TESTIMONIES 29: Gallery of the Phosphenauts



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

Phosphenism, a very large field of experimentation.

This testimonies are dispersed under different headings in the french forum, which is only accessible to french people. We have grouped them together in order to present you a kind of synthesis.

Testimony 1
Kundalini rising & Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)

After 2min of rotation on the Phosphenic Machine and as soon as the seat stopped turning, I felt an enormous column of energy, from 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) in diameter, which suddenly began to rise from the base of my vertebral column. This energy rose very quickly up to the top of my head. Not finding ‟an exit” at the top, it descended slightly, filling the upper half of my cranium like half-sphere turned over and placed on a flat surface. The flow of energy continued to seek an exit and then went out through my third eye. It was then as if I were a kind of radar which detected all that it saw, all that it touched. At the same time, I saw this column of energy rising in a continuous stream, and a beam which swept across everything around it: I was myself this column of energy. I felt this energy within me and I also saw it as a spectator. I was in total darkness, the lights off, the video glasses covering my eyes which were closed and yet I saw everything that took place in the room as if it were in broad daylight. I was at the same time the actor within the experience and the spectator watching it. I saw a beam which swept across everything like radar turning around the axis of my body. I felt everything that this beam crossed during its rotation. After a few moments, it had become a multitude of beams which came out of my head. I had the impression that the beam leaving through my third eye was split into halves, and extending into infinity all around my head. I had had an instantaneous impression in 360° of all the things that surrounded me in this dark room, and still with the feeling of being at once the actor and the spectator.
I was totally awake and conscious during all the entire experience. It was the first time that I felt the rising of kundalini and at the same time having an out of body experience. It is a very strong and unforgettable experience…

Testimony 2
After the training course in Lyon on Saturday, the 6th of October, I felt new and different things and this continued to develop during the following week.
Context: During the course of the day, we practiced the rhythmic thought exercises and then we tried the phosphenic machine elaborated by Alain69 and presented in ‟Universe Phosphenic Energy N°3”.
Effects & results: Two days after this training session, I felt vibrations in the area of the perineum several times. I concentrated on the sensation. The vibrations were situated at the level of the Muladhara chakra; this phenomenon lasts about 5 to15 seconds.

Testimony 3
For my part, from the first seconds of rotation, I felt my etheric body detach itself and it was then ejected by the centripetal force. Imagine a slingshot which swirls and releases its projectile. Surprised, I didn’t have the reflex of letting myself be detached. On the contrary, I tried to re-enter my body. I think that with a bit of training, I’ll be able to accompany the movement instead of hindering it.
The persons who have the ability to leave the body can detach themselves in just a matter of minutes.
The file ‘sub sound’ which was playing during the rotation of the machine seems to be very well adapted to bringing on thought rotation, and moreover, it is much more agreeable to listen to than the clicking at the rhythm of 1/6th of second.
I thus encourage Phosphenists who are composers to create other pieces of music in the harmonics of 1/6th.
A big thank you to all the participants of this very enjoyable day, and to all those who participated in the elaboration of the sound files.

Testimony 4
Here are the subjective sensations which I perceived during my journey on the Phosphenic Machine.
After being equipped, I install myself on the Phosphenic Machine which was then started. It starts turning on a horizontal plane with a slight vertical incline. My eyes remain open behind the glasses; I watch the film screen while being swept along in a rotation. A rotating multicoloured image (like a gyrascope) is projected on the screen. After several minutes of rotation, the machine stops. I perceive the stimulation of my gyrophene sense. My ‟double” then begins to rotate on a horizontal plane. I make a mental effort to transfer my consciousness to my double, in other words the part of my ‟me” that is turning, and I experience a real sensation that the turning continues. I am not very conscious of the effects produced by the rotating sound emitted by the loudspeakers positioned above my head. The sensation of rotation slows down and then stops. The Phosphenic Machine goes back into horizontal rotation. I make a mental effort of keeping my consciousness in my double. I perceive very clearly the separation of my physical self from my double, into which my consciousness is totally transferred. I close my eyes and I see the image of a galaxy in rotation, and then the rotations of Phosphenic Machine come to a stop. My double continues to turn, and then it slows down, stops and starts turning in the opposite direction. And finally, it comes to a stop in my physical body.
It was a tremendous moment. The experience was very pleasant. I hope that my consciousness will have memorized the separation of my physical body and my ‟double”.
Thanks to the Phosphenic Machine, Alain allowed us to live a marvellous moment. Many thanks to all the participants and to all those who build new machines which make Phosphenism progress.
Testimony 5
On the occasion of the training course in Lyon in October, my wife Yasuko and myself had the opportunity of testing, for the first time, the Phosphenic Machine d’Alain69. Personally, I felt a very strong stimulation of the gyrophene with the sensation of a lateral sliding of my etheric body. When the chair stopped turning, I had the impression of moving laterally, as if I were buoyed by cushions of air. Yasuko had a sensation of ascension. When the seat came to a stop, she had an impression of mounting towards the sky at very high speed. This process reminded her of the film ‟Contact” with Jodie Foster.
Note: we have not cited any names; some of you will recognize yourselves in these testimonies taken from the forum. They all confirm the considerable potential of the Phosphenic Machine which, as we would like to remind you, derives directly from the works of Dr. LEFEBURE.

Ganzfeld Process & Phosphenism.

– Photo on the left :
Alternophone coupled with Mantratron.
+ Color filter to facilitate the experience.
+ Ping-pong ball cut in two halves to put on each eye and perceive the light without the decor of the room.

– Photo on the right :
Chamber allowing the loss of limits and visual cues which multiplies the effects by 100.

Francisco Rodriguez (Mexico)

After having read the testimony written by Francisco Rodriguez

(the previous one) on his methods of experimentation, I wanted to test his technique using 2 ping-pong balls.
Using a Stanley knife (X-Acto), I very delicately cut 2 balls in half, because there is always half a ball thrown out because of the brand name printed on it.
Yesterday evening I did a session with the gyropulsar and the ping-pong balls : quite impressive. The pulsating effect of the phosphene is multiplied tenfold when one puts the 2 half-balls over one’s eyes and in addition it is totally beautiful. It is a real pleasure for the eyes. One has the impression that the phosphene is going to explode just in front of ones face.
For all those who are the lucky enough to own a gyropulsar, I recommend that you do the experiment right away, and all the more so seeing that the price of a ping-pong ball is so minimal. Frankly, seeing the result, it really is worth trying. I did the experiment using white balls, but there are also balls of different colors which I am going to try. According to the theme chosen for meditation, it would be possible to adapt the color.
So, get out your Stanley knives and ping-pong balls, but be careful of your fingers…

Alain R.

Here is my gyrascope … at last ! However, it is still very noisy (I have to cover my ears with my headphones) and, in my opinion, it turns too quickly because when I close my eyes the phosphene turns for about fifteen seconds then stops its rotation. What do you think about it ?
– Motor : a used electric screwdriver
– Power supply : an alternating transformer 3.5v to 12v with reversible polarity.
– Propeller : a shiny aluminium plate bought at Castorama (retailer of DIY/French hardware store).
Thank you and see you soon.

iOS (forum’s pseudo)

ANSWER by Daniel Stiennon :
In effect, the speed is too high for the mirror blades.

TESTIMONIES 28: Dance of the Sun



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK


Ever since I have been practicing Phosphenism by staring at the sun in the morning with a thought, after one hour of practicing, I feel intense joy in my spine throughout my body. I can see that the sun associated with a thought has an impact. So I wait every morning for the weather to be sunny in order to associate my thoughts with the light.

Christophe B.

