You too, practice Phosphenism
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You too, practice Phosphenism to develop and harmonize your chakras, the organs of consciousness!
To begin your introduction to Phosphenism.
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With my warmest encouragement to the practice of Phosphenism,
(Director of the Dr. LEFEBURE’s School)
Practice Phosphenism to develop and harmonize your chakras, the organs of consciousness!
Light, source of knowledge, is the open door to an exciting inner adventure.
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If you are reading this message, you probably already know about chakras.
So, I will not give you a theoretical lesson on this subject.
Nevertheless, as the Internet is full of contradictory information about them, I think it is necessary to remind you that:
they are energy centers of a psychic nature (i.e. of the soul).
– they are true emitters-receivers (and transformers) of vital energy (which comes from the spirit or “breath of life”).
– they allow the nourishing of the physical organism (the body) properly.
This was the great discovery made by Dr. LEFEBURE in the 1960s.
Indeed, by stimulating the brain with light, it is possible to develop the 3rd eye chakra, which lies at the very heart of the brain and is the “place” of the waking consciousness.
By the way, one of the best-kept secrets of initiates is that the phosphene which is single but which we see with our two eyes is the gateway to this 3rd eye, which in Hindu tradition is called “Shiva’s eye”.
But by stimulating the brain with a phosphene, it is also possible to act on the other chakras.
Because the brain is connected to the spinal cord, which runs down the vertebral column and distributes nerve impulses to the various plexuses associated with the other 6 main chakras.
Chakras are the organs of consciousness
So, it is possible, just with light and exercises whose secret was once well-guarded by initiatic schools, to develop ALL your energy centers.
Nevertheless, the degree of openness of your chakras is not the same according to the life you lead:
– some may be wide open, making you a very sensitive person,
– others may be completely closed, making it difficult for you to communicate, or making you feel uncomfortable either in your body or with the outside world.
– when it is not a question of energetic blockages due to traumas you have experienced in the past; which means you are plagued by negative thoughts and/or feelings, sometimes without even knowing where they are coming from.
From then on, you probably need:
– to activate certain chakras more than others,
– to energetically cleanse some of them,
– to rebalance your entire energy system.
The Power of Light via Phosphenism is the solution!
Because this power is infinite, and this is why it has been jealously guarded by lineages of initiates for millennia while being unconsciously and intuitively used by the uninitiated since the dawn of humanity.
In a world in the throes of both spiritual and material crises, the time for revelation has finally come!
Indeed, what differentiates the uninitiated from the initiated is the absence of this knowledge, which you will discover by practicing Phosphenism.
Thanks to Phosphenism, not only will you learn to practice the initiatic sways that promote:
– chakras alignment,
– anchoring to the Earth,
– decision-making and putting into action, as well as self-confidence.
But you will also learn that concentrating on a chakra to encourage its development does NOT always have to be a purely mental exercise; it CAN also be a physical one.
Chakras and conscious dreaming
And then, thanks to working on certain chakras, you will learn techniques that lead to total letting go while remaining conscious; which allows you to develop awareness in dreams.
From waking dreams to directed dreams, not forgetting dreams of flight, which are different forms of out-of-body experience, the ultimate form of which is astral travel, from now on your nights will be spent in full awareness.
From waking dreams to directed dreams, not forgetting dreams of flight, which are different forms of out-of-body experience, the ultimate form of which is astral travel, from now on your nights will be spent in full awareness.
So, this is the work we suggest you do with us, in the School of Dr. LEFEBURE, which in its 38 years of existence has led many thousands of people along the Royal Path to true Spiritual Awakening.
You’ll find thousands of testimonials on our websites!