Insomnia is a condition characterized by the inability to fall asleep or to remain sleeping at night for a reasonable length of time. Insomnia usually involves sleepiness during the day.

Some types of insomnia can be efficiently treated with the practice of Phosphenism, particularly insomnia that arises from psychological causes. Solutions other than Phosphenism must be found for physically induced insomnias such as sleep apnea, and nocturnal polyuria.

On the whole, Phosphenism can treat insomnias related to:

– Stress
– Anxiety
– Fear
– Psychological traumas
– Jet lag. For those regularly changing time zones, the circadian cycle is no longer in alignment with biological rhythms. This affects sleeping patterns and can lead to insomnia.
– Insomnia stimulated by shift work
– Parasomnia that is caused by a physical response to dream experience
– The side effects of some medicines
– The consumption of stimulants
– Insomnia related to food allergies
– A dependence on sleeping pills
– Lack of exercise. Indeed, physical exercise promotes healthy sleep
– Dehydration. Toxins and stimulants are concentred in the organism by dehydration and can cause insomnia. Drinking two glasses of water can help induce sleep within one to two hours.
– Loss of sleep with age. Even though the sleeping time required for an individual stays the same through time, the capacity to sleep for long periods of time can diminish with age.

The effects of the practice of Phosphenism on sleep.

The principal beneficial effect of the practice of Phosphenism on sleep is achieved by the regulation of the nervous system. Indeed, the phosphenes are powerful regulators of the nervous system.

Since the 1950’s, it has been understood that light has a major influence on hormonal functions, through the medium of the hypophyse, and recently, research scientists have used the structuring of action of light on the nervous system to treat chronically depressed patients. Indeed, these research scientists have noticed that, in certain forms of depression, the most serious relapses take place in the autumn, a period when light is decreasing. In various hospitals, chronically depressed patients are placed under strong lamps of 110 to 500 watts, and of at least 10,000 lux, for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, like for example, in the seasonal depression service of the Sainte-Anne hospital in Paris, France. Seasonal Affective Depression (S.A.D.) is very common in the northern countries because of the extremely long nights, and it has forced doctors and research scientists to find an alternative to the use of chemicals to solve this problem.

Light (and particularly the phosphenes) has a major influence on the production of melatonin. This explains the brain rejuvenation experienced by every practitioner of Phosphenism.

This production of melatonin is 100% natural as it is produced by cerebral functions that are induced by the phosphenes. This is a serious alternative to chemical substitutes.

So why stop at using light to benefit merely the hormonal system? Indeed, the practice of Phosphenic Mixing can be performed using any fixed light source, and so can be carried out at the same time as benefiting from hormonal or any other form of light therapy. One can therefore develop one’s attention, concentration, memory, mental initiative and creativity at the same time as benefiting from the phototherapeutic effects of the lamp.

Phosphenic exercises to help induce sleep and rest.

The effects on sleep of the use of the phosphenes is easy to notice. Associating a thought with a phosphene helps one to fall asleep. One does not fall asleep while focusing on the lamp but during the experience of the phosphene and the associated thought. Therefore, the danger of waking up in the morning with lamp still on is avoided.

This practice helps eliminating insomnia and improving the quality of our sleep. After a few days of practice, dreams become more colourful and brighter, with dream images that are often larger. For example, if a subject dreams of a mountain, it is the biggest one that they have even seen. In the morning they wake up more lucid, more dynamic, and all day they are filled with internal joy.

EXERCISE: At a distance of 1.50m to 2m, (or at arms length for the Phosphenic Pocket Lamp), and directly in front of you, look at the lamp for 30 seconds, then turn off the lamp and watch the phosphene. After 3 minutes of observation, as your phosphene reaches the end of its blue phase, turn on the lamp again and renew the operation 3,4, or 5 times in a row.

FOR INSOMNIACS: Same operation as described above, but including an important amendment; after having watched the lamp and observed the phosphene for 2 to 2 1/2 minutes, just as it changes to its blue tone, turn on the light and begin the cycle again. It is very important to turn on the light and begin again before the end of the phosphene. As before, repeat the practice 4, 5 or 6 times in a row.

THE ALTERNOPHONE: A machine invented by Dr Lefebure that stimulates the brain. It is based on the principle of alternating auditory stimulus, and can be used to create a state of relaxation, as well as inducing sleep. The 3 seconds alternated buzzing sound produces a deep state of relaxation, whereas the 4 seconds alternating rhythm induces sleep, therefore overcoming insomnia.

These various techniques can efficiently treat the problem of insomnias that arise from the causes mentioned earlier.

In the case of insomnias that stem from dehydration, a lack of exercise, or the excessive use of stimulants, Phosphenic Mixing will be effective through stimulating the sense of initiative and hence will give the individual the clarity and the will-power necessary to perceive and resolve their problem. (Taking more physical exercise, ensuring good hydration, etc).

Insomnia is not a life-sentence, and chemical drug-based treatment are certainly not the only solution. Light can be very effective, thanks to its profound balancing effects on our biological rhythms.

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Importante Note

We have done our best to provide you with the most accurate translation of our french website. Nevertheless, it is possible that some language errors may remain. So, don’t hesitate to contact us to communicate them to us.

Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.

Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.

Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)

You too, learn how to transform Light Energy into Mental Energy, thanks to our many animations and 100% free videos.

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+ 5 vidéos about Initiatic Techniques
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