I often perceive the outline of the sun trembling. More rarely, it is the entire sun that does so. When the latter phenomenon is produced, the whirling does not stem from the center of the sun, but is always preceded by a dot of light that seems to whirl on its periphery, and that then spreads towards the center, whether brutally, whether progressively.
Friday night, at around 7 o’clock, I was coming back from my parents by car. The sun was going to set soon and was completely red, so it was possible to look at it. I was looking at it from time to time, when the driving allowed me. At a certain moment, I saw it whirling, one second clockwise, one second counterclockwise. I tried to see what effects would take place, if I practiced physical exercises while I was focusing on the sun : static muscular tensions, lateral and anteroposterior head sways, rotations of the head.
None of these exercises had any positive result. On the contrary, they seemed to confuse everything. On the other hand, I felt like swaying the top part of my body, at a rhythm of one second per side (i.e. synchronized with the sun). Thus, I performed that head sway with a rather reduced amplitude, roughly 15 to 20 centimeters on each side of the axis of the body. I then found that exercise very pleasant and the rotation of the sun seemed maintained by these movements.

Raymond R.

After focusing on the rising sun for a minute, I watched a luminous dot on its periphery. Then, I swayed with the top of my body, one second to the left, one second to the right, followed by the point of concentration that rotated next to the sun. The sun itself seemed to darken, to become white, then finally red.
I saw some kind of a cloud around it. A white halo was rotating on the periphery of the sun and caused a jolt of the sun. Then, I saw a red crescent that appeared next to the sun, swayed and disappeared, moving up. I then could see 5 red patches that seemed as big as a football, followed by a whistling in my ears.
I had the impression that I was in relation with ‟the outside” and that a voice wanted to talk to me.
I have forgotten to say that, during an exercise practiced with the setting sun, I saw a great yellow light around the sun that was flashing every second ; on the crest of the mountain, over a great distance, there was also a light that seemed reddish and that was rising approximately two meters up. These exercises are admirable and I can feel that the sun fortifies my mind.

Andre M.


I have only started practicing the exercises of swaying of the point of concentration recently and I am lacking somewhat the vocabulary that would allow me to describe my impressions. Consequently, I am going to try to express myself as clearly as possible. It was dark outside, but the inside was filled with an opaque brightness that allowed me to make out the outline of the objects.
Through the picture window, I could see the stars, one of them in particular, the largest one. After an hour, I briefly saw bright patches moving in the center of the room. I observed the curtain of gauze that undulated lightly and attributed the moving patches to its undulations. In fact, the patches were becoming more and more agitated, though the curtain was perfectly still.
I closed my eyes to drive these visions away and when I opened them again, the ‟shadows” were above my bed. I then turned my eyes towards the star and it seemed, through the gauze of the curtain, to have the shape of a cross with spiky branches and a circle in the center. I would not have been so surprised if, after having contemplated it for a brief moment, I had not seen a bright dot shine on the ceiling of the room.
That dot of light did not resemble the phosphene in any way. It was similar to the point of concentration that imposes itself to my mind. It did not matter where I looked, the walls or the ceiling: the dot of light always remained in my field of vision. The shapes that were moving in the room were now very close to me. Violent shivers ran down my spine and I could not control them.
I then performed the following silent prayer : if you are wandering souls, if you are seeking the path of the truth, if you are aspiring to live in God’s light, look at that dot of light on the ceiling, a symbol of the infinitely small and the infinitely great, and you will find the way that leads to Him. Immediately, the point started to rotate in a spiral towards me, as it was growing bigger.
The phosphorescent light passed through me and I was flooded by an intense joy. I had the impression that my body was floating in the void, above my bed. Then, I could still see the light that had flooded me, as a mental image.I soon felt the need to close my eyes. It was rather like a voice that was not coming from myself, but from these spirits and that suggested that I should close my eyes.

Richard S.

On August 28th at 9:30 pm, I was sitting in my garden on a folding stool. The summer sky was still blue, though I could already see the stars. I was practicing the following exercise : I was visualizing sparks rising from my perineum, then a yellow light rising up to the top of my torso ; then, sparks that exited through the top of my head and that spread in the cosmos, forming a great circle.
While I was practicing that exercise, my eyes were fixed on the sky. At the moment when the sparks were settling in the cosmos, a star detached itself from the sky on my left, and came towards me. It then exploded producing several colors : green, pink and yellow, forming a circle roughly three and a half meters wide. That was the first time in my life that I saw such a thing. I enjoyed it greatly and my impression, at that moment, was that I was asked to work with the cosmos.

Andre M.

I focused my attention on a star, a very beautiful star. I soon realized that it was different from the others. It seemed to shine more and I could not get my eyes off it. Suddenly, it seemed to move closer to me and then back to its original position, at a very specific rhythm (it is impossible for me to describe the phenomenon more precisely). I stopped focusing when it appeared even larger, giving me the strange impression that it was approaching the earth considerably and very fast.

Joseph S.

What I like best, is to practice the exercise of “thinking at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second” facing the sun, but with my eyes closed. Or, as Daniel Stiennon had showed me, through a handkerchief. The association of solar phosphenes with thinking at a rhythm of 6 beats per second has allowed me to obtain contact with what some would call “extraterrestrials”.
It is unbelievable that such a huge number of people still have not understood that extraterrestrials are simply the creation of our “cerebral phosphorus” or “diffuse glow” produced by the intensification of thoughts by phosphenes. To produce phosphenes, it is not necessary to gaze at the sun. The bright sky is enough.

Soleil-Phosphenes (forum’s pseudo)

TESTIMONIES 27: Various Experiences



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

During the OM sways exercise with visualization […], I was projected into a monastery in a very real way.

Patricia M.

In February, during a walk in Brittany, with the reflection of the sun on the water, I started to play hide-and-seek with the sun between the bushes. Real part of pleasure and fun. I was a bit like hypnotized by the beauty of the colors, the dances and the movements. I was in awe of the reflection I admired in the water. The show was breathtaking, something magical, I entered the dance.

Time faded away, only the importance of the colors of the arabesques, the infinite movements were captivating. They had a natural and beneficial hold on me, on my joy. The show was joyful and even enjoyable by all that it brought me in the present moment. It was of an almost unreal beauty because I was so fascinated. I stayed at least an hour to observe this phenomenon, delighted with so much beauty. When I think back on it, I am immediately propelled to this magical and enchanting moment. In these moments, time doesn’t count anymore, only the present moment counts and the sensations it brings. I wanted to tell you about this important moment. Thank you for these moments of happiness.

Paolina F.

What surprised me the most is that at night I have visions again, especially if I do my session before going to bed. I say visions and not dreams because they are brief images that appear to me, and I wake up immediately, as if to remember this vision. These are images that give me information about people, or answers that I have get a question that I asked myself, or, and it often happens, premonitory images : in July, I saw my cousin’s face, and I saw us together and 2 days later, she calls me from Corsica to tell me that she will come see me.
It was the first time this had happened. I also felt and saw the sadness of a friend, I texted her to find out if she was okay, and she replied that she was sad and she gave me the reason.
Another experience : I wanted to get in touch with someone I had lost sight of while using phosphene. It was amazing when I “saw” that person’s face come over me and say “Is that you, Ghislaine ?” And I was able to deal with a suffering that had lasted for years.
It is therefore with surprise that I relive this kind of experiences because for almost 20 years I did not have any more. And it’s very clear, it started again after the Phosphenism exercises. And in addition, my vision has improved : I can no longer bear my glasses and I have to wear less strong ones.
I would say in conclusion that since my practice, my perceptions are refined. And it is obvious if I do my session in the evening before bedtime. So I take advantage of it when I need an answer to a question I ask myself.
Having said that, I don’t necessarily have the vision the same night but sometimes the following night. In fact I have the feeling of opening onto something immense without really knowing what. As if I was connected to an immensity, or to a space. And that, I would say almost permanently. Or as if my own space had expanded. A feeling also of being connected to a lot of things and especially in full consciousness, of having the mind sometimes very far, very high. What amazes me is to still feel well anchored in the earth. This feeling of expanse is found in all directions. It’s not easy to explain that.

