two slits look like embrasures for firing arrows, but their location cannot serve this purpose. This particularity of the castle of Montségur shows how important the sun was to the Cathars.

Mgr Truchemotte, the bishop of the church of Bordeaux, published a photograph of a graffiti found in the dungeon where the head of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, was imprisoned.

Graffiti found in the dungeon of Coudray, attributed to Jacques de Molay.

This graffiti can be interpreted as a Templar focusing on the sun or contemplating a phosphene. During excavations in Jerusalem, the Templars found a secret their kept preciously and about which much has been written. Could this secret be related to the phosphenic techniques?

The following document, extracted from Jean-Claude Flornoy’s website: “ître-Jacques (France)” relates the social turmoil that was the consequence of the elimination of the order of the Temple. An exercise for developing energy (rhythmic walking) is also described, and we will analyse it in the light of the discoveries of Dr Lefebure.

‟The tragic execution of the dignitaries of the Temple on march 18th 1314, lead to two consequences that king Philippe le Bel had certainly not considered. First, the Temple was an immense and sprawling organization, specialized in banking and equipped with a major maritime fleet. Its true treasure was its trading posts and its accountants, spread all over the mediterranean basin and in all the cites of Europe. Its bills of exchange served as checks. Its navy connected the medieval world and maintained order.

The Republic of Venice later assumed this role as, for two centuries, the pride of a king caused France to lapse into war and misery. The second catastrophic consequence was the departure of almost all the companions towards various destinations: Italy, Portugal, the Middle-East… On that fateful afternoon, the masters of the brotherhoods of companions understood that they would be the next to burn at the stake. Consequently, they started the ‛Great Strike of the Cathedrals’. Within three weeks, all the work on the cathedrals was abandoned and almost all the crews left for exile. These constructions were only resumed much later by the Church, and with great difficulty. The floorplans and the forms of the buildings were correct, but the science of the energies had been lost. Building a sacred place of worship can only be achieved by understanding the underground forces stemming for the deepest of the earth.

These forces were known and respected under the name of wouivre or wivern. A sacred site is always a location that, in its natural state, is tremendously geopathogen. It is often the intersection of underground streams that makes it dangerous for living beings. It functions according to a simple electrical process. When there is an important charge underground, the micro-electric balance of the surface will occur through the attraction of an equivalent force from the magnetosphere. The forces gushing from the earth are opposed to the forces descending from the cosmos. When you are standing in a geopathogen location, your feet are positioned on the point of micro-electric balance, but your head is not. These forces litteraly drain you of your energy, that is sucked and digested by the earth. The builders of sacred places have always used these points for their constructions. The more dangerous, the more interesting they were, as the force gushing from the earth was significant. The clairvoyant master builders could visualize the earth’s aura and would build according to it.

This force can be broken down into three layers. The first, closest to the ground, was used by the builders of megaliths for their dolmens. The second, of medium size, was used in churches of roman style. The third and largest, corresponds to the gothic style. Stones were used as micro-batteries to build a cage for this aura while letting the forces coming from the cosmos flow on the outside, thus liberating the wouivre that filled the inside of the building. Crypts are always of roman style and actually are modernizations of the dolmens. The builders of sacred places felt that they were installing ‛machines’. They used to call their works athanors, or machines destined to transmute people. The bishops of the time were the enchantors of these machines and conducted immense collective trances. On the summer solstice, in the city of Chartres, locals practiced a trance.

The doors were opened at dawn and, one at a time, the population entered, walking in a line, swaying and marching to the rhythm of music. A stomp to the left, a stomp to the right, they slowly advanced towards the labyrinth and, after exiting from it, they kept swaying and stomping while crowding under the vaulting. All day long, stomp, stomp, the swaying continued, ever amplifying and, when the night came, the doors were closed in order to let the cathedral vibrate fully. Then, after a signal from the bishop, the crowd suddenly stopped and, during a magically silent moment, all these thousands of people reached a state of trance and unity with the divine. This is what Philippe le Bel destroyed when he burnt the Templars at the stake. He widely opened the door to a religious dictature: the dark times of the Inquisition started. Platonic immanence gave way to Aristotelian transcendance.

Saint Augustine was defeated by Saint Thomas Aquinas. No more could human beings unite with the divine by themselves, they needed divine ‛grace’ that, of course, only the priests and their rituals could induce. The Templars had protected the fraternities of builders, whatever their obedience. Their disappearance left the builders alone in their struggle against their merciless enemies. The sacred thus deserted the Christian atlantic Occident.

