HEAD SWAYSFor thousands of years, sways have been practiced in many traditions
and initiatic teachings of a very high level, with the aim of
provoking the awakening of consciousness.
The tradition of head sways can be found in every cult and religion. It can be found in the Israelite religion as well as the Muslim religion and also in the Sufi tradition, the daily practice of the ‟Sannyasin” (a wandering beggar and ascetic living a life of renunciation) in India. In Asia, it can be found in the Shinto religion (Japan), in China, in Taoist practices, as well as in Chinese popular traditions. In Egypt, archaeologists have found wall frescoes in tombs dating back to the time of Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV, 14th century BC) depicting dancers practicing ritual sways. The modern Catholic religion is the only one that has lost that practice.
Parallel to that universal practice of head sways, there is also another common point to all religious rites and mystical search: focusing on sources of light.
For instance, the Zoroastrians use the fire and the Tibetans a flame, while the sun and the moon were also worshipped. The reflection of the sun on the water is used by African mystics, Nostradamus used the reflection of the moon on a silver tray, when he wanted to provoke phenomena of clairvoyance and transmit them to Catherine of Medici. The initiation rites of the Mysteries of Eleusis, which were attended by all the great men of Ancient Greece, whether philosophers, mathematicians, or poets, consisted in focusing on a torch and then visualizing an ear of wheat with the eyes closed. In the Catholic religion, a candle is lit for prayer. In Orthodox worship, the priest sways while praying and focusing on a candle.
Clairvoyants also use that rudimentary and instinctive practice when they place a candle near a crystal ball. Again, they obtain a phosphene using the reflection of light, the ball acting as a magnifying glass. As all reflected light is more or less polarized, that explains the origin of flashes of clairvoyance. The ‟magical mirrors” are absolutely not magical: it is their capacity for reflection that matters. We could quote hundreds of examples that all concur completely, without getting into chancy hypotheses. Studying texts, religions, cults, and traditions will show to the researcher that phosphenes have greatly contributed to the individual development of humankind.
It seems that those who have understood the importance of the role of the phosphenes in the development of the individual have tried to hide it. For instance, it was forbidden to disclose the contents of the Mysteries of Eleusis under penalty of death. The Taoists were persecuted by the warlords who didn’t want their knowledge to spread. Moreover, many writers have claimed that Christ was sentenced to death for the disclosure of secrets. To that, we’ll add that these secrets were related to the ancient phosphenes’ science.
But phosphenes had never been studied, scientifically, before Dr. LEFEBURE, because of a process he calls: the feeling of obviousness. In fact, the phosphene appears as an obvious phenomenon towards which people don’t ask the slightest question.
Intuition. Strengthening of the personality, so that you are no longer subject to all the stresses.
Dream in color and ascension. Awakening in sleep, directed dream, extension of consciousness. Facilitates what some have called the “Paradise Lost” i.e. the night world. Mental and astral doubling. Astral travel.
Transformation of reverie into concrete action. Pushes to action. Development of intellectual faculties. Pushes towards the study of true sciences.
Allows us to acquire a greater strength of character as well as a certain clairvoyance on our life’s path. Prophetic visions. Premonition, useful for everyday life.
HALF-CIRCLE HEAD SWAY (or Horseshoe Head Sway):
Allows you to have dreams during which you receive advice for your personal evolution.
Initiatory dreams (dream during which the subject receives advice on the exercises to be practiced in order to quickly reach an inner development).
Development of magnetism.
Development of magnetic force. Awareness and awakening of the chacras.
Important: These technical boards, in the form of animation, constitute a working support which can only be complete and understandable if you follow a training course.
Lateral, vertical, antero-posterior, figure-of-8 sways and rotations are performed in 3 phases.
The 1st and 3rd phases are for gathering momentum, i.e. for providing enough amplitude so that you can induce rhythmic thinking.
The rhythm at which the phosphene has the most amplitude in the sways is the rhythm of two seconds, for an inclination of roughly 45° to the vertical axis.
The term ‟mantra” etymologically means mental sound. It consists of sounds (a series of syllables pronounced mentally or out loud) that do not necessarily have a meaning, but that have the advantage of allowing a continuous, regular repetition. The regularity of the rhythm allows a greater accumulation of energy in thoughts.
To maintain the rhythm, use the e-Mantratron.
The half-circle head sways are practiced on a rhythm of 3 seconds. 3 seconds one way and 3 seconds back in one continuous motion.
After you have produced a phosphene, sway your head on the rhythm, say the mantra: a vowel each time your head reaches the end of a sway.
ALL the exercises are much more beneficial when carried out with a visualized thought:
– geometrical figures, which give access to the planes of abstract thought.
– the plant kingdom, which gives access to the etheric plane.
– the focusing point, which gives access to the higher planes of consciousness.