Ghislaine M.

Since practicing the exercises, I feel much better mentally, much stronger, much calmer. I am much more balanced and more inspired, I find a new meaning in my little life. I am giving a new direction that is much healthier and happier with a certain foresight in my future.
Sometimes I even feel like I’m attracting the positive and above all I feel what is good and I think I am making the right decisions. I can say that I am at peace and serene, at least I have much more love than hatred or sadness and I have some control over my morale all thanks to Phosphenism.

Jeremy D.

I wouldn’t be as verbose as your conductor, but YES, Phosphenism has brought me A LOT in all areas and of course in music and particularly as a conductor. I have just conducted La Traviata, my 1st opera, certainly with the score, but after almost one reading, I knew the score by heart. What happiness !
There are so many experiences to have with music. At the time of my beginnings with Phosphenism, I placed my lamp at a good distance, I listened to the Requiem of Mozart and I practiced at the same time the breathing in square during the WHOLE Requiem, approximately 50 minutes. Supreme pleasure !
With a deep thought to Doctor Lefebure !

Serge P.

I would simply like to thank you warmly for the quality of your teachings. The exercises I practise with pulsated light produce extraordinary results: amazingly clear lucid dreams. For years I have practised meditation looking for this kind of results and I obtained them after just 3 months of practice with pulsated light.

Manuel S.

My capacity for “clairvoyance” has become much clearer (I have been clairvoyant for years now). I used to perceive scenes that lasted 30 minutes or more. I now perceive the same scenes in a few seconds and still get as much information, if not more. I believe that is what is usually called a “flash”.

Marie M. C.

I had a vision of the formation of the earth.
I picked up a white quartz stone from the ground; I kept it in my hand and I started to repeat a mantra while thinking about this stone with the idea that it was giving itself to me. I practiced an ocular convergence at the level of the third eye, as described by Dr Lefebure in Initiatory Experiences.
After a certain time, a vision appeared. I found myself in the middle of torrents of lava that flowed all around me. The colors were magnificent with a predomination of the colors red, grey and black. Then there were torrential rains and lots of mist. Then, I found myself at the bottom of a river.
I brutally came out of my vision when the face of a prehistoric man appeared at the surface of the water. This almost scared me.
The experience was pleasant though and I became conscious that for a brief moment I had become the stone itself.
During my meditations, I have been able to note the importance of ocular convergence, as well as other small details which constitute the interest of Phosphenism. Very many thanks.

Eric T. (Belgium)

The spirit of Phosphenism is the vehicle that takes us towards great inner richness. Light shines over our horizon and radiates…
I will never be able to thank Doctor Lefebure enough for all the good this method has done for me, and also Daniel for his devotion and his continued determination and efforts.
Don’t get discouraged; keep practicing every day even if you do not feel anything, even if the practice seems boring. Our times need people that are like trees, heavy with a silent peace that spreads its roots deep in the earth and in the sky at the same time. If you give up, you will never know what Dr Francis Lefebure wanted to transmit to you.

Stephane L. (Belgium)

A very warm hello to you!
– Regarding ‟The Initiation of Pietro” and the ‟Blue Phase” of phosphenes that certain persons cannot perceive. I noticed that its appearance depends only on the state of ‟MENTAL” relaxation of the subject. Indeed, if one does a phosphene without clearing one’s mind after an activity (who said that without discipline it acts like a crazy monkey?), in most cases it will start with the green or red phase. On the contrary, if one does an exercise to calm the mind before doing a phosphene, the above mentioned phase will naturally start the cycle.


I was rereading Dr LEFEBURE’s book on thinking at the rhythm of 1/6th of a second, and I did a quick calculation comparing it to walking.
If one walks in steps of 3 feet (1 meter) per second, one travels 2,1/4 miles per hour (3.6km), a speed that any healthy individual can reach.
If one makes 6 steps of 3 feet every second, which corresponds to the thought rhythm of 1/6th of a second, one travels 6 times faster, therefore 13,5 miles per hour (21.6 km/h), a speed that can only be managed by the best runners in the world.
This speed would enable one to run a marathon in less than two hours, a feat that is considered today to be the limit of human capabilities. At present, the marathon world record is approximately 2 hours and 5 minutes. What do you think of this comparison, is it valid, does it match the effects of thinking at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second?


ANSWER by Daniel Stiennon :
‟Your observation is correct ; indeed, fast mantras are used by certain Tibetan monks and Yogis when they are doing strenuous physical activity. I know Phosphenists who are bikers and they use thinking at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second when riding up steep slopes. Practicing mantras at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second significantly improves physical performances.
The mind will always be the best doping…”
Today is Sunday and we are going to experiment with the famous Phosphenic Machine or cerebral Synchro-Cyclotron. We are a group of students who practice gyroscopic meditation, and we all have an excellent knowledge and practical experience regarding the works of Doctor Lefebure.
We all have experimented this wakening at varying degrees, as there are several persons in the group who say they are so impressed with the results that they practice gyroscopic meditation up to five hours a day,. How do they do this? There is one man who is retired, another who is a Yoga teacher and still another who is on a sabbatical… Another point in common is that we all have several years of experience in the practice of Gyroscopic Meditation.
One person started practicing in 1981 after meeting Dr Lefebure, and since that date he practices 1 or 2 hours every day!
As the narrator of this story, I would like to relate this exceptional day that will remain forever engraved in our memories.
Certain people even came from foreign countries in response to Daniel’s invitation.
And so we were all gathered together, united by the quest of the awakening of Kundalini.
We were welcomed by a Doctor and Claire, a Research Scientist at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique).
It is with a great inner excitement that we head for the room where the machine is located. As soon as we see the ‟Phosphenic Machine”, our eyes start to glitter with amazement. I cannot describe all the options available with this machine, but I am sure that even those who have a passion for science fiction would never have been able to imagine such an apparatus. We felt like children in front of an enormous toy (that would not fit into a living room) and we wait for it to be started along with explanations on how the machine functions.
Once this has been done, I offer to be the first person to set on the quest of a new adventure with the fantastic Phosphenic Machine of Doctor Lefebure’s School.
I sit down on a comfortable armchair and attach the safety belt as requested (the same as the ones used in cars).
The machine starts, and white lights are switched on as well as colored ones. A disk of 12 feet (4 meters) in diameter, forming a complex geometrical structure starts to rotate. Sounds come out of the speakers surrounding the machine.
A metal cylinder composed of the same material as metal detectors used in divination and radionic devices starts to rotate around me. In just a few seconds, one has the impression that this tube ‟sweeps” through one’s aura. Then, the seat set on level 22 starts to rotate. I close my eyes.
After three minutes of rotation at a constant speed, it stops.
I keep my eyes closed, my attention focused on the sensations. For a couple of seconds perhaps, nothing happens. Then, with an incredible violence and force, I feel as if I am ‟torn” from my body.
I then feel my double being taken up by an amazing yet very pleasant force, as if I were wrapped in a feeling of sensuality. The sensation is very powerful and, after a short pause I thought it had stopped, when the sensation of being ‟torn from my body” came back with such force that I thought someone had turned the machine on again.
As soon as this new sensation ‟vanishes” I am surprised by an incredibly powerful and majestic surge of kundalini. I not only perceive this pillar of energy rising through my body but I also feel as if I am nothing more than a ball of energy condensed to a power of 10.
I will stop my description here because even the suggestion has no effect, I believe it is better to discover such an amazing thing through one’s own experience.
After a few minutes of observation that I open my eyes again and stand up calmly.
One has a feeling of total well-being, clarity of mind: all the intellectual functions are activated.
The much sought after Kundalini, the mysterious force, is obtained without any effort and with all the benefits brought from this practice.
It is truly unbelievable, only three minutes and the opening of infinite possibilities of interplanetary travel with a fusion of consciousness and a multitude of experiences, each one more beautiful than the other…
What happiness…
This is truly the initiation of the future.
What an amazing day… Can’t wait to see what comes next…
I’d like to say a big thank you, Daniel, for all of us!

