Stress is everywhere. Modern science has proved that it generates diseases. In a way, it is the scourge of our times.

We would like to present a revolutionary method of dealing with stress, designed by French physician and researcher Dr Francis Lefebure. His discoveries in cerebral physiology have enabled him to create several techniques and devices that are particularly efficient for managing stress. After a brief presentation of the fundamental factors that govern the development of stress, we will review several techniques for relieving it.

We believe there are three levels of stress:

– Stress related to the social environement
– Stress related to the cultural environement
– Stress related to what we could call the cosmic environement


Confronted to its natural environement, the animal has to permanently struggle, spend energy, mobilize all its ressources to ensure its survival: gathering food, avoiding predators…

In general, mammals are equipped with two mecanisms for adapting to the stress of survival: the first one allows them to optimize all their means of defence in order to face aggression or to adapt in a relevant manner to the environement. The second mecanism allows the mammals to give up life without suffering.

Confronted with danger, the organism triggers reflexes that will help adapting to the situation: the endocrin glands start secreting hormones that prepare the organism to function in a state of urgency.
When the animal is attacked by a predator, there is a moment when it abadons all defenses. The animal goes into a state close to hypnosis so that it does not suffer.

Lethal stress can produce a state of anesthezation where energy leaves the body. Certain authors have explored stress as a means to produce states of trance.

Today, the struggle for life is transposed to business, employment… These situations have become a transposition of the stress of survival though they are mixed with a form of social stress.


Human being are sociable creatures and they find comfort in being part of a community. On the other hand, the fear of exclusion can generate a considerable amount of stress.

In the past, banishment was just one step lower than death in the scale of punishment.

Today, there is a new pernicious form of exclusion: unemployment. In a society that is governed by the principle of profit and the worship of productivity, unemployment is often experienced as a violent form of social stress, as individuals feel like they are not part of society any more.

Nevertheless, the main source of social stress seems to be the hierarchic bonds in the community. The frustrations related to the relationship between the dominating and the dominated generate the production of specific chemical substances that constitute a conditioning factor of social relations.

Relationships of hierarchy produce two kinds of stress: the dynamic stress that drives the young to challenge the domination of the old, and the debilitating stress that affects the individuals who cannot escape their situation.


The same way they need to find their place in society, human beings need to situate themselves in time and space, confronted by the infinity that surrounds them. Human beings who cannot identify themselves as agents of the cosmic processes are desorientated and suffer from a feeling of isolation.

The Christian legacy that governs Western society is marked by the belief in the apocalypse and the return of the messiah. Consequently, modern human beings are permanently unsatisfied and are always searching for an illusionary progress. Never knowing if this event will take place and the culpability experienced because this event does not happen generate a great amount of stress.

The techniques of stress management

These techniques are based on the systematic use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly produced by light stimulating the retina. They correspond to what ophtalmologists call images of retinal persistency or after images. They can be produced by focusing on sources of light for short periods of time.

a) Relaxation

Simply doing a phosphene is already relaxing. Anglers are a good example of this. Indeed, they spend long hours focusing on the float, and thus doing phosphenes with the reflection of the sun or the bright sky on water. Many anglers relate that this activity relaxes them in a way that cannnot find elsewhere.
In the 1950s, scientists discovered the positive action of light on the production of hormones. Today, it is commonly used for treating the patients suffering from chronic depression. Light has a major influence on the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

But, why limit yourself to the phototherapeutic action of light when you can benefit from many other positive effects. Indeed, Phosphenic Mixing (an exercise consisting in mingling a thought with a phosphene) is a powerful stimulant of intellectual activity. Practicing Phosphenic Mixing regularly improves attention, concentration, memory, as well as the spirit of initiative and creativity.

b) Alternating hearing

A principle based on hearing a sound in turn in the right and the left ear, alternating hearing balances the exchanges between the cerebral hemispheres. One of its main effects on personality is to ‟center” the individual. A ‟centered” person is less affected by stress and control their emotions better. Thus, practicing with the Alternophone helps the individual to avoid being subjected to the situations of everyday life.

c) The lateral head sway

The effects of this exercise are similar to those of the Alternophone. In fact, it is a different manner to obtain a similar result.

d) The hammock

A third variation of the same principle, the hammock exercise helps regulating cerebral alternation in a simple and fun way. The exercise can be practiced the following way:

  1. Do a phosphene.
  2. Laying on the hammock, give yourself a good push so that you start swaying. Even better, ask somebody to give you a push.
  3. Focus your attention on the sensation of swaying.
  4. You can visualize currents of energy that pass trough your body as you sway.
  5. Keep concentrating like this until the amplitude of the sways has become very small.
  6. You will be surprised by the sensation produced by the smaller sways.
  7. When you deem it necessary, push yourself again and start the exercise back at the beginning.
  8. You can also do a new phosphene approximately every 5 minutes.

