By: Simon Pierre L.

When I was a small boy, I used to gaze at the sun and I would enjoy following the patch of various colors that appeared afterwards.
When the sun was high in the sky (I live in a very sunny area) I would observe the patches of light on the moving leaves. That used to impress me a lot. I used to tell myself I was witnessing the manifestation of supernatural beings.

As I used to sit down on my own on the veranda during sunny afternoons, I used to have the impression that shadows were passing in front of me. I would jump to see who it was and, of course, would never find anything. However, I was certain I had seen someone. My mother started to tell me stories about dwarves, leprechauns, genies… and I even remember that she mentioned that if we observed the moon for a long enough time, we would see a foot appear. So, in the evenings, I started to gaze at the moon in secret while recalling all those stories.

I started to have amazing dreams; they were dreams of great adventures and, in the morning, I would feel so filled with joy that I would sometimes try to enact them (it is only later, thanks to Phosphenism, that I understood what provoked them).

Later, my interest moved towards the paranormal and aliens, amongst other things. I was very young but the films and the documentaries on these subjects used to attract me, to enthrall me, to fascinate me. Then, I started to experience dreams of flying. During those dreams, I was often a female character. I was being chased and would end up blocked by a chasm. I would then decide to step over it and would start flying like the Iron Man.

These recurring dreams started to scare me because in our african traditions, taking off in a dream is assimilated to practicing sorcery, unlike other cultures that assimilate it to spiritual awakening…

Consequently, I never mentioned these experiences. I only cared for the fact that they would produce a feeling of indescribable joy and power. Let me mention that, at school, I was a clever boy, gifted with a good memory and that I obtained good results with no real difficulty.

Later, I discovered a new passion: fishing. I come from a forested region of Ivory Coast where there are many rivers and watercourses. We used to fish during the entire school holidays. I remember that we used to leave in the morning and come back in the evening, happy to have enjoyed good moments. During that period, my taste for occultism started to take shape and I started to read books and attend seminars.

I was driven by a thirst, a need for the mysterious, the wondrous and that allowed me to make my way into the domain of esotericism. One day, I told a famous clairvoyant of the difficulties I had to concentrate and to remember my dreams. He told me: ‟I am going to tell you a secret but, keep it for yourself. Lock yourself up in a dark room, light a candle, focus on the flame, then close your eyes. Do this for roughly twenty minutes and see the effects for yourself”.
I did what he advised and my capacity to foresee events became sharper and sharper.

I discovered the term ‟phosphene” for the first time in Anthor’s book ‟A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening”. I enjoyed that book, as it comforted me in the direction I was following. Then, one day, I discovered the Phosphenism website and the “Phosphenic Energy Universe” magazine. It was as if my entire life found meaning again, as if I could understand everything.

Doctor Lefebure is at the same time one of the most important scientific and spiritual researcher, as well as a prophet who has inaugurated a new era where mystification and obscurantism are obsolete. Thanks to Phosphenism, thousands of years of initiatory secrets are unveiled. Initiatory knowledge can finally be understood and accessed by all. Science and Initiation have, at last, found a common ground.

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By: Simon Pierre L.

The term tarot is a word that can be reversed: ROTA, meaning wheel. It is a divinatory game composed of 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. The arcana of the tarot, with their symbolism, constitute messages emanating from our deepest subconscious and from the collective unconscious, common to all humanity. No one really knows the precise origin of these cards, nor the exact signification that the had whey they first appeared.

However, everyone tries to interpret them haphazardly, being conscious of the profound initiatory message carried by the arcana. The first trump card of the tarot is called the Juggler. Its signification, which is usually very important, is provided by Franz Bardon in his book ‟The Path of the True Magical Initiation”. Dr Fernand Rozier has also used it on the cover of his book, ‟A Course of High Magic”.

The Juggler is also called the Magician, i. e. he who realizes the quadrupole magnet, the divine tetragrammaton, mastery over the four elements. In the concept of magic, the four elements are the basis of initiatory development as they constitute the basic stones with which the mage builds. Traditionally, they are fire, water, air and earth. But, these elements actually are the four verbs of initiation: to dare, to want, to know, to be silent.

Initiatory knowledge is not a mystification, it is based on laws and principles that anyone can experiment with. Daring is the force that allows the student, who wants to become a mage, to delve into the conquest of the unknown by banishing fear and doubt.