Former practitioner

After practicing the spiritual triode and significantly improving the quality of my sways, I would like to relate one of my experiences:
For a little over two months, I have been practicing the spiritual triode exercises (ascending the first week, and the same descending the following week) at the rate of three or four sessions a day. A phosphene, from its initial stage to the negative stage and then to the complete or nearly complete disappearance of the 4th light, lasts 6 to 8 minutes in my case. My practice sessions are structured in the following manner: 30 to 35 seconds of focusing on the lamp, 3 to 5 minutes of projecting points of consciousness using the complementary color of the phosphene at the moment of the exercise. I then observe my thoughts and the 4th light from 1 to 3 minutes. Each session is composed of two cycles. I try to practice as often as possible before meals, except at noon (my workplace is not quiet enough, so I isolate myself in a conference room after eating).
I have been able to notice a certain number of phenomena. During the first week of practice, I noticed the point of concentration spontaneously reappeared during the day. It is interesting to note that when it reappears like this it is much brighter than what I obtain through visualization.
I visualize a kind of small star at my root chakra. When it reappears, it looks more like a little sun; with the corresponding fluctuations in color and texture. I personally perceive blue to orange hues, moving on the surface of the point. I have been able to notice that at these moments, I automatically perceive auras as long as I am receptive.
Moreover (I am now talking about the descending triode), the point of concentration reappears objectively on the physical level but with a brilliance that is 100 times stronger than that of the usual point.
Contrary to the visualization or the reappearance of the point at level of the root chakra, it tends to remain very small, while in the other case I experience a feeling of immersion. Moreover, this is probably due to the fact that it is not very natural to scrutinize one’s perineum during the course of a day and the phenomenon occurs more on an emotional level.
During certain sessions, primarily when I throw the energy back ‟on the world”, a feeling of great heat occurs in my forearms. When I practice the descending triode, the point forms again at the level of the root chakra, and the contrary occurs during the ascending triode. In view of the laws of analogy, this phenomenon seems to be very natural and I am comforted with idea that this one of the most functional exercises. Considering the objectives set, from that point on I to noticed that my observations of people’s auras were accompanied by a more complete emotional sentiment. I also had one or two premonitory dreams. Having said that, at this level, I cannot guarantee that they do not arise from logical deductions resulting from subconscious reflection.
During the accumulation of energy charges, I can see energy discharges and sparks without any particular effort of visualization. Furthermore and to conclude, after the disappearance of the negative phosphene when the 4th light still remains and I add anterior-posterior sways to the exercise (or vertical bi-concentration) I noticed what seemed to be a resurgence of the phosphene… But when I became aware of its whirling nature and its fixed indigo color… ) My brow chakra. What astonishment… Since then, it is relatively easy to perceive it by concentrating. Having said this, I am not able to do this without a calm environment. Patience is the mother of all virtues and all things come to those who know how to wait. HAHAHA! No further commentary needed.
Thank you Mr.Stiennon for giving us the opportunity to live these fabulous experiences and in prolonging the teachings of Dr Lefebure!
With my warmest thanks.
From Switzerland with love.

Yannik (Switzerland)

Regarding inner sensations and phenomena, certain images without apparent meaning appear suddenly and then fade away: lightning bolts, flashes, vibrations throughout the body. I have sometimes felt a shock, a very quick shiver while I am practicing vertical sways, a feeling of elevation during the exercise of phosphenic telepathy or images that appear suddenly during the exercise, like the illumination of Christ, spheres connected with each other, stars, the earth, unknown faces, the sensation of leaving the physical body. I must thank you for having shown me that ‟way”.

Stephane M.

The phosphenic techniques have allowed me to develop clairvoyance, intuition, to produce out-of-body experiences, particularly sensations of flying.
In the beginning, I wanted to develop magnetism for healing purposes but, little by little, as I was practicing the phosphenic techniques, my interest shifted towards astral projection.

Françoise B.

Practicing Phosphenism has allowed me to develop a greater capacity of concentration with less fatigue. I now also have control of the emotivity related to my profession, so I have acquired a certain hindsight.
I have been able to note that the clairvoyance I practice as a profession is clear and precise. I make out events better, and remember them more.
Also, such a practice has allowed me to produce out-of-body experiences and very interesting astral projections that convey information, grant me access to the akashic records and produce visions of different worlds and galaxies. In addition, the regular practice of Phosphenism makes sleep more refreshing and I am more calm and relaxed when I wake up.

Carole H.

I have read your latest newsletter. So, I take the liberty to inform you that I practice your exercises of ocular convergence and rhythmic breathing. The breathing exercises do not present any difficulty for me. On the other hand, I find ocular convergence much more difficult to practice. I also take the liberty to inform you that I have, several times, been able to experience the ‟awakening during sleep” that you mention in ‟Homologies”. I also have had good results when I have experimented with telepathy.

M. E. B. L.

I was able to give two groups of my biology students an introduction, 2 hours each time, on Phosphenism. After the first meeting, a lady who attended told me now that she understood why she was able to predict events until the age of 20. She quit ten years ago because she felt “abnormal”. When she was very young, she had fun, she told me, looking at the sun, the lamps and the tip of her nose.
Another friend has premonitory dreams about accidents or deaths of people around her. Younger, she had many experiences but those around her did not accept her, until she was subjected to psychological tests and even electroshocks. She gradually regains control of her gifts, after being forced to quit. She confessed to me that in order to be able to look at herself, she was hiding in the wardrobe. She also liked watching the reflection of the sun on the river in front of her house. I had another success in my presentation.
During a phosphene, one of my students had a hand in front of his eyes. Suddenly, as I was standing in front of him, moving forward and backward in the dark while waiting for their phosphene to be finished, he jumped on himself, saying : “I am dreaming, I see André”. He saw my outline a little bright. I then explained to him the vision during the diffuse glow. As soon as he saw me, he took his hand off and obviously saw nothing.
I also met more than one skeptic but several got carried away. All that remains is the effort of making phosphenes every day, which is not won with most ; they are not too receptive. I have one done before my class and one at the end. I already feel that the attention to class discussion is better than with my group last year.A student put her professor in a phosphene before a meeting with him and was pleasantly surprised at the quality of it to discuss her research project.

Jean-Claude A.

I have had several dreams and visions in connection with your school. I have often seen an angel practicing ocular convergence. It even happened to me while I was on the train, as I closed my eyes for just an instant. Phosphenism seems to have really ‟taken a hold” of me. I cannot find the appropriate expression.

Gabriela V.

I was sleeping. A loud noise wakes me up. It is dark, there is no light, not even a dim one. I sit down and look around me. I see nothing. I lay down again, raise my eyes and, in the dark, see the Holy Virgin, her hands joined together, praying above me. I am very pleased to see her coming towards me; I thank her for her visit and express my joy. The experience only lasts a few seconds and she leaves. After she has left, I can still perceive three or four women in the dark. I believe they were Saints. I thank them too for their visit that pleased me very much. They do not remain for very long and they follow the Holy Virgin.

Gisele C.