This kind of exercise can be practiced in a rocking-chair, but, in this case, it is a antero-posterior sway that is produced. Its effects are slightly different from the effects of the lateral head sway. The antero-posterior sway tends to transform dreams into concrete action. It is more adapted to practicing in the morning.

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Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

You too, learn how to transform Light Energy into Mental Energy, thanks to our many animations and 100% free videos.

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Massaging techniques date back to Ancient times; they were used mainly as a therapeutic system, as certified by Hippocrates, in circumstances that are probably quite close to what they are today. Massages and the use of thermal water constitute one of the most universal forms of therapy.

Though oriental methods are quite different from the occidental ones in spirit, their practical applications show that are actually quite similar.

Every period of time has its fashion, its style, but the foundations are the same. Every season, new methods are designed and it is quite common to see practicioners who mix freely various techniques: californian massage, do-in, shiatsu.

Nevertheless, there is no philosophical system that governs the art of massaging in the West.

Shiatsu and do-in refer to the Tao, a metaphysical system based on the dialectic of the yin and the yang, creative principles stemming from a unique principle, that manifests themselves through what acupuncturists call the meridians. The meridians form a kind of network of energy composed of two opposed energies, which imbalance would be the cause of all diseases.

The object of this kind of therapy, through the medium of various methods like plants or physical stimulation of the energy networks (acupuncture needles, pressing with the fingers, etc.) is to re-establish the balance of energy within the individual.

The primal massage

Massage is an instinctive practice among mammals. Human beings are born blind. They discover the world with their sense of touch, then smell, and finally with their sense of audition.

Among mammals, many mothers are unable to recognize their young with their sense of sight: it is their sense of smell that serves as the main bond of recognition.

But, licking also plays an important part in the communication between the mother and her young. Thus, for the young mammal, the feeling of not being abandoned is connected to a form of body massage: a hot and humid contact, rhythmic, and associated to the reassuring smell of the mother.

Massage is thus a way to counter anguish and stress and, at the same time, a way to re-establish a bond of communication between individuals belonging to the same group.

Massages offer two main advantages:

– Providing an outside help: it is the masseur who gives rhythm to the exercise and has the responsability for its performance, thus liberating the mind of the patient.

– Providing an external stimulus that does not require movement: the patient is motionless and can thus concentrate on the sensations produced by the massage.

Phosphenism, a method of personal development designed by Dr Lefebure, helps understanding the mode of operation of most techniques of relaxation and meditation. We will study the massaging techniques in the light of these discoveries.

The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly produced by light stimulating the retina.

1 –  Brush, pressure or squashing

Should a good massage consist in a simple brush on the skin (californian massage) or, on the contrary, should one strongly massage the muscle (sports massage) or even firmly squash the tissues (shiatsu)?

A whole range of pressures of the hand can be found in the various techniques.

We believe the pressure of the hand should be as close as possible as the licking performed by mammal mothers; halfway between the sports massage and the californian massage. The term ‟firm brush” seems to express the idea best. The muscle should feel slightly compressed (something matching the pressure of the tongue and the snout of a Saint Bernard or a sheep…)

Gentle brush can be used during a phase of preparation to warm up the skin and relax the persons who might be apprehensive. Strong pressures can be used at the end of the session if one wishes to achieve a certain intensity, but one needs to be careful.

Strong pressures are likely to have an interesting anti-stress effect, if they are performed well. Nevertheless, this requires a certain tact. It is interesting to note that some oriental masseurs do not hesitate to litteraly ‟step” on their patients, i.e. massage with their feet and their full bodyweight. This seems slightly exagerated though it provides a relevant ‟primal” sensation.