But, a mage is not ephemeral nor is he fanatical, as all the aspects of his behavior on the path are regulated by a tested knowledge. He remains silent because everyone thinks he is only a wandering entertainer, a prestidigitator, nothing more.

Today, Dr Lefebure’s works can help us understanding the rationality hidden behind certain initiatory secrets. To understand that, one needs to explain in detail the signification of the Juggler.

A young man, full of confidence is represented on the trump. In front of him, there is a table with various objects. With one hand, he indicates the sky, with the other one, he points at the earth. That is simply the expression of the old hermetic saying: ‟As above, so below”.

The signification of this trump is usually only understood by those who are taking their first steps on the path of the occult. What most people do not know, is that this understanding actually constitutes the theoretical aspect of the Juggler. Its initiatory signification is even more profound and concrete. The Juggler faces the rising sun. It is obvious because that position allows him to have a better visibility, his game being a game of skill. He gazes at the horizon and, consequently cannot avoid looking at the sun: he is thus doing a phosphene.

Considering the very efficient role of phosphenes in personal development, one can understand where the Juggler finds his serenity, his skill and the quality of mage that is attributed to him.

On his head there is a large hat, showing that he is protected from the sun and can do phosphenes safely.

The shape of his hat is characteristic and many occultists want to interpret it as the symbol of infinity, as if it indicated infinity. Actually, the Juggler is performing rotations and figure-of-8 head sways.
The Ancients, with this simple trump, clearly indicate the path of the true initiation, which, today, is accessible by all.

Consequently, the Juggler is one of the most famous phosphenauts, though not many persons realize that. Indeed, today, many people still want to interpret everything as symbols instead of analyzing things in a simpler manner. Phosphenism, as indicated by the Juggler, is the path of the true magical initiation.

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By: Brou KOUAME (Abidjan – Ivory Coast) Vice-president of the ASR (Alphabetization and Health in Rural Areas) NGO Vice-president of OPGE (Organization for the Protection and the Management of the Environment)

The crisis following the latest elections in Ivory Coast is without precedent in the development of a young nation. The extreme violence that has accompanied that crisis has plunged many inhabitants of the country in a sort of psychosis that grows worse every day. Between the crackle of the firearms and the sound of the cannon, the craziest manifestations have been reported throughout the country!

From the manifestation of a heart-shaped symbol in a bowl of soup to the perception of a cloud in the courtyard of the Ministry of Defense or the manifestation of rainbow colors emitted by a statue of the Virgin Mary, all these ‟manifestations” were attributed to divine phenomena and, for some, announced the forthcoming end of the crisis.

That is how, several days before the fall of the previous regime, I became the witness of an event that I shall share with you here.

I live in Marcory, one of the upper-end neighborhoods of Abidjan. It is an area that has not suffered from the fighting during the crisis, but that has been subjected to much looting. Like some other inhabitants, I decided to remain in Abidjan during the last moments of the crisis.

The event I am referencing to took place on April 8th 2011 at approximately 4 PM. As the access to our city had been blocked off, it was possible to get around the streets without risking to be hit by a random shot or to encounter an armed mob.

That day, down the street, through my window, I heard shouts of joy, happiness, as well as weeping. I decided to have a peep outside to find out the reason for such an uproar. That is when I saw a crowd, gathered together, gazing at the sun. The crowd was composed of men, women and children who were competing for a good spot, as the trees and the buildings hindered the observation of the sun. I thus came out of my house to see what was going on in the sky.

I joined the crowd to gaze at the sun. After a period of gazing, a blue ring formed around the sun. It seemed to darken shortly afterwards. I could hear voices in the crowd say: ‟The sun becomes blue, it is the color of the Virgin Mary”. Others were saying: ‟The color changes, it becomes pink or red, God is really wondrous”. For other persons, the light of the sun was becoming brighter. A short while afterwards, the sun seemed to rotate and to change position. It is at that moment that I heard the crowd say: ‟It’s falling, no, it’s rotating! It’s a miracle, God is supporting us during the crisis”. I saw a very agitated woman that claimed that she had seen the face of the Holy Virgin. Her eyes were full of tears. A second person, older and standing closer to me was agreeing wholeheartedly with her: ‟Yes, it is truly Mary, mother! Please deliver us!”.