Professionals of such skill were rare. The companion builders were welcome, wherever they went. Venice was the richest, dominating power of the Mediterranean, they settled there. In Northern Italy, where the accountants of the Temple gave birth to the great families of Lombardian bankers, the companions engineered the Renaissance. But, their integration caused the loss of their idiosyncrasies, as they became secular. Overseas, in the Middle-East, and in more particularily in Cilicia, they managed to keep their soul and maintain their ancestral culture. The science of the ‛pilgrimage of the soul’, that had been the backbone of their spirituality for countless time, survived, and they managed to pass it on to us in the tarot.”
The exercise described above consists in marking a sway by stomping alternatively with the left and the right foot. Dr Lefebure’s research in cerebral physiology can help us decypher this seemingly odd practice. First, any alternating walk or dance creates synchronizations between the brain hemispheres through the alternating use of opposed groups of muscles. This pratice is related to the exercise of lateral head sway developed by Dr Lefebure. Also, stomping strongly with the feet stimulates what Dr Lefebure calls osteophene or phene of the elastic properties of the skeleton.

Repetitive dancing also stimulates the myophene or phene related to muscular activity. After practicing, while falling asleep in bed, the participants would feel this myophene as the memory of the sensations their muscles gave them during the dance.

This trance practiced in Chartres is a physiological exercise intended to produce very specific effects, even though it belongs to an empirical tradition that does not try to explain this process scientifically.

Thus, it is possible to improve this exercise thanks to the discoveries of Dr Lefebure, and to practice this kind of rhythmic walk in a forest, for example.

Exercise of rhythmic walking:

– Set the Mantratron on a rhythm of one beat per second or on a rhythm of six beats per second.
If you do not own a Mantratron, you can use a metronome or you can download audio files in mp3 format for free on the website of Phosphenism.

– Do a phosphene (ATTENTION!: if you do a phosphene with the sun, focusing should not last more than two seconds and should be done through a piece of fabric or through the canopy of the forest, without glasses or contacts, as they could provoke severe burns of the retina).

– Walk following the rhythm of the Mantratron: count one step every second. Similarly, if you use a rhythm of six beats per second: you will count 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,3,4,5,6, stomping with your foot on every 1. (right, 2,3,4,5,6, left, 2,3,4,5,6, etc.)

– Do a fresh phosphene every fifteen minutes or so, if you practice with the sun. Or every five minutes or so, if you pratice with Dr Lefebure’s phosphenic lamp.

During the next few nights, you might enjoy a fantastic experience of lucid dreaming.

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Whether it is science or science fiction, people have always been fascinated by telepathy and a lot has been written about it. Researchers such as Professor Rhine have accumulated a lot of statistics which have never proved anything. Therefore, telepathy remains confined to marginal research in fringe parapsychological centres.

Nevertheless, the discoveries in cerebral physiology of Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and researcher, allow a better understanding of these phenomena and the mechanisms which produce them. His discoveries are based on the systematic use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light stimulating the cells of the retina. The phosphenes illustrate the rhythmic functions of the brain and demonstrate the existence of cerebral rhythms, which can be developed and maintained by practicing rhythmic thinking exercises. Rhythm structures thoughts, improving attention, memory, organisational skills and creativity. During their research, Dr Lefebure and his collaborators realized that the phosphenes and rhythmic thinking are easy to transmit by telepathy.


‟In ordinary conditions of experimentation, the telepathic transmissibility of the phosphenes is very important, much more than ordinary thoughts.

If one focuses on a red spot on a white wall for about 30 seconds, and then either looks away or covers it up, one sees a green spot appear. This spot is a phosphene and green is the complementary colour of red.

Mr Delay, experimenting with discs of various colours that a transmitting subject (the transmitter) focused on, noticed that another subject sitting nearby and wearing an eye patch (the receiver), perceived a phosphene. This phenomenon did not occur while the transmitter was focusing on the disc, but while he was perceiving the complementary colour. The phosphene perceived by the receiver was of the same colour as the phosphene perceived by the transmitter, rather than of the original colour of the disc.

It is during this experiment that Mr Delay noticed that the transmission of the phosphenes does not follow the laws that are usually accepted for telepathy. The telepathic transmission of the phosphenes actually depends on both the distance between the transmitter and the receiver and their relative position. The nearer the receiver is from the transmitter, the better the transmission is. The telepathic transmission of the phosphenes is also improved if the two subjects are facing each other.

It is possible to induce particular rhythms to the phosphenes. For example, if two lamps are placed so that each eye of the subject only sees one lamp, and that these lamps are lit alternatively at a rhythm of two seconds, the two phosphenes produced do not coexist but alternate at a rhythm that is characteristic of the subject.

On average, this rhythm is of eight seconds per side and the alternation of the phosphenes lasts roughly three minutes.

It is interesting to note that the regularity of this rhythm conveys much information on the condition of the brain and on the influence that drugs or diet can have on it.