In a simpler fashion, one can try alternating pressures of the palm of the hand, more or less firm, depending on the part of the body treated. In this case, one should not perform a ‟glissé” movement, but rather alternated pressures reminding the movements of the paws of a kitten. This technique belongs to a phase of relaxation and preparation.

In an initatory framework, strong pressures can be used. The contrasting effect will lead to a state of tension that is extremely close to a state of trance, the climax of the session. In opposition to what one might think, relaxation is not the best way to reach a state of ‟illumination”. On the contrary, the violent mobilization of the energy of the muscles is the best way to prepare it.

Let us also precise that it is the variation from relaxation to tension that is efficient. There should thus be an alternation of periods of tension and relaxation. Simply note that relaxation is a means rather than an end.

Conclusion: the main part of the massage session should be constituted of average pressures, brushes being only used in the phase of preparation. Squashing should be used only during a final phase and only for an initiatory purpose.

2 –  Fast or slow rhythm

According to the works of Dr Lefebure, the rhythm of massage should, on average, be of one alternation left hand/right hand per second. The rhythm should match the rhythm of licking of dogs or cats.

One should simply let themselves be carried by their intuition, a feat that is not so difficult to perform as massaging is such a natural need.

Nevertheless, there is a main point to respect, even more important than the precision of the rhythm: never interrupting the rhythm.

More precisely, the contact between the masseur and their patient should not be interrupted. This point is raised by certain books and is certainly instinctively practiced by many masseurs, but it is not necessarily obvious to everyone.

Without a doubt, if the masseur interrupts the contact of their hands with the body of their patient, for example to coat their hands with oil or to increase the heating, or simply to pass from the left leg to the right leg, this produces an unpleasant feeling for the patient.

This sensation can be explained by the fact that abandoning one’s mother (interrupting physical contact) creates anguish.

Consequently, the masseur should strive to maintain ‟contact” during the whole session. A session of massage is a sort of journey performed together, from A to B. If the bridge between the masseur and their patient is severed, it will be difficult to reach the goal of this journey.

3 –  Mode of operation

Do a phosphene with the phosphenic lamp, then project your phosphene on the part of the body that you are going to massage. This process will deepen the effects of the massage.


First phase: – The patient lays on their belly: back, right leg, left leg. Left part of the back, right part of the back.

Second phase: – The patient lays on their back: right leg, left leg, right part of the chest, left part of the chest.

Then move behind the head of the patient, massage both sides at the same time, with a very light movement, from the shoulders to the chin (5 to 10 times), then from the chin to the top of the head. Brush a single time the eyelids with your index fingers.

This is a basic way to proceed, it should be progressively combined with a phase of preparation then, after a certain period of training, with a final phase meant to work with ‟initiatory” perceptions.

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Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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As suggested by ethnologists, shamanism originates from the arctic regions. Its most ancient continental center is located in the northern part of Siberia. It seems to have then spread beyond the polar circle into the north of Asia and Europe. Nevertheless, shamanism as a system of relation to Nature and the Ancestors, can also be found in America, Australia and Africa.

Shamanism is actually the spirituality of all of hunter-gatherer cultures wherever their origin. It is probably the oldest spiritual and magical system.


The shamans are the connection between untamed nature from which they draw their energy and the human community for which they officiate. At the highest level, the shaman becomes the thunderbird man, a sacred fool whose inverted behavior proves that the contact with the sacred is governed by neither linear, nor rational rules. The sacred madness that invests him allows him to establish contact with the forces of the mind, the soul as well as the forces of light. The shaman then liberates the community of its imbalances and neuroses.


Though humans live within a world that seems logical and rational, comfortable and visible, they should not sever themselves from Nature and its energies, from the wild and invisible world. These two universes constitute the known and the unknown, the roots and the branches of the tree of wholeness.

Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and scientist, designed a method of development of personal energy based on the systematic use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those of which are not directly generated by lights stimulating the retina.

Phosphenism, an educational method and a tool of individual development, brings us structure and roots; using natural light and the rhythms of Nature (Naturophenology) develops a connection with the sacred.

Spiritual fulfillment or transcendence is the result of the harmonious mix between our thoughts and the energies of Nature. The initiates should work on two levels, learning to think in terms of light and maintaining a reliable connection with Nature, in order to stimulate the whole of their inner senses (or phenes). Little by little, mixing thoughts and phenes will yield results, leading the initiates to the threshold of the extraordinary and the sacred.