I often perceive the outline of the sun trembling. More rarely, it is the entire sun that does so. When the latter phenomenon is produced, the whirling does not stem from the center of the sun, but is always preceded by a dot of light that seems to whirl on its periphery, and that then spreads towards the center, whether brutally, whether progressively.
Friday night, at around 7 o’clock, I was coming back from my parents by car. The sun was going to set soon and was completely red, so it was possible to look at it. I was looking at it from time to time, when the driving allowed me. At a certain moment, I saw it whirling, one second clockwise, one second counterclockwise. I tried to see what effects would take place, if I practiced physical exercises while I was focusing on the sun: static muscular tensions, lateral and anteroposterior head sways, rotations of the head. None of these exercises had any positive result. On the contrary, they seemed to confuse everything.
On the other hand, I felt like swaying the top part of my body, at a rhythm of one second per side (i.e. synchronized with the sun). Thus, I performed that head sway with a rather reduced amplitude, roughly 15 to 20 centimeters on each side of the axis of the body. I then found that exercise very pleasant and the rotation of the sun seemed maintained by these movements.

Raymond R.

After focusing on the rising sun for a minute, I watched a luminous dot on its periphery. Then, I swayed with the top of my body, one second to the left, one second to the right, followed by the point of concentration that rotated next to the sun. The sun itself seemed to darken, to become white, then finally red. I saw some kind of a cloud around it. A white halo was rotating on the periphery of the sun and caused a jolt of the sun. Then, I saw a red crescent that appeared next to the sun, swayed and disappeared, moving up. I then could see 5 red patches that seemed as big as a football, followed by a whistling in my ears.
I had the impression that I was in relation with ‟the outside” and that a voice wanted to talk to me.
I have forgotten to say that, during an exercise practiced with the setting sun, I saw a great yellow light around the sun that was flashing every second; on the crest of the mountain, over a great distance, there was also a light that seemed reddish and that was rising approximately two meters up. These exercises are admirable and I can feel that the sun fortifies my mind.

Andre M.

I have only started practicing the exercises of swaying of the point of concentration recently and I am lacking somewhat the vocabulary that would allow me to describe my impressions. Consequently, I am going to try to express myself as clearly as possible.
It was dark outside, but the inside was filled with an opaque brightness that allowed me to make out the outline of the objects. Through the picture window, I could see the stars, one of them in particular, the largest one. After an hour, I briefly saw bright patches moving in the center of the room. I observed the curtain of gauze that undulated lightly and attributed the moving patches to its undulations. In fact, the patches were becoming more and more agitated, though the curtain was perfectly still. I closed my eyes to drive these visions away and when I opened them again, the ‟shadows” were above my bed.
I then turned my eyes towards the star and it seemed, through the gauze of the curtain, to have the shape of a cross with spiky branches and a circle in the center. I would not have been so surprised if, after having contemplated it for a brief moment, I had not seen a bright dot shine on the ceiling of the room. That dot of light did not resemble the phosphene in any way. It was similar to the point of concentration that imposes itself to my mind. It did not matter where I looked, the walls or the ceiling: the dot of light always remained in my field of vision. The shapes that were moving in the room were now very close to me. Violent shivers ran down my spine and I could not control them.
I then performed the following silent prayer: if you are wandering souls, if you are seeking the path of the truth, if you are aspiring to live in God’s light, look at that dot of light on the ceiling, a symbol of the infinitely small and the infinitely great, and you will find the way that leads to Him. Immediately, the point started to rotate in a spiral towards me, as it was growing bigger. The phosphorescent light passed through me and I was flooded by an intense joy. I had the impression that my body was floating in the void, above my bed. (…) Then, I could still see the light that had flooded me, as a mental image.
I soon felt the need to close my eyes. It was rather like a voice that was not coming from myself, but from these spirits and that suggested that I should close my eyes.

Richard S.

On August 28th at 9:30 pm, I was sitting in my garden on a folding stool. The summer sky was still blue, though I could already see the stars. I was practicing the following exercise: I was visualizing sparks rising from my perineum, then a yellow light rising up to the top of my torso; then, sparks that exited through the top of my head and that spread in the cosmos, forming a great circle.
While I was practicing that exercise, my eyes were fixed on the sky. At the moment when the sparks were settling in the cosmos, a star detached itself from the sky on my left, and came towards me. It then exploded producing several colors: green, pink and yellow, forming a circle roughly three and a half meters wide. That was the first time in my life that I saw such a thing. I enjoyed it greatly and my impression, at that moment, was that I was asked to work with the cosmos.

Andre M.

I focused my attention on a star, a very beautiful star. I soon realized that it was different from the others. It seemed to shine more and I could not get my eyes off it. Suddenly, it seemed to move closer to me and then back to its original position, at a very specific rhythm (it is impossible for me to describe the phenomenon more precisely). I stopped focusing when it appeared even larger, giving me the strange impression that it was approaching the earth considerably and very fast.

Joseph S.

I have experienced several phenomena of clairaudience, generally early in the morning, in the state of half-sleep:
– a crystalline female voice;
– a very airy musical note, like a harp;
– several sounds – chimes.

Serge G.

During a training course, we experimented with the gustatophene. We did a phosphene and then tried to remember the taste of a food of our choice, for me it was chocolate. After switching the lamp off, and much to my surprise, I found myself going through my personal history with chocolate.
When I was 19-years-old, I had a jaundice, caused by eating too much chocolate. Then back at the age of 4 of 5-years-old, I saw myself in my mother’s kitchen, in front of a cupboard where my mother had hidden a chocolate egg. And so on, the phosphene allowed me to realize the relations I have had with chocolate throughout my life.

Christiane V.

I tried cyclogenic breathing again , seen during an internship. As a visualization, I took a circular motion to the thorax. I have to say that I have had amazing results. After a few minutes, my rhythm accelerates, more and more, and I have like an orgasm of the chest. This is the best formulation I have found to explain this very, very pleasant phenomenon.


For several nights, I have had dreams of flying…
And last night, a terrible experience, a sensation of physical annihilation… and illumination…
I suddenly felt an unbelievably powerful current overrunning me, rushing from my heart to my head, an energy that was increasing, amplifying itself, a thousand times more intense than an orgasm. I was overwhelmed to such an extend that I emitted a rattle before collapsing, panting and strengthless… It was at that moment that a white light, shining like the sun though it was not blinding, seemed to explode in my head and in my field of vision.


After having a short night (which, decidedly, seems to be a factor that triggers experiences) when I got up in the morning, I decided to practice a session of observation of my visual chaos, adding the acouphene.
After approximately half-an-hour, I was suddenly overrun by VERY STRONG shivers and vibrations in my whole body. I also heard a loud buzzing sound…
This was followed by music (classical). It suddenly resonated in my head for a whole minute!
I decided to interrupt the experiment, so I could verify that the music was not produced by my neighbor. Nothing!
I resumed the exercise and, a few minutes later, the classical music came back!
Those were my first results with the acouphene.

Athome (forum’s pseudo)

Sometimes, when I do phosphenes, I see faces that appear and look at me, or a swarming crowd with tiny faces (it’s unbelievable how much can fit into a phosphene!). Otherwise, I have seen the hollow trunk of a tree, 400 meters high, through which I could see the sky. I also regularly see magnificent mandalas. It is a shame that I do not know how to draw them.

Harmonik (forum’s pseudo)

TESTIMONIES 26: Spirituality



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

I have seen God.
 As every evening for the past month and a half, I go to bed immediately after my session of meditation with the virtual Gyrascope.
To my surprise, in the early hours of the morning, I was woken by an intense light which seemed to bathe my entire brain and my field of vision. This illumination was followed by an intense feeling of the notion of God. I understood, after having studied the works of Dr LEFEBURE, that all rhythmic thought using prayer, the recitation of a rosary, the recitation of a litany or a liturgy, etc., engenders neurological synchronizations which in turn provoke perceptions of supranormal light. But I had never expected a phenomenon of such intensity. It was something grandiose, mystic and spiritual at the same time.
I have not become more religious for all that, as did André Frossard, Academician, author of the book God exists, I Have Met Him. On the other hand, the fact of having been in contact with the divine light, or God, allows me to approach my path in life from a completely different point of view. The rest is only vanity…A very big thank you to the creator of the virtual Gyrascope, and in particular Dr LEFEBURE.