But, it is even more interesting to note that during these experiments of telepathy, the alternation of the double phosphenes was provoked in a subject who was located in a different room and who did not know what kind of phosphene was being transmitted. The receiver clearly perceived two phosphenes, alternating at the same rhythm as the two phosphenes perceived by the transmitter. (Experiment carried out by Mr Raoul Violay).

Even though you might not want to get involved in such complex experiments, you can observe that if you do a phosphene, it is quite easy to transmit it to another person located near you and who has not focused on the light. Moreover, now that you are aware of how easy it is to transmit phosphenes by telepathy, you will notice in everyday life, spontaneous cases that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.”
Extract from Phosphenism, a new explanation of the origins of religion.

The definition of phosphenic telepathy, or initiatory telepathy, is different from the definition of telepathy that is usually accepted. Dr Lefebure’s research demonstrated that rhythmic thinking, when it has been developed by practice, is easy to transmit to other people. Thus, the term ‟phosphenic telepathy” means ‟transmission of rhythmic thinking”.

Rhythmic thinking, induced in other people, will produce a movement in their thoughts which is not necessarily equivalent to the transmitted movement. The perception of this movement can take place in a variety of ways: either by images (for example the image of downhill skiing, of ascending in a hot air balloon, of the movement of a clock pendulum, etc.), synaesthesian sensations (the sensation of being on a boat), or by both forms of perception simultaneously.


For this experiment, you will need a transmitting and a receiving subject (which we will refer to as ‟the transmitter” and ‟the receiver”). The transmitter can place him/herself behind the receiver or they can face each other. The transmitter does a phosphene, projects it on the receiver and induces a rhythmic thought in the form of a moving dot of light. In the beginning of the experiment, the transmitter can make the spot move in a lateral pendular motion. The best rhythm to use is the rhythm of two seconds: one second to the right, one second to the left. In order to follow a very precise rhythm, a metronome can be used. The receiver should keep his/her eyes shut and remain attentive to the sensations and images that might appear, especially the ones of a rhythmic nature.

Induced rhythmic thinking has a profound action and can help unlocking certain psychic abilities. This explains why certain highly spiritual persons can trigger powerful spiritual phenomena in others, thanks to these techniques. This is the true meaning of Initiation: the triggering of energies that will help the expression and the realization of the abilities people truly have within themselves.

The implications of phosphenic telepathy are actually very profound, as it creates a relationship that involves deep feelings. This form of telepathy is much richer than the simple transmission of figures and shapes. What is involved here is a more complete understanding of another individual through the feelings one receives. This goes beyond the superficial language that we express ourselves with and which limitations do not allow us to describe certain of our feelings. Phosphenic telepathy might even be the ‟lost common language” mentioned in some legends: the famous story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament, for example.

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There are two main branches of tantrism: physical tantrism and mental tantrism.

Only mental tantrism is initiatory, it consists in transforming sexual energy into mental energy.

Various traditional techniques produce this result. For example, indian yogis visualize a goddess (or Shakti) dancing in rotation on one of their chakras (women can of course use a male image). Through concentrating like this on godesses, they end up making love to them in the astral plane in ecstatic experiences during the night.

This principle of transformation of erotic thoughts into energy can also be found with european nuns who, through concentrating on Jesus Christ, end up having sexual experiences with his image in the astral plane. The most famous example is Saint Theresa of Avila and her highly erotic ecstasies.

An efficient way to practice this type of exercise consists in mixing an erotic thought or a fantasy with a phosphene. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly produced by light stimulating the retina. They can be produced by short periods of focusing on sources of light.

An exercise of Phosphenism

Do a phosphene.
Visualize a dot of light whirling between the mental image of a fantasy and yourself.
Repeat this exercise several days in a row.
You will experience making love in the astral plane.

The connection between sexual energy and spiritual energy appears clearly in this pertinent comment by Doctor Lefebure:
‟An astronaut that would travel towards the sun will first see its light above him. After passing the point where the gravity of the earth and the gravity of the sun cancel each other, he will perceive the light of the sun coming from below him. Similarly, in the beginning of spiritual elevation, sexual forces seem to be opposite to spiritual light but, after a certain level of elevation, the mystic realizes that it thanks to these sexual forces (transmuted through exercises of rhythmo-phosphenism) that he/she reaches the greatest illumination.”
Extract from From the Praying Wheel to the Spiritual Dynamo.

The principle of using phospenes to transform the energy of light into mental energy was discovered by a French physician and scientist, Doctor Francis Lefebure. Thanks to the phosphenes, he designed several cerebral activation devices. One of these devices can be combined with the pratice of tantrism: the Gyrascope.