I cannot relate all the feelings that were expressed that day, as they were many and diverse. But, it is with a feeling of gratitude toward Dr LEFEBURE that I assisted to that event. Though on a smaller scale, that event can be compared with the events of Fatima (Portugal) in 1917. The solar prodigy and manifestation of the Virgin in Fatima has been deciphered by Dr LEFEBURE. It is possible to compare the two events, in the light of Dr LEFEBURE’s explanations.

The various phenomena that I related above correspond to the behavior of phosphenes, as indicated in Dr LEFEBURE’s works.

Here are the explanations provided by the phosphenes about those ‟divine manifestations”.

– The blue ring around the sun: that stage corresponds to the co-phosphene. If you focus on a lamp for three minutes, you will see certain colors appear in succession, starting with a pale blue tint. That is why certain persons claimed that blue was the color of the Holy Virgin. Then, pink spots appear. They correspond to another phase of the co-phosphene, and that explains why the crowd claimed that the sun was turning red. Finally the colors of the phosphene evolve towards green and then grey.

– The rotating sun: that stage corresponds to one of the rhythms of the phosphene, the trembling at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second. It can sometimes be perceived when you are gazing at the sun. According to Dr LEFEBURE, the main interest of this rhythm is that it can resonate with the oscillations of the muscles, that follow the same rhythm. It then generates amazingly beautiful phenomena.

– The image of the Virgin Mary: a phenomenon of phosphenic telepathy has occurred; an induction of rhythmic thinking that provokes the perception of images in the individual who receives it. The lady, who was certainly very pious and who placed the image of the Holy Virgin in the center of the sun ended up transmitting that image to the persons around her. 

I have to admit that I found those experiences very amusing because the participants were determined to believe that they had a divine origin. I then understood that Phosphenism is a light that can help us see clearer on the dark path of our ignorance.

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By: Simon Pierre L.

The term self-fulfillment can be used to describe individuals who have gone through the various stages of their path of life to approach the realization of the needs of their soul.

According to Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, we experience, in the first place, physiological needs of security, of belonging, of self-esteem and finally, needs of accomplishment. The process of self-fulfillment thus constitutes the highest step. The most important element for reaching this highest step is the determination of vision. Vision is our primary vocation, our “raison d’être”, the true reason behind our existence. As soon as they are unique in some way, human beings constitute a centerpiece in the evolutionary process of humanity.

Each and everyone of us come to this world with a mission to accomplish, a destiny to fulfill. Though everyone generally admits that fact, most of us experience difficulties in determining which sector they belong to. If you are one of those, here are a few instructions for you. What gifts and qualities of yours are recognized by others, what do you like to do, in what or in which context do you accomplish yourself best?

An objective answer to these questions will allow you to determine your vision. Vision can also be found hidden behind the main flaws of an individual, as a flaw is always a quality that is not expressed the right way. Vision can also be chosen in a rational and objective manner. Thus, after reflecting upon their own needs and the needs of others, individuals can decide to position themselves in the direction of fulfilling those needs. To be efficient, vision should be based on love rather than on the effervescent search for profit. Otherwise, it becomes nothing more than ambition.

The essential principle that needs to be remembered is that vision motivated by love has a future, it only needs men and women to take shape. Vision is indeed very important but, it does not automatically leads to distinction. Vision allows us to determine the domain to which we belong (medicine, teaching, business…).
It is our dreams that determine the amplitude of our vision. In other words, the mental image that we have of our vision will create the difference between us and the other individuals. That is why self-fulfillment is a relative and personal notion. It is nothing more than the realization of what the individual tends toward.

In any case, to achieve genuine fulfillment, an individual needs knowledge. Knowledge is a gathering of information that allows to overcome the obstacles encountered by the individual. It allows projections and the anticipation of events. It also permits originality and helps adapting to all situations.

Discipline is very important in the process of self-fulfillment, it constitutes the strength and the soul of all great armies. It allows the introduction of military rigor to our attitude in life, in a practical way. It consists in using the “no” option when it is necessary and to take into account the notions of time and space in our actions. Thanks to discipline, our work will produce durable results and we will reach the maximum of our abilities. Without discipline, we produce a lot of efforts and achieve little results. Consequently, it becomes almost impossible to maintain ourselves at our peak.

The last important factor to be taken into account is assiduity: diligent work allows us to realize the needs of our soul. Someone once said that work is worth genius. Conscientious work is the best way to attain self-fulfillment. In this world, there is no future for the lazy. Whatever the grandeur of your vision, if you do not do anything, nothing will happen. Refusing to work is depriving ourselves of 60% of our chances of success. Working in the direction of our own self-fulfillment is, for sure, the best way to achieve it.
Self-fulfillment can become a reality if we decide to use these guidelines with wisdom. Phosphenism can help us greatly. Phosphenism consists in focusing on a source of light for a short time, then to close your eyes and observe the image of retinal persistence.

That important technique was discovered by Dr Lefebure. He also had the idea of associating a thought to the phosphene, thus creating Phosphenic Mixing. Phosphenes can help us a lot on our path of self-fulfillment as they tend to densify thoughts and to develop what the individual tends toward. On that subject, Dr Lefebure says: “HE WHO THINKS WHILE GAZING AT THE SUN BECOMES A SUN IN SOCIETY”.

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By: Amadou DIOP (A phosphenist from Senegal)

Psalmody can be considered as the action of pronouncing repetitive words, with the intention of obtaining a higher state of consciousness.
Psalmody is a very ancient practice in Senegal, as well as other Africa countries.

Psalmody can be performed individually or collectively; it can be done in a loud voice or silently, according to the times and the circumstances.
Psalmody presents characteristics, objectives and is performed according to particular practices and conditions; Psalmody is effectuated in stages that comprise various operations.
Psalmody comprises certain cross-sector elements that connect it to many similar practices, the techniques of Phosphenism, for instance.


Psalmody is essentially characterized by the regularity and the constancy of its practice.
Psalmody is essentially characterized by the regularity and the constancy of its practice. In the Tradition, the words chosen for repetition are linked to the period of the day or the night; they are set in predetermined time-slots that should be respected as much as possible, even if certain particular circumstances allow the possibility to make some exceptions.

The practice of Psalmody should be very regular, cyclic and continuous in order to be efficient.


The objectives assigned to psalmody are specific and varied.
One of the first objectives is the serenity acquired with time and experience. Also, if the modalities and conditions are respected, Psalmody leads to various states of consciousness.


Psalmody has an endless source of words at its disposal, various in content and form, that can be chosen according to the results that the individual wants to obtain.
The duration of a session of Psalmody can go from a few minutes to hours. Night sessions are more profitable because of the atmosphere of calm that prevails.
Psalmody can be practice alone, in a partial or total state of isolation; it can also be practiced collectively at particular moments, just before sunrise and at dusk, especially in inter-tropical regions.

Psalmody can have a religious character or be purely meditative.


The essential conditions for practicing Psalmody:

The first condition is the choice of an appropriate environment: a healthy, clean place, indoors or outdoors.
The individual should wear clean clothes, his body should also have been purified with water.
The session of recitation is accompanied by the simultaneous visualization of images related to the words.
Respect of the instructions lead the individual to levels of operationality.


The individual internalizes progressively the content of the recited words.
The recited words take shape and life and are internalized by the individual.
The words turn into images and often take precise shapes that accompany the recited words.
The individual attains a level of skill with visualization where words and images are integrated together.
Precision should be the norm for the words, the sounds that are emitted and the number of times they are repeated.

The practice of Psalmody follows certain steps:


The first stage of initiation allows the individuals to familiarize themselves to the outlines of Psalmody.
Regular practice of Psalmody develops much perseverance and allows the observation of many results.
Determination and consistency in practice inevitably lead to the obtention of a high level of expertise.

Psalmody is a cross-sector process.


Psalmody is similar to Phosphenism, in particular for their capacity to link words to images and to feed the reflection process.
With the practice of Psalmody, the soul can be freed and travel.
Moreover, the individual can attain a level that produces out-of-body experiences or consciousness extensions.
At the end of the day, Psalmody is a very ancient practice of meditation, concentration and invocation.

Psalmody presents specific and particular characteristics that can also be found in the practice of Phosphenism.

To be efficient, Psalmody should respect the same laws as phosphenic exercises of rhythmic thinking.
Regularity of rhythm = neurological connections = elevation of the level of consciousness.

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By: Brou KOUAME (Abidjan – Ivory Coast) Vice-president of the ASR (Alphabetization and Health in Rural Areas) NGO Vice-president of OPGE (Organization for the Protection and the Management of the Environment)

Education can be defined as a set of methods which purpose is to transmit knowledge to an individual (child or adult). It is, first and foremost, the action of directing the student on the path of learning.

If the scientific aspect of modern educational teaching differs from the teaching provided by traditional societies, the latter have always transmitted knowledge to the youth around a fire or during the full moon. These customs are apparently strongly related to Phosphenic Mixing, a technique that consists in combining a thought with a phosphene produced by focusing on a source of light for a short time.

With regard to these traditions, could Phosphenic Mixing always have been used in Africa, for the transmission of knowledge to the new generations? What is the state of application of that traditional method today?

I/ A teaching method related to Phosphenic Mixing

As far as the memory of traditional african societies can go, no knowledge related to cosmogony, legends or history has been transmitted without the presence of a source of light (Fire, the Sun, the Moon). The great cosmic truths were disclosed during initiations performed around large fires. After the physical trials, the candidates presented themselves in front of a large fire with enormous flames, in order to receive teachings that, for a long time, were hidden from the profane. This sheds a new light on certain spiritual realities.

It should be noted that the transmission of knowledge was purely oral and, consequently, that it had to be engraved permanently in the memory of the learners.

In our villages, during the telling of stories around the fire, we used to learn social values that we had to integrate in our behavior. Our eyes were fixed on the flames that undulated ceaselessly. And our thoughts followed these rhythms. Sometimes, we would perceive images stemming from the depths of our selves.

Moonlight, the starry sky, also represented chances of learning and being creative. That is why these moments were favorable to the experimentation of new games for young girls and boys. It was rather common for a young child to identify his/herself to a star or another celestial object.

Focusing on sources of light has doubtlessly influenced positively the political, social and cultural development of our societies, whether consciously or unconsciously. The African griots (an oral historian, guardian of the village and of the genealogy of its inhabitants) in the Manding (the Mandingues being a group of populations living in Western Africa) learnt the history of great men by practicing Phosphenic Mixing. It was also the case with craftsmen, weavers, sculptors, potters… who have experienced an amplification of their inspiration thanks to that method.
However, modern educational teaching methods have neglected that technique.

II/ The loss of the method of Phosphenic Mixing because of colonization

The educational system inherited from colonization has been the demise of that method. Our governments have tried many different educational systems ending up today with the method by competence. Such a multiplicity of methods of education reveals a difficulty: the search for a suitable educational method in order to improve the results of students and schoolchildren. However, with the new, so-called evolutive methods, the success rate in our schools has diminished, year by year. Flaws and deviations in our societies soon follow: school failure, corruption, decline of moral values. These situations are the consequence of neglecting an educational method that makes use of Phosphenic Mixing. That method used to contribute to the development of a human being as a whole, intellectually as well as spiritually.

These days are an era of technology and information characterized by the appearance of various tools for simplifying learning. However, there is so much failure! It even claimed that gaming consoles or pen and paper games are adequate means to preserve the freshness of our memory.
In view of such a situation, Phosphenic Mixing appears as a sane alternative, natural and durable. Hence the necessity to valorize or re-valorize it in Africa.

III/ Valorizing learning with Phosphenic Mixing

Today, Dr Lefebure’s research has demonstrated that Phosphenic Mixing (i.e. learning by combining a thought with focusing on a source of light) was the foundation of the influence of Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. Our traditional societies also used to utilize that technique, consciously or not, for transmitting knowledge.

Dr LEFEBURE has underscored that the decline of the civilizations mentioned came to pass because they had abandoned or forbidden that practice. Consequently, to save Africa from destruction, it is necessary to use that learning method. It is not new, as it is actually the foundation of civilization.

The appropriation of Phosphenic Mixing by Africa will help raising the level of education, increasing the rate of alphabetization, optimizing creativity, among other things. In Ivory Coast for instance, the rate of success to the Baccalaureate exam was 20% in 2009 against 38% in 2008. In 2010 that rate went back up to 24,51%. Everything seems to show that it is the system itself that is unhealthy.


Education, teaching and Phosphenic Mixing can be made compatible in order to lead to a better efficiency. That method certainly has a future in Africa, as it can end the prejudices (confiscation of intelligence, bewitchment…) that are used to explain the school failure of many children.

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