The religious connotations connected to the Christian religious tradition, such as The Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ pose a real problem of sentimentality. This is probably the reason why there used to be such heated arguments in small villages lost in the countryside about who detained the truest and best images of the Virgin.
With the school of Dr. LEFEBURE, the scientific orientation of initiatory techniques and phosphenes leads one’s interest to science in general and astronomy and the forces of nature in particular. For us, the symbolism of the father is the cosmos. The symbolism of the mother is the earth, nature and her different forces.
I communed with the soul of the earth by working on the umbilical chakra.
After a day of practicing sways and focusing on light sources, I perceived the image of a woman dressed in white in my field of consciousness. There are many references to the Virgin, but I believe it is only the personalization of the feminine force of the earth as it is understood by Tibetan yoga.
For me, these beings of light are the representation of forces that exist around us such as wind, water, fire and earth. When I perceive these apparitions, I make an effort to think that I am ‟communicating” with ‟the soul of the earth” rather than with the Virgin as the historical mother of Christ, and whose importance needs to be put into place relative to the rest of the Gospels as: Dr Lefebure pointed out, ‟…one can see that this is a family like any other, with its tensions and problems. As during the Last Supper, Christ said: ‛Woman, what do we have in common you and I?’ because she had forgotten the wine on the table.”
Mr Stiennon, I completely share your point of view. Religions are very archaic and if one is to have spiritual experiences, it is better to direct them towards the cosmos rather than towards deities.

Gilles P.

What other absolute self-reference is there outside of God? After two months of practice, I started to perceive light during exercises with the Gyrascope. Its appearance takes several forms:
– Depending on the quality of my concentration, I sometimes perceive an inner dazzling light that ‟veils” normal vision.
– Very often ‟curls of phosphenes” appear outside of my field of vision and completely fill my mind. The colors range from an orangey red on the outside and pass through the nuances of the shades of the spectrum, finishing in the center with a most peaceful blue circle, similar to the blue of a phosphene created by the reflection of the sun on water.
– Projections of light also appear randomly during the day. They are often accompanied by a feeling of peace or an extremely intense activity of the frontal chakra.

Yannik (Switzerland)

For more than four years now, the practice of Phosphenism has had its place in my everyday life. Every morning and evening, I go back with relish into these privileged moments when, alone with the light, I am listening to my soul, opening myself totally to the inner light that I feel growing and filling each cell of my body, as my eyes perceive the colors of the phosphene.
During all these years, I have had many dreams, radiant with beauty and often prophetic; I have also realized many so-called mystical experiences. But, my most beautiful discovery is that I am Light moving INTO THE LIGHT.

Christiane B.

During the course of continuous formation, while we were practicing the exercise of the initiatory chain, I heard the guides calling and I invoked Saint Therese. I then received a genuine rain of sparks. I felt flooded by light…
That same evening, when I went to bed, I practiced an exercise of ocular convergence.
Within a small ball of purple light, a tiny dot of light lit up and immediately exploded like fireworks.
Again, I thought about Saint Therese and I felt the same intensity of light. I cannot describe the joy it brought me.

Therese L.

The first and most intense of my experiences: I had just watched a report on poverty in third world countries and the faces of these children who were forced into marriage taught me so much. In the evening, almost immediately after practicing a session of breathing exercises with the Gyropulsar, I felt much sadness within me. It increased until I started crying.
I stopped the exercise and remained calm for a few minutes. Slowly, I then felt that the sadness was turning into joy. I started to smile, then laugh. I felt an indescribable joy and saw the 3D image of Jesus Christ appear; I became that Christ and received much love, a love that cannot be conveyed with words.
Phosphenism is really powerful… Thanks.

Stephanie V.

One night, I was rolling in bed without being able to sleep. At some point, I opened my eyes and felt the presence of the Holy Virgin in front of me, translucent. I was very happy and expressed my joy by telepathy.
I would like her to come back and talk to me, but that might be too much to ask.

Gisele C.

I would like to explain why I believe Phosphenism is a reality and has a connection with religion. I am a practicing converted muslim. I have noticed that, when I practice prostration and I focus on the spot where my forehead touches the ground, I perceive a faint white or greenish patch (its brightness tends to increase with practice). It is only when I discovered Phosphenism that I understood the importance of such a practice, as it is at the moment when one invokes God to obtain what they desire that I see a phosphene appearing.


I have spent about 40 years studying various religious hermeticisms, and I can confirm the relationship between the various interpretations of the notion of God, divine light, and the famous diffuse glow described by Dr. Lefebure.

Dominique. P. (Doctor of Theology)

TESTIMONIES 25: Aura Vision



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

My body becomes sometimes luminous. This happens more in the evening and in the dark. I perceive spots of light at the level of the chest and the arms.

Claude J.

Regularly in the morning (or in the middle of the night), when I wake up in the dark and keep my eyes closed, I observe luminous « wisps » in my visual field. Sometimes I can also make out the outlines of surrounding objects. Once, it was so striking that I had to touch my eyes to make sure they were properly closed; what was the case.

Geoffrey M.

The evening in the darkness, I perceive many luminous points on the surface of my body … a kind of energy which circulates on the surface of it. This experience gives me the will to continue and deepen this observation. It reinforces my self-confidence and my motivation.

Claude J.

One day in the early morning around 6:45 am, in a half-sleep, I had a flash of light about 2 meters away from me while I was in bed. There was then a formation of a phosphene. It was as if my mind invited this phosphene to come and incarnate in me. Then I saw my brain like floating in the air in the place where this phosphene had formed. There were dark spots in my brain in places. These spots disappeared one after the other under the effect of the phosphene resulting from the flash of light with which this experiment began. In the end, my brain was uniformly bright and luminous.

Jean Enokou K. (Ivory Coast)

As I observed my subjective sensations after a session, I had the impression “ to be and at the same time to contain ” a whitish mass, a bit like a cloud but quite dense, with almond-shaped eyes. a yellow light. I identified her as one of my subtle bodies.

Vincent B.

I have also been able to notice that the energies emitted by the human body have become easier for me to perceive. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the point of focus or consciousness of my mind has acquired the habit of focusing in depth rather than in ‟volume”. Before, I used to see a grayish cloud. Now, I see the rays shining and the structure of the colors (aura).
I would like to point out the aspect of extreme power and the efficiency of these exercises and I would like to thank you once again for continuing to keep the flame alive. In these troubled times, one can still ask the question when will the ‟hundredth monkey” make its appearance… May there be all the necessary ‟synchronicity” to ensure the expansion and survival of this method.

Yannik (Switzerland)

My first experience occurred just one week after my first workshop (basic formation). During that week, I had practiced three to four hours of exercises per day. My sessions were composed primarily of sways and rotations. No convergences, nor static tensions, etc.
At that time, a friend of mine who did not know anything about my research in this domain was staying at my house. It is important to mention this detail. While I was asleep, I gradually to realized that my body began to vibrate… A hardly perceptible sensation of vibrations that then became increased in intensity little by little and extended slightly beyond my body. I let myself be carried along by these vibrations that grew more and more powerful. It was as if I were carried by a current made of multiple tiny waves. It was wonderful, intense and very pleasant… almost intoxicating. I then decided to focus on a detail of my visual chaos with the idea of trying to see as far as possible… Suddenly, and even a bit brutally, a large intense and blinding white light filled my field of vision. This vision was so real that for a moment I thought my friend had got up and turned the light in the bedroom on. I sat up suddenly and was going to reprimand him. What a mistake! The room was totally dark.
What did I miss that night? This vision has never reoccurred…
As I type these last words, I must admit that in the face of this question I feel a somewhat bitter and there is a certain nostalgia about that moment.
In any case, many thanks to Daniel, and I invite all the phosphenists to sit down in front of their keyboards and recount their experiences. For my part, there is no hesitation to do so.
Make us dream!

Guillaume P.

I have started to study your method with my brother-in-law, as soon as I received your book. After a certain time, we started to get some results.
On many occasions, I saw ‟the light”. That expression, that I considered purely symbolic, is actually the only one that is right to describe the phenomenon: I thought that the sun was flooding the room or that there was a fire… or that the lights were on. I opened my eyes… it was dark. Though I knew about the phenomenon, I was caught many times.
Later, lying on my bed awake, I was practicing the exercise of ocular convergence. I saw a kind of a hole, a large niche or recess. It was partly closed by a veil hanging on two columns, behind which there was a bright light. The symbol was magnificent.
Later, while I was practicing convergence with my eyes straight, I saw a pair of eyes looking at me fixedly and then converging upwards. I quickly did the same.
I have, since, had two out-of-body experiences.

Marcel-Mario F.

I often read in bed, for half an hour to an hour. Sometimes (the phenomenon still occurs once in a while) after putting my book away, switching the light off and then partly hiding under the blanket (so that no light can reach me) and after maintaining my concentration for 5 to 10 minutes, I can see my hands glowing. I can distinctly see the outline of my fingers and also the folds of the fabric, inside the ‟nest” in which my head is resting. That phenomenon takes place with my eyes open. Sometimes, the light is so bright that I believe I could read a book, if the print is not too small, though I must say that I have never tried it.
I have always wondered what was the cause of that phenomenon (the glowing hands) and it is only after reading the passage of your book about Mixing and the phosphenes that I realized that I had probably done a phosphene while I was reading, caused by the reflection of the light on the pages of the book. It is thanks to that phosphene that I have been able to perceive my hands and the folds in the fabric of the sheets, with my head hidden under them.

Leon V. D.

I have developed clairvoyance thanks to the techniques of astral projection with the perception of locations, characters and historical situations (that I have verified through research). These experiences have often been directed towards a particular country, a fact that has allowed me to meet great people! They remain engraved in my memory and have provided me with a different outlook on life. I have been able to perceive the past through the medium of historical objects.
I have had contacts with my guide. The amount of things I have discovered in just a year thanks to Phosphenism is amazing. The potential of what could be done is baffling.

Dominique P.

I did a phosphene and saw the image of my brother appear, though I was not thinking about him at the time. I saw him in his bedroom, getting up. Certain objects had disappeared from the room, others had simply changed place.
The phosphene lasted about 30 seconds. It had the diameter of a 5 francs coin (the equivalent of a dollar coin) but I would have been able to distinguish tiny details within it, such as a fly settled on my brother’s cheek.
When the vision ended, I checked what time it was. It was precisely 7 am.
As soon as I got out of bed, I wrote to my brother to ask him if he was awake at 7 o’clock on that day, though it did not seem probable to me as I know he has the habit of going to bed very late and also getting up late, at around 10 o’clock.
He answered back: ‟Well yes, it is true, I have been getting up at 7 for the past few days… I go to bed earlier… I prefer it like that…” I had not mentioned all the details of the vision; I had only asked him if he had moved his large cupboard, as I had seen, in its place, just a simple set of shelves. He answered that nothing had been moved, nor added, nor removed. I thought to myself: ‟My vision was not perfectly right”.
A few months later, I went to La Rochelle for three days and I visited my brother’s room. What an incredible surprise! All the details of my vision were perfectly right! My brother had simply forgotten to tell me that he had, for a long time now, changed the position of his bed. That is why, from the angle of vision the phosphene was offering me, I saw the left wall instead of the right wall. My vision was actually right, it actually had an amazing precision.

Louis R.

Here is what happened to me during the course of continuous formation.
Exercise on the visual chaos: during the blue phase of the phosphene, I see a pyramid rotating around its vertical axis. I only perceive its edges, but very distinctly. They seem luminous (like neon lights seen from afar). They are of a yellow color. The image then fades, then another pyramid that seem to be made of crystal appears over a pink background dotted with a multitude of small pink circles. It is orientated horizontally. I try to focus on a detail and luminous diagrams appear. I can see dark blue, green and pink. The exercise ends a short while later.
Later during the course… an exercise of projection of the visual chaos. I am working with a colleague, I wait until the phosphene almost completely disappears before I start the exercise. I project my visual chaos on her face, while I imagine a mental rhythm, like a pulsation. Suddenly, I think about the megaliths of Stonehenge, in England, and I try to visualize them moving rhythmically in my visual chaos. At the end of the exercise, we exchange our impressions and my colleague mentions that she perceived the image of a very hard stone, hitting the back of her head regularly.

Christian B.

During the course of continuous formation, we did a workshop on clairvoyance. Two persons were transmitting energy to a third. The first one was focusing his thought on the third eye of the receiver, the second one on the back of his head. The receiver was concentrating on his visual chaos. When the phosphene disappeared, it was replaced by the diffuse glow, milky white in color. It appeared progressively.
The point of concentration, akin to a bulb in the middle of the phosphene, remained and endured like a luminous pearl. The tension focused on that point penetrated inside to unravel new, deeper zones and was again replaced by the point of concentration. The progression was similar to the progression of consciousness towards the center of a gaseous nebula. On both sides, patches of luminous mist advanced. At a certain moment, the vapors disappeared, giving way to very thin, concentric silver rings popping up from the chaos in a pseudo periodical manner. In the center, the point of concentration rotated, more and more luminous. Orbiting around it, I perceived a smaller red dot. It made me think of a double star.
During an other exercise, I had a similar type of experience, my visual chaos opened up and I saw the gigantic extension of a spiral galaxy seen from the side, with an inclination of 45°. It was but a very brief vision, though it seemed very real.

Romuald S.

An experience that took place while I was doing exercises of square breathing.
I lost control of my body and felt a sensation of paralysis in my neck, then shivers throughout my body, accentuating into a formidable energy. My body was run through by a sensation of total irradiation, coming from the bottom of my legs. It reminded me of orgasm, though it was more intense and it was accompanied by a scent of flowers. When its intensity reached its peak, I concentrated on a point of my body, an action that suddenly released the energy within me. At that moment, I saw a great white light that filled the room.
Then, I remained there, laying down, floating in a sensation of well-being.

Roger D.

During a workshop, I have visualized a small 3D pyramid. It seemed made of the same color green as the phosphene, as if it was a diffuse matter that had densified by concentrating itself in a restricted space. The pyramid of green light had a very intense presence and rotated on its axis. It was very unusual, and it only took place once.


I have had the chance to observe a phenomenon that deserves to be recounted. Last night, when I went to bed, I was next to my girlfriend, holding her hand while practicing the exercise of concentration on the visual chaos (I had already been able to notice that it was possible to transmit the sensations related to energy).
At a certain moment, she told me that she was observing greenish, pulsating lights, stemming from the outer part of her visual chaos and concentrating in its center, acquiring different colors in the process. I then continued practicing the exercise without telling her about my impressions, not even about the simple fact that I was practicing an exercise. A bit later, she mentioned that the luminous sensation had faded. I asked her to sit with her back facing me and I placed my hands on her head. I did not really know how to proceed so I imagined a current of sparks running along my arms and flowing rhythmically (every 2 seconds) through her. As I did not obtain appreciable results, I started to practice purely mental static tensions accompanied by the mantra ‟kikiki” at the speed of 1/6th of a second. Every time I would get a strong sensation, I would release a ‟charge” in her (when I was feeling a characteristic sensation of shivering). The luminous projections in her field of vision resumed almost instantly and only stopped 5 or 6 minutes later.
Another remarkable fact: she told me that she perceived ‟meteorites” moving very fast towards her. Again, one can only admit how easy it is to transmit phosphenic phenomena… as well as the importance of static tensions! I can only admit that it is not my favorite exercise after a day’s work. Having said that, I never observe as much activity in my etheric body as when I practice that exercise. It seems imperative to practice it if one wishes to produce out-of-body experiences.