Indeed, tantrism can lead to sexual deviance. Practicing with the Gyrascope purifies thoughts and helps avoiding these problems.

The effects of the Gyrascope can be compared to the effects of a centrifuge. For example, when blood is centrifugated, the heavier elements are pushed towards the periphery bu the centrifugal force. As a reaction, the lighter elements (pure water in this case) are concentrated around the central axis of rotation.

The effect of the Gyrascope on consciouness is the same: the heavier thoughts will be swept out of the consciousness of the individual, producing a genuine purification of thoughts, a token of sanity.

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Modern discoveries on the functioning of the brain have deeply changed our understanding of the learning process. Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator, is the father of suggestology, the science of suggestion. His research quickly led him out of the traditional framework of medecine, his main interests were the domain of sports and the domain of education. But it is his method for learning foreign languages that made him famous. Using relaxation, suggestion and music, he creates an optimal environement for the student and can preen himself on extremely positive results: learning times are divided by two or three, long term memory is improved, all this in an atmosphere of total relaxation.

In the end of the 1970s, two americans, Sheila Ostander and Lynn Schroeder, introduce suggestology in the United States with their best-seller Superlearning. The idea that one can learn much faster and in much better conditions than what is usually admited is very attractive. Later, many other researchers express interest in this method and a set of theories is developed.

The basic postulates are the following:
Suggestology not only stimulates intelligence and creativity, but it can also help neutralizing psychological blocks.
Learning is produced by conscious and subconscious processes.
Learning must be pleasant, implying relaxation and a variety of approaches.

Later, the various schools of suggestology stressed the importance of the complementarity of the left and the right brain, as well as the holistic dimension of apprenticeship and the quality of the environement. NLP contributed to this by demonstrating that every individual functions in a different way and that education should take that diversity into account.

In 1963, at the same period Lozanov discovered suggestology, a French physician and scientist, Doctor Francis Lefebure, published Phosphenic Mixing Applied to Education, a book that demonstrates the influence of light on mental processes. By focusing on a source of light for approximately thirty seconds (for example, the phosphenic lamp he designed), one can produce a phosphene, i.e. a subjective sensation of light that persists for several minutes. This operation in itself is relaxing. Also, learning during the presence of the phosphene is much more efficient. Indeed, the phosphene channels the attention of the student on the subject of study and favors associations of ideas.


You need to write a text. While you are focusing on the phosphenic lamp, concentrate on an image that sums up the subject of your text. As soon as you switch the lamp off, ideas start flowing. When the phosphene disappears, after roughly three minutes, choose the best idea and keep concentrating on it during a second phosphene. During the presence of the phosphene, other ideas will appear, richer and in greater numbers. Pick the most important theme and concentrate on it during a third phosphene; more new ideas will come to your mind, more and more structured and interesting. There are no limits to this exercise. Your reflection will keep improving.

Superlearning techniques are greatly amplified when they are associated to Phosphenic Mixing. Moreover, Phosphenic Mixing creates a positive mood, stimulates creativity, and eliminates blocks; it connects the conscious and the subconscious; it is a pleasant process, as it brings relaxation and mental stimulation. Phosphenic Mixing has a positive effect on sleep, mood and sociability.

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In India today, an initiatory exercise coming from the dawn of time is still practiced. It has been kept secret for a long time and was passed on from the Masters to their Disciples, it has reemerged in the 21st century and seems to attract many people, thanks to its simplicity and its efficiency. A simple search on the Internet on the subject can show how popular this practice has become.

This method is called sungazing, i.e. Focusing on the sun. This practice, kept up to date by Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) since 1992, allows the stimulation of the brain thanks to the energy of the light of the sun. The sungazers, who focus on the rising or setting sun, obtain various benefits: health, serenity, well-being, develoment of spiritual abilities. All these benefits are presented by Dr Lefebure in his scientific practice of Phosphensim: more than ten years before HRM, he already described exercises that consist in focusing on the sun…

This ancient practice was reseved to the initiates. HRM rediscovered it in the works of ancient yogis who practiced focusing on the sun 2 600 years ago. This practice also existed in the Ameridian, Egyptian or Greek culture, a fact that Dr Lefebure had noticed.

Doctor Lefebure is the creator of Phosphenism, a method that allows the transformation of the energy of light into mental energy. Doctor Lefebure based his works on a long esoteric tradition, but his genius consists in understanding initiatory phenomena in a scientific manner. Himself an initiate of Galip’s sensory way, a Zoroastrian, Ukrainian diplomat, he strived to find a scientific way to measure precisely what was relevant in intiatory exercises. This allowed him to design very precise exercises, after getting rid of all that belonged to religious or esoteric folklore.

Sungazing and solar healing

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