The energy of the elementals, like the energy of the forces of Nature and the universe, is a made of a substance that is similar to the diffuse glow (final phase of the phosphene) described by Dr Lefebure. Thus, a perfect understanding of our phenic system will help us to comprehend the processes of organization of our thoughts and our energies, in order to establish contact with the soul of the Earth, and with beings of light.


Projecting one’s energy, one’s cerebral rhythms on the elements provokes the extraction of their energy. The shapes that appear stem from our collective unconscious.

The initiates who project their phosphene on a natural light or on the rhythms of Nature, practice a mix between their phenes and their thoughts, on one hand, and the subtle elements of Nature, on the other hand. Thus, a rich energy is generated, allowing the appearance of creatures of energy: fairies, leprechauns, elves, salamanders, gnomes and other prodigies…

‟Though they belong to the intangible world, these creatures stem from specific pratices in which various mixings with our phenic elements are blended. The subjective perception of nature is as real and as fantastic as the dreams we can enjoy every night. To demonstrate this reality, one only needs to be patient and perseverant. The forces of nature and of the elements do no have a precise language but react to our most subtle vibrations, and it is our emotions that give them life.” (Daniel Stiennon)

If we respect certain limits, we can give various shapes to this energy. Seeing the shapes of characters in the trees, the clouds, the textures… is only the beginning of the extraction of the energy of an element. Certain shamans were experts at this art and had the ability to transform the shape of sceneries and forests into an appearance matching the thought-forms coming from their unconscious. Because of the power of the rhythms induced, the suggestions of sceneries became so expressive and the thought-forms seemed so real, that the onlookers delved into enchantment or fear according to the desire of the sorcerer.


Harmonization with Nature is mainly established in the location where the shaman lives, he has to meditate for a long time in a place, in order to imbue one another with their fluids. The energies of the shaman interact with the energies of Nature, allowing him to understand the spirit of things, and the bird or the stone will reveal the omen and the information that he is seeking.


The will is a principle that connects us to the energy of the planet, to the soul of our Mother the Earth. It is the silver cord of the ancients. The will takes root in the vortex of energy thet the Japanese call Hara – a term that means ‟belly” but also ‟center of gravity”.

It is the Hara center, our center of gravity, that allows us to take solid roots in this world. It is, at the same time, the interface through which we communicate with the subtle energies around us, that heal and guide us.

It is thanks to his will that the inititate feeds on subtle elements, on the energies that compose the Earth, on these wonderful fruits of etheric nature. The shaman harmonizes his inner energies with his ecosystem. He stretches his energy double until it embraces the place where he lives within his etheric body, and the whole planet in his astral body.

Exercise of naturophenology

Find a natural location that inspires you.
Choose a natural element with which you want to connect (a tree, a flower, a cloud, a rock…).
Do a phosphene by focusing on the sun through a piece of fabric. Focusing should not last for more than two seconds. Always remove your glasses or contact lenses when working with the sun.
Visualize a string of light running from your Hara to the chosen element.
What is, in the beginning, an effort of your imagination will eventually become a sensation. You should then concentrate on this sensation.
After practicing this exercise a few times in the same location, with the same element, you will obtain a form of connection with this element, generating experiences that will be the fruit of this union.

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Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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Since the 1960s, medical research has demonstrated the strong connection between stress and physical and emotional health. Meditation was one of the first techniques which influence on stress was measured. In the 1970s, relaxation techniques became best sellers. In 1975, The Relaxation Response, a book by Herbert Benson and Miriam Klipper of Harvard university, popularized the practice of relaxation in the United States.

The interest in relaxation grew in the 1980s, as demonstrated by an article published in the New York Times in 1986. The number of people practicing relaxation increased a lot. Conventional medicine adopted the concept of relaxation and physicians started to recommend the use of relaxation techniques to their patients. Relaxation techniques belong to the realm of alternative medicine and six alternative therapies out of ten are based on relaxation.