I often have kaleidoscopic visions with sounds and images accompanied by a mental and physical paralysis. It is scary in the beginning, but at the same time, it is very pleasant and one feels protected. I also experience many inner flashes and my thoughts acquire much speed and flow like water or wind. I often dream that I am flying with, sometimes, the impression that I am really falling. But, what is most surprising is that, in my dreams, I can zoom in and out, like if I had a camera. Thanks to Daniel and Dr Lefebure.


I was woken up by the tinkling of a bell. Sitting on my bed, a soft light was flooding the room. The sound of the bell was resonating in my head. On each side of the bed, there were persons who were holding my hand. I could not see their faces. A third person was standing at the bed head and had his hand on my left shoulder. Then from my solar plexus, a ball of light, golden yellow in color, started to grow like a inflatable balloon, filling the entire room.
The bell sound stopped. The characters disappeared and the ball of light faded as well as the light that filled the room. Everything went back to normal and I fell asleep.

Alexandra F.

When I practice the head sways and when I observe the visual chaos (after a quarter of an hour) there is a luminous patch of purple color (intense and captivating) that appears slowly. If I am doing a phosphene, the patch can engulf it. That purple color is so intense that the greenish yellow color of the phosphene is barely visible . When I observe the details of that purple patch, I am able to notice that it is whirling on itself a little bit like a whirlpool. In the beginning of my training, I could see (unknown) faces inside. There is also another phenomenon that takes place when I practice head sways (with the phosphene or the purple patch): I perceive luminous ‟waves” (purple or greenish-yellow) that come from behind my eyes and seem to ‟maintain or nourish” the phosphene or the purple patch. That phenomenon is very bright and intense.

iOS (forum’s pseudo)

I am witnessing a very clear evolution in my ‟visual chaos” experiences…
In the morning (between 9 and 9:30) I am practicing the exercise of ‟concentration on a detail of the visual chaos”. For the first time, I have many very clear ‟flashes” that appear regularly, rhythmically, in the form of lateral lines, vertical then diagonal, like a grid. Then, a concentric circle appears, a bit like the circles formed by a drop falling in water. At the end of the circle, a small explosion of luminous patches takes place in the center, like fireworks.
That experience lasted for at least a few minutes.
Then a multitude of experiences, astral projections, visual chaos, conscious voyage in memories that function like lucid dreams, etc.

Philippe L.

I dreamed of Daniel Stiennon last night, and there was someone else with him. Daniel took some papers and gave them to the other person, saying:
” There you are, as my master passed on his knowledge and his teaching to me, it’s my turn to pass on my knowledge to you, and as a my spiritual son, it is for you to continue my work and to guide people with the light. ” And then I saw a triangular light whose top was down and approached me. This triangle was in front of me but I had the feeling that it was absorbing me, everything around me turned white, and it was so bright that I woke up. I opened my eyes, it was still dark, but I still saw several forms of light, I thought I was dreaming but I had my eyes open and I saw the time, it was 3:04 am . You know when we close our eyes and reopen them, we see sparks of light, It was the same but I didn’t have to close my eyes to see them, and it was even stronger and brighter. White and blue light and a little green. It continued like that between 5 and 10 minutes, before I went back to sleep. Thanks Daniel !

Youssef (Morocco)

I am outside my apartment, in my vegetable garden, around 3:30 p.m. The sky is covered.
For a period of 30 to 40 minutes, I experienced a visual sensation similar to what Dr LEFEBURE describes on page 47 of VOLUME I ” INITIATIVE EXPERIENCES – THE SENSORY WAY ” Ed. 1976: “… the light conquered during the he ocular convergence exercise floods the follower all day long during work or rest, whether in twilight, darkness or the sun. This light, which is not imaginative, gives an intense feeling of reality, and yet it is not physical. “ For my part, I experienced a very strong concentration of a very intense“ lemon-yellow ”color. She was very concentrated, in areas, under the eyelids and nose. The whole face was concerned and illuminated. To convince myself that I was not the victim of an illusion, I bit my lips several times and pinched my cheeks.


TESTIMONIES 24: Couple Practice



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

Experience with my wife, facing me at about 5 meters : I started practicing the little side sway, my thought was to make her sway and that is exactly what happened to her ! Incredible, I am very satisfied with this training. Thank you for everything.

David E.

On one afternoon, as I was lying on my bed with my boyfriend who practices 3 hours of Gyrascope a day, we lived through a magical experience. My boyfriend started to describe his experience. He could see a stream of gold flowing down that covered him completely. At the beginning, I could not see anything, and then suddenly I was also able to see this magnificent warm light flowing down from my crown chakra.
Then kundalini went through our chakras from top to bottom and we found ourselves in Egypt.
In a room, we saw two gold sarcophagi with two figures, male and female, who symbolized perfectly the initiatory search in Ancient Egypt.
The rest of the experience can only be described by the words: magical, unbelievable, one has to experience it to believe it…
Thanks Daniel, for your advice on how to practice.

Anne & Michel D.

After practicing a session of Gyrascope with my partner: we were lying on the bed and we had one of the most beautiful experiences. At the beginning of the experience both we saw a column of golden light that entered us and descended from our crown chakras. It filled the inside of our heads, bathing them in a multitude of colors, each one more beautiful than the other. We watched this shining emerald green ‟river of gems”, feeling a deep calm. The morning after this experience, a feeling of extreme joy and a sensation of inner beauty remained.
The experience we shared has brought us even closer together.

Laurence R. & Gilles P.

Dear Daniel,
Three years ago we received an initiation from you through transmission. Three days after this initiation, we started to live a veritable surge of experiences, to such an extent that we had to reconsider our entire way of life. Describing our shared or personal experiences would be impossible without writing several books, but we have no interest in doing so.
I will simply limit myself to this observation: in the beginning, in addition to the rises of kundalini that we maintained by practicing with the Gyrascope and the perception of our chakras, we had very religious experiences with perceptions of the Virgin Mary and Christ, and also dialogues.
In fact, this was actually very unsettling or rather disturbing, so we recalled your precious advice that I would like to quote from memory: ‟when one is young, it is better to avoid certain types of experiences. The advantage of astronomical experiences is that they are neutral.”
We would like to tell you that you were completely right and that since we have been studying astronomy, we have experiences of an incredible diversity and quality. The sensation of one’s consciousness in fusion with an element of the cosmos, a star, a supernova or an atomic nucleus is beyond words.
Maybe later, in twenty or thirty years, we might go back to our first experiences but, for the moment, the direction you gave is right for us. There are not enough words to describe what we experience or feel, just as there will never be enough words to express our gratitude for having made us discover something we couldn’t even imagine.
Another reality within reality.
PS: We can’t wait to try your cerebral synchro-cyclotron.

Pascal & Nathalie

I regularly practice exercises of rhythmic thinking. Throughout the day, when my job allows, I do as many phosphenes as possible with Dr Lefebure’s lamp.
My dreams have become more and more structured and full of colors. When I wake up and I talk about the content of my dreams, I am surprised to notice that there is a great similarity with what my wife dreams about, though she does not practice Phosphenism.
I have the impression that she receives my energy through the process of phosphenic telepathy.
Sometimes, I start a dream and she finishes it.
I am on a bridge (that I actually know and where I often go for a walk). Then, in my dream, I throw myself, from the top of the bridge with the idea that I want to fly. That is my technique to produce a dream of flying. I apply Dr Lefebure’s technique, which consists in concentrating on a detail of a sensation or of an image and, inevitably, that dream of flying turns into an “astral projection”. I try to move upwards, to rise, but the sensation is very strong and it often wakes me up. An instant later, my wife wakes up and says to me ‟I was dreaming that I was rising up at a great speed, it was very pleasant”.

Patrick G.