Extracts from our GUEST BOOK
I’m used to doing internships in quantum medicine. Honestly, I found this one not only interesting, but essential to know the essential minimum in order not to make mistakes while practicing the method. I had read the books, of course, but I am very happy to have learned more in a minimum of time. In addition, they are very easy to understand and accessible to everyone. A positive set for better understanding and easier learning, that’s what I was looking for. The group was very nice, too, which adds to the atmosphere of the weekend. I liked it and I will continue this teaching because I believe in it .. !!
Christine M.
First of all, thank you once again for the training last weekend which lived up to my expectations, and I am delighted. It was also my first training period in these areas that seem “alternative” in the broad sense, and I must say that it starts very well. I look forward to seeing you again, especially for advanced training, which is of particular interest to me.
Felt very pleasant. An impression of having the head which floats. Sensation at the top of the head and between the eyebrows (like a throbbing). The “AOM” at the end of the internship was very pleasant. Head to toe vibration. I practice every day now. See you soon for the rest of the impressions.
Finally achieved, this Phosphenism internship, awaited for 8 years. Eh yes ! Since all this time, my financial and social difficulties have pushed me to look for solutions and Phosphenism has been one of them. 4 days have already passed since Paris. I am amazed to have practiced complete 45 min mixes every day. Well, it’s not very easy to get started but when I start my mantra swings and the 3 visualizations, I don’t experience anything in particular but I feel happiness in me, a bit like a rebalancing, or better : a charity shower. I feel it’s fair. I also notice a change in my dreams : they are more clear (I can’t explain it very well). I felt, compared to the people present at the course, a lot of kindness and respect, it is very pleasant to be with people of the same vibe. Everything that was said made me feel good and I particularly remember the examples and suggestions that documented the course. For example : we must be attentive to the quality of our thoughts by making phosphenes (the evil always comes back to us) to the flexibility of the MIND when the adaptation of exercises, concepts, to shed light in our ideas and, ultimately, to increase my quality of life. In my daily practice, I want to do the basic exercises : those that cement a good foundation to be comfortable, happy and efficient, when I practice the phosphenes for my personal needs: memory strengthening, a plus great presence in obligations and more joy in leisure time.
A big thank you for this course which was very clear and very didactic. I know better how to use reflected light and suddenly I practice Phosphenism more often as soon as I see clearings in the sky. I appreciated your involvement for all of us and I am more comfortable now in my swing practice. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of sensation induced by the imagination. I was too technically focused and forgot the basics! In addition, you were able to give a very pleasant general atmosphere.
My mind is calmer and I feel more serene every day. The small vagaries of life have less tendency to affect me (I am aware of the emotion at the moment and it goes away as quickly as it arrived). I have the feeling that work is being done in depth, quietly but surely … without being able to say where or how, but it is being done. My practice is 15 minutes morning and evening and I really enjoy it … Thank you for your teaching, see you soon.
It has been an honor for me to meet you. It is the first time that I meet practitioners, open-minded people. The conversations have been enriching. The internship went well and I can not find fault with it, good friendliness. Even though our mental stamina was strained, I felt the benefits. During the marvelous exercise, as a receiver, the spiral that I imagined became denser inside me, becoming almost palpable. During the 6th of a second thought exercise, still as a receiver, I felt a strong heat in the solar plexus chakra. This heat was very “real”, it faded a little later, but a few seconds of attention on the plexus made it reappear. It was “fun” to see the transmitter / receiver synchronization from the last exercise. I tried to follow your instruction not to indulge in sensory experiences, so I paid as little attention as possible, trying to stay focused on the exercise. Thank you very much !
It was a pleasure for me to have participated in this course. The beginning of the “ ki ” exercise charged me with enthusiasm, and above all, I felt an inside “detachment” of my body, it was quite funny. See you soon.
Thierry B.
First of all, a big thank you for these 2 magnificent days full of promise. My strongest feeling was certainly the KiKiKi … collective, the effects of which are almost impressive with a powerful action, among other things at the level of the rib cage. Furthermore, the vortex with the “LO” sound is also very loud and easier to reproduce on its own than 1 / 6th of a second. It will also be with pleasure that I participate in other meetings.
Bernard G.
My best feeling during this internship was during the rotation exercise of the point of concentration inside the body : when I found myself in the middle of the group, not only did the exercise seem more easy, but I also became aware of all the energies sent by others, and above all, there was this sweet sensation of warmth felt somewhere towards the navel. It was the first time that I had such an experience. Thank you and see you soon.
Boni A.
Good evening Daniel, a big thank you for this course ! For me, it’s the circle with the kikiki … I just finished the day with a reiki treatment on a 75-year-old with the feeling of more dense energy (than positive). Thanks see you soon. Cordially.
Brigitte R.
A big thank you for these two magnificent and powerful days of training. For my part, I enjoyed everything throughout the course, and to be a little more precise, I really liked the swinging exercises on the first day, because I really felt that they brought strength and balance. The infinity sign balancing exercise kept coming to my mind with an obsession that I could practice it again as soon as possible. What I did with joy this morning. Then on the second day, I really enjoyed the quiet part of the 6th of a second exercise (what a great energy !), But I loved the morning rotation exercises. A big thank-you. In the joy of seeing you again soon and of practicing in an immersive and intense way.
Cyrille C.
Many thanks for these two days of internship. Really happy to have met you. I obviously liked all the content of these 2 days and the new perspectives that are now open to me. What struck me the most during these two days was the deep realization that no more time should be wasted to prepare for the next incarnation. Another 1000 thanks and see you soon.
Aline A.
Thank you for this internship which corresponded to my expectations. The discussions were very interesting and the exercises very intense. The exercise that brought me the most is that of thinking to the sixth of a second. I felt waves of energy and colors coming through the top of my head. Rather, it’s body-level sensations that I experience or visualizations of colors in the visual chaos , but I find it difficult to visualize stars, galaxies and expansion. Maybe some advice would be welcome. To see the first effects appear, I understood that you have to do regular exercises, at least ¾ of an hour per day and rather in the evening. Is it possible to spread the exercises over the day ? For example 3 times ¼ of an hour or 2 times ½ hour 5 days a week or do you have to do them continuously for ¾ of an hour or 1 hour to see the benefits ? Best regards.
Denis P.
A thousand times thank you for this precious teaching and for all the energy you devote to Phosphenism. Doctor Lefebure was right in choosing you ! Thank you also for the words you said to me at the end. They found a fair echo. I had a dream last night. In the (visual) chaos, endless black and two small lights like aspirins on my left. A feeling of speed to make you vomit and a fear to die for. I woke up scared, scared . I’m still smeared with it just thinking about it. How to make a dream aware ? I know we had to look at the points, but everything was too fast. I only realized it when I woke up.
Françoise D.
Here is my testimony after these 2 intense days. This is the first time that I have participated in a Phosphenism internship based on the teachings of Prof. Lefebure. My experience from day 1 : I discovered rotations and their immediate benefits. In the exercise of geometric figures, I managed to visualize a cube by seeing all the faces simultaneously. It ” stuck ” me , it was a first for me.
In the exercise of rhythmic thinking : my neighbor and I shared the luminous point which had transformed into a comet on the trajectory in the shape of infinity, before hearing you say it to everyone. It “ stuck ” me for the second time. Driven by a spirit of research, when I arrived home in the evening, before going to bed, I reproduced the phosphene with a candle (I wanted to differentiate with the lamp effect). resumed the movements of the pendulum while fixing my phosphene with my eyes closed. After 15 min, it caused me to change consciousness. I immediately went to bed, and once I lay down, I practiced the well exercise. The result was not long in coming. I found myself in a big New York-like megalopolis evaluating companies following a call for tenders for a large IT contract. My role was to ultimately choose which one would win the market. Then “I flew to a high mountain place in South America where I met members of my family, living and deceased. It really hit the nail on the head and I woke up for a technical stopover of my bladder, feeling great and very happy to have been able to induce the dream with your method. But I still have to work on his interpretation. I took the train from Fontainebleau at 7:30 am , and during the trip, I had a burst