Relaxation can be used for many different reasons, among which:
– Controling anger
– Reducing anxiety
– Cardiac health
– Depression
– General health
– Headaches, migraine
– Hypertension
– Stimulating the immune system
– Insomnia
– Relieving pain
– Relieving stress

Among the various techniques, there is:
– Biofeedback
– Breathing exercises
– Homeopathy
– Laughing and humour
– Music
– Massages
– Meditation
– Prayer
– Reflexology
– Self-hypnosis
– Visualizations
– Yoga

There are many techniques available, and it can be difficult to chose one.

Nevertheless, there is a simple relaxation technique, much more efficient than the previous quoted ones, as well as much more economical. Moreover, this technique does not rely on a practitioner. You can use it at home, anytime you want.

This technique was developed by a French physician, Doctor Francis Lefebure. Indeed, Dr Lefebure discovered a way to measure the action on the brain of relaxation techniques, and to evaluate, in a scientifically objective way, the quality of the techniques available. It is by using the phosphenes in a systematic way that Dr Lefebure managed to analyse the impact of relaxation techniques on the brain, and to develop his own method.
The phosphenes are all the sensations of light that are not directly produced by light stimulating the retina. The phosphenes can be produced by focusing shortly on a source of light.

Simply doing a phosphene is relaxing, anglers are a good example. Indeed, they spend many hours contemplating their float, and thus producing phosphenes thanks to the reflection of the sun or the bright sky on water. Many anglers assert that this activity relaxes them more than any other. One can notice that the simple presence of the phosphene brings a state of calm of mind. It is thus relaxing.

In the 1950s, scientists discovered the positive action of light on the production of hormones. Today, it is commonly used for treating patients suffering from chronic depression. Light has a major influence on the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

During his research, Dr Lefebure discovered the educational properties of the phosphenes, and designed an educational method called Phosphenic Mixing.
This simple technique is very easy to practice, as it consists in thinking during the presence of a phosphene. Thus, to the relaxing properties of the phosphenes, one can kill two birds with one stone and charge themselves with energy while relaxing. Phosphenic Mixing has a positive action on attention, concentration, memory, the spirit of initiative, creativity and intelligence as a whole (by increasing associations of ideas).

Thanks to the phosphenes, Dr Lefebure discovered certain unknow cerebral rhythms. This discoveries on the rhythmic functioning of the brain allowed him to design a cerebral stimulation device that won an award at the Lépine International Inventors’ Contest: the Alternophone.

The Alternophone can be used for relaxation, but also for activating the brain or treating insomnia. Based on alternating hearing (hearing a sound alternatively in the left and the right ear, on a precise rhythm), Alternophony is a surprisingly efficient relaxation technique, creating an obvious sensation of well-being after a single session. After roughly a month of practice, at a rate of 15 to 60 minutes a day, this sensation of well-being persits between the sessions. Certain cases of depression or suicidal tendencies have been corrected permanently. The device is also very useful for treating insomnia. Some of the sounds of the Alternophone have been recorded on the Synchrophony CD, a simple and affordable way to try the method.

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Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

You too, learn how to transform Light Energy into Mental Energy, thanks to our many animations and 100% free videos.

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In Initatory Experiences Vol. 3, Dr Lefebure, a French physician and researcher, sheds a new light on reincarnation, the belief of the survival of the soul after death.
This belief, expressed by the building of tombs and the creation of funerary rites goes back at least to the neanderthal era (80 000 BC). In one form or another, funerary rites have been practiced by all cultures at all times, a proof of the universality of the belief in the other-world.

In the West, the Celtic druids, Pythagoras and also Plato aknowledged the doctrine of reincarnation.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Essenian and Kabalist texts of the Judaic tradition, all mention reincarnation. It was also the belief of the followers of Gnosis.

One of the main thinkers of the early Christian Church, Origen (185-254), believed that the soul travels through various worlds and that unlike the earthly stage, the other universes do not imply incarnation.

The Cathars or Albigenses of the 13th century were inspired by Origen’s notion of reincarnation.

In the Muslim religion, the notion of the reincarnation of the soul is not explicitely taught, but it is mentioned in the esoteric teachings (secret teachings).

For example, the great Iranian Sufi master Bahram Elahi mentions the reincarnation of the soul in his book The Way to Perfection. According to him, humans have 50 000 years to attain illumination and, within this time limit, they have to follow a cycle of lives, deaths and births.

The Indian universities study reincarnation as an actual fact. Some very young children can give extremely precise details about a previous incarnation.

According to the Baghavad-Gîtâ, ‟The incarnated soul discards its old bodies and puts on new ones, like a person who exchanges an old garment for a new one”.

The soul thus moves on from incarnation to incarnation: ‟Because death is certain for the one who is born and birth is certain for the one who is dead”.

Mahatma Gandhi, a short time before his death, presided over a commission that studied the case of a young girl and that concluded that her case of reincarnation was authentic.

Reincarnation is one of the major concepts of Buddhism.

Though the expression ‟reincarnation” is used in several translations, the term that is most often used by Buddhism is ‟rebirth”. This implies a continuity — death does not mean that the conditioning ceases. From one incarnation to the other, suffering endures as long as the individual has not escaped from Samsâra, the cycle of reincarnations.

However this ‟rebirth” is interpreted, Buddhism sees its only purpose as a means to end suffering.

Today, the Western idea of reincarnation is an evolution of the ancient oriental concept.

At the end of the 19th century, the belief in reincarnation appeared in the West thanks to the discovery of the principal books of ancient oriental religions. It spread through esoteric groups, like Ms Blavatsky’s Theosophy or Allan Kardec’s spiritualist circles.
It is only from the 20th century that scientists have started to express interest in the subject.

In Initiatory Experiences Vol. 3, Dr Francis Lefebure describes the search that led him to consider that he was the reincarnation of Vasco de Gama. Under the influence of initatory techniques that a Zoroastrian, Artheme Galip, had taught him, he experienced reccurent reveries in which he saw himself as a cabin boy on a ship.

‟The content of one of my reveries was particularly haunting: I was a captain and a mutiny failed because of the denunciation of a cabin boy. There was a lot of violence, a lot of blood spilt on the sea. And the impression of ‛déjà vu’ increased as I practiced the exercises Galip had taught me. (…)

Thus, three or four years after my initiation, a kind of intuitive certainty insidiously slipped into my thoughts: I had been a sailor in my previous life. Such an assumption can be questioned by reason, but not by feelings. The phenomenon was strange but absolutely not disturbing as it took place at a time when I succeded in many exams. To me, this seems to show the difference between initiatory phenomena, however imperfect, and the pathological phenomena with which they might have a few accidental common points.

These reveries lasted for several years but, at the same time, a very opposed reaction took place within me, on an intellectual level. I did not argue with the principle of this imaginary intuition that fitted within the framework of my metaphysical ideas; I simply agreed it was plausible but not certain; I knew too much the many ‛Napoleons’ that crowded asylums to avoid venturing on this slippery slope (Note of the translator: Napoleon is a typical character impersonated by the demented patients who believe they are a famous person from the past. The list could include Cesar, Elvis Presley, Joan of Arc, Abraham Lincoln and more…). It is important to note that these demented patients actually believe they are the particular entity with whom they confuse their personality. Believing that one ‛has been’ a particular person is different, on a psychological as well as a metaphysical level. Nevertheless, I was cautiously forbidding myself from reading any book about nautical history to avoid an influence that could lead me to believing I was a famous character. Indeed, for every famous sailor, thousands of others remain unknown; the probability of marking history seemed minute.”
It is only 14 years later, once this necessary period of caution was over, that the reccuring reverie led Dr Lefebure to study the life of Vasco de Gama. His surprise was immense when he recognised intimately certain extremely violent episodes of the life of the famous sailor. Establishing a connection with the failed initiation he went through at the age of 18, Dr Lefebure considered a karmic relationship with Vasco de Gama’s crimes. Indeed, the exercises taught by Galip were wrong, thus creating a paradox between the beneficial effects of the master’s laying of hands and the harmful effects of the exercises he provided.

This is what Dr Lefebure says about this:

A mutiny denounced by a cabin boy

After doubling the Cape of Good Hope, the officers organized a mutiny attempt; denounced by a cabin boy, it was aborted. This passage of Vasco de Gama’s story reminded me of an identical reverie that had been awoken by my failed initation and that, for a long time, had almost obssessed me. Nevertheless, I considered this indication as rather vague, as this kind of incident had certainly occured many times throughout history. (…)

The crimes in India, the boarding and the burning of the Merri

‟Vasco had left with a heart full of vengeance, the Portuguese merchants of the trading post that he had founded had been murdered.

When it approached the coast of India, the Portuguese fleet encountered a ship that was sailing from Calicut to Mecca, unarmed, full of pilgrims travelling with the riches they were going to offer to their religion. Sadly, Vasco was governed by his lust for vengeance: attacking unarmed pilgrims did not seem shameful to him. He judged that the deed would be relevant politically, though all his officers disagreed. Consequently, this can be considered a genuine personal crime. Vasco had the boat boarded and inspected. The recalcitrants were thrown overboard and the ship was set on fire. The Merri burned all night. Gama ordered soldiers on rowboats to catch those who tried to swim to the shore and to stab them with swords. The sea was covered in red blood! Gama contemplated this scene from the bridge. All historians concur in qualifying this massacre as a shameful stain of blood on the history of Portugal. As odd as it seems though, it is when I read the description of this crime that I recognized that it was mine; this triggered something within me. Reading about the attack of the Merri and the pointless bloodbath that ensued, enrooted within my feelings the idea that I was related to Vasco de Gama, even though I still doubt it on an intellectual level.

Reading the historian Olsen’s account of the attack of the Merri produced a feeling that is difficult to define. It is as if both ends of infinity joined within me, a sensation I had been waiting for for a long time; it was as if my life had gone full circle, as if I had circumnavigated time.

I did not feel any indignation nor disgust for this crime, no fear of consequences for my present incarnation, but an immense feeling of relaxation, of relief: at last I knew why I encoutered so many hurdles during my life, so many conflicts, so much lonely suffering during my mystical training and the reason for the failure of my initiation at the age of 18. It was as if I had cut open the abscess that poisoned the eternal being within myself, I experienced a sensation of relief, of liberation. It is this feeling that convinced me, even though, on an intellectual level, I had to recognize that I had no proof whatsoever. A strange kind of inner examination had led me to the following conclusion:

‛I AM VASCO DE GAMA AND I PAYED FOR MY CRIMES THROUGH AN INITIATORY TRAGEDY’. The crimes commited in India had generated the misunderstanding between Galip and myself, regarding the exercise of ocular convergence. This idea became a catalyst for the long gestation of desires, prayers, reveries and research that was my life, following me from day to day and often guiding me.”
Jean Charon’s book I Have Lived for 15 Billion Years sheds a new light on Dr Lefebure’s subjective experience.
The basic principle of Jean Charon’s complex relativity theory is the following: the electron, an elementary particule of matter, could be constituted of two parts imbricated intimately into each other. The first one is physical, it belongs to the real world we know and it is well understood by physicists. The second one, psychic, belongs to a world that neighbours ours and is unknown to physicists.
The electron evolving in that space has the following properties:

  • Complete memory
  • The ability to reason
  • The ability to communicate with the other electrons
  • The ability to act.

Human beings, constituted of billions of electrons, have one that is more elevated spiritually, it is the electron ‟I”. It is different from the others. A hierarchy is established in relation to this electron. There is the electron that manages a cell (the worker), the electron that manages several cells (the foreman), the electron that manages a function of the organism (the executive) like the liver, the spleen, etc.

What happens when we are in touch with our electron ‟I”? When it has an opportunity, it receives our questions. If it can aswer them, it does. If the question is related to a period of history that the electron ‟I” has not experienced, it questions the memory of its ‟colleagues”. It then translates it into information and sends it to us.

When an organism dies, its electrons, liberated, are assembled again in new structures that can associate electrons coming from different sources and periods. Reincarnation does not obey the simplistic concept of transfer of soul from one body to another. The electrons are the guardians of memory. Each electron that has been part of a structure can keep the memory of this structure.

We also exchange electrons by breathing. We absorb some when we inhale, and release some when we exhale. Let us suppose that a medium is sitting in a room, next to an Egyptian mummy. The latter keeps releasing electrons, slowly but surely. It becomes easier to understand how can a medium obtain information from a different period of time.
Certain sentences take on a new meaning. When Jesus said: ‟I am within you”, what could be truer? Those who lived near Jesus absorbed some of Jesus’ electrons through breathing. Who knows, maybe you have an electron that belonged to Jesus within you?

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Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

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