LATERAL HEAD SWAY + Mantra EELLEE (the sound “ee” will be pronounced each time the head reaches one end, with oscillation of the focusing point on a horizontal axis).
= Intuition. Telepathy. Strengthening of the personality, which allows you to stop being subject to all the stresses.
AFTER DOING A PHOSPHENE: 1st way to practice
1st phase:
Movement at a 45° angle on a rhythm of 2 seconds (1 second on one side and 1 second on the other side).
Duration: 1 minute.
Note: The focusing point move from one side to the other.
2nd step:
Very small head’s movements focusing on the sensation of the brain’s displacement into the crane (keep using the rhythm of 2 seconds).
Duration: 1 minute.
3rd phase:
Like the first phase.
AFTER DOING A PHOSPHENE: 2nd way to practice.
1st phase:
Movement at a 45° angle on a rhythm of 2 seconds (1 second on one side and 1 second on the other side).
Duration: 1 minute.
Note: The focusing point move from one temple to the other.
2nd step:
Very small head’s movements focusing on the sensation of the brain’s displacement into the crane (keep using the rhythm of 2 seconds).
Duration: 1 minute.
3rd phase:
Like the first phase.
Only the movement of the head changes.
Note: If you have degenerative osteoarthritis of the neck, do the sways starting from the level of the pelvic region. In certain traditions the sways start from the hips, the cervical vertebrae therefore remain in alignment with the top of the vertebral column.
Vertical Head Sways &
Antero-Posterior Head Sways
(oscillations from down to up of the focusing point)
+ Mantra ALLA
= Consciousness extensions like sleep awakening, lucid dreams, or directed dreams.
Only the movement of the head changes.
With one exception:
the half-circle head sways
(or horseshoe head sways).
(oscillations from back to front of the focusing point)
+ Mantra ELLU
= Daydreams translation
into concrete actions.
For more information about the practice, please look at:
Figure-of-8 Head Sways or Infinity’s Movement
Only the movement of the head changes.
With one exception: the Half-Circle Head Sways (or Horseshoe Head Sways).
Figure-of-8 head sways, mantra EELLEE.
Combination of a lateral head sway and two symmetrical movements of rotation. Allows one to acquire a greater strength of character, a better anchorage in life, a better centering. Allows one to obtain a certain clear-sightedness concerning one’s path in life.
1st phase:
Ample movements of the head.
Duration: 1 minute.
2nd phase:
Very small head’s movements.
Duration: 1 minute.
3rd phase:
Like the first phase.
Duration: 1 minute.
Then, start again and just as with the lateral head sway do not make the point of concentration go outside the head.
Note: On each click, the point of concentration goes through the center of the loop.
Exercise’s example to be done once or twice a year: In a panoramic way, recall the broad outlines of your past, i.e. going from one event to the next, being careful to keep only the events which appear to be related to your evolution. For right-handed persons, that retrospective is to be done on the left-hand side. In other words, while practicing the figure-of-8 head sway, let your memories come back, but with the idea that they are situated on your left-hand side.
Then, when that recalling of memories has been done, a recollection which starts from your childhood and leads to your current situation in life, let the images come to you on your right-hand side: strong ideas connected to what you would like to be or what you would like to attain in the coming years.
The first phase of this exercise is not strictly speaking a form of regression. And it is not a form of psychoanalysis. A psychoanalytical approach is the opposite of an initiatory approach which represents an evolutionist initiative.
Speaking about a problem is already creating it.
The past is the heaviest thing that a person has to deal with. In an initiatic way of proceeding, we simply try to become aware of our past in order to better comprehend the sequence of events which have led us to become what we are today. Being overly centered on our past is a retrograde attitude which can only anchor our problems and our faults in the memory of our electrons.
‟EVERYTHING THAT IS IN THE MIND WILL ONE DAY BE MANIFESTED IN MATTER, and if it is not in this life, it will be in the next…” (Dr. LEFEBURE)
Meditating on what you would have liked to be allows you to “program” your future and, in terms of reincarnation, to return in better conditions…
For more information about the practice, please look at:
Head Sways in Rotation
Only the movement of the head changes.
With one exception: the Half-Circle Head Sways (or Horseshoe Head Sways).
Head Sways in Rotation, mantra OLLO (or LO for sessions in clockwise direction and OL for sessions in reverse clockwise direction).
= Development of magnetic power. Awareness and awakening of the chakras.
1st phase:
The focusing point traces circles above the head.
Duration: 1 minute.
2nd phase:
The focusing point traces smaller circles above the head.
Duration: 1 minute.
3rd phase:
Idem, same as the first phase.
Duration: 1 minute.
1st phase:
The focusing point traces circles in front of the head.
Duration: 1 minute.
The focusing point traces smaller circles in front of the head.
Duration: 1 minute.
3rd phase:
Idem, same as the first phase.
Duration: 1 minute.
For more information about the practice, please look at:
WORKSHEET #6: Half-Circle Head Sways
or Christ’s head sways or horseshoe head sways
HALF-CIRCLE Head Sways, mantra EHLLEH
Also called Christ’s head sways because the position of the head on the cross, which is not a natural position for a dead person, shows the correct initiatic exercise.
= Initiatic Dreams (dreams in which the subject receives advice on the exercises which they need to practice in order to rapidly attain inner development).
It lets one enter into contact with spiritual guides and allows one to travel in the akashic records (the subconscious).
These head sways are executed on a rhythm of 3 seconds per side and are composed of only one phase.
After each phosphene, let yourself be carried by the cenesthesic sensations during 3 to 5 minutes.
Duration: 3 minutes.
Combination of swaying and torsion’s oscillation.
That way of practicing the sways is the deepest, most natural and most highly traditional. The most natural because it is the primal movement of life.
This is the movement of the sperm cell. As it advances, on one hand, it shows an oscillation of its head from right to left which is prolonged in a sinusoidal movement of its body and the flagellum; and on the other hand, it has an oscillation of twisting around its axis. Thus, for the person who is observing through the microscope from above, we could say that it shows at times the right cheek and at times the left. Now, that combination of oscillations, twisting, and sinusoidal oscillations is very common in biology.
For example, when we walk along a wall, if we project the movement of the hip on the wall, that movement traces a sinusoid; but, in addition, there is an obvious oscillation of torsion because at times one hip and at times the other hip is alternately in the front and then in the back.
Thus, as in the advancing movement of the sperm cell, there is a combination of sinusoidal movement and an oscillation of torsion. We say that the movement of the heart is a contraction-dilation. But, in medicine, we learn that the heart contracts like a dish towel that we twist to wring out the water, i.e. with a twisting movement at the extremities, the cardiac muscular fibers being arranged in spirals closed upon themselves. In other words, the heart is a kind of cloth having four links.
Let’s project that fundamental biological combination on the movements of our head, the sway from right to left (lateral head sways).
The oscillation of twisting is the movement during which the axis of the head constantly remains vertical and the chin goes to the right and to the left. If we combine the two, the head will lie against the collarbone on one side and then on the other side. It is indispensable that there is equality between the flexion and the twisting.
It is more pleasant to practice that movement at the basic rhythm of two seconds, i.e. on a rhythm of four seconds or on a rhythm of three seconds.
In any case, it is necessary to use one or the other of these durations to create neurological pathways which are vectors of experiences. In the end, these movements are the easiest ones to do, which is hardly surprising because they correspond to the original movement of life, the most pleasant one, the one during which it is easiest to continue to think and maintain a rhythmic activity in thought, whether it is a mantra or the swaying of a point of concentration.
When you stop that movement of the head, the movement of the thought continues with great ease. In the ancient paintings depicting Christ, such as those on ancient crucifixes, the head of Christ is always tilted to one side lying against the collarbone, half-flexion and half-torsion. In the past, it was always to the right because according to tradition he would have looked toward the west as he was dying.
In more recent paintings, it can sometimes be to the left. Nonetheless, it was decreed by surgeons that it was not a normal position for a corpse attached by the hands, and since then Christ has been represented with his head tilting forward.
But if the artists of the Middle Ages represented the scene with the head tilted to one side and at the same time with a movement of twisting, i.e. the head lying against the collarbone, that is because in Christianity at that time it was still remembered that this movement had a great mystic value; in other words enormous potential for helping to produce rhythmic thinking, at the time called prayers or litanies, for helping repeat prayers and litanies on a very regular conscious rhythm.
The choir sloping onto the nave, in certain churches and cathedrals.
In certain buildings dedicated to worship, Gothic churches, for example, or Gothic cathedrals and even much more ancient small Romanic churches in the country, you will also notice that the choir slopes onto the nave.
In Quimper, for example, this is quite striking. In Saint-Malo, if we stand right in the middle of the steps at the entrance of the cathedral, we will remark the same thing if we pay a bit of attention.
And, for example, in Monteton, a small village in Dordogne where there is a Romanic church, on the door of the entrance there is an explanation of that slight incline, and our attention is drawn to it: it recalls the tilting of Christ’s head on the cross.
At a certain period in history, if that movement was marked even in the buildings dedicated to worship, it was because people thought that it was extremely important from a mystic point of view. We mustn’t forget that up until the end of the Middle Ages, in churches, dances of gyrations were practiced as well as exercises of swaying the head and the body.
Moreover, the Coptic Christians still rock back and forth as they pray. Consequently, the position of Christ in paintings and on ancient crucifixes and the sloping of the choir onto the nave indicates that it was quite well known that that movement of the head was a very important aspect of spiritual development.
Traditional nave
Initiatic and spiritual nave
For more information about the practice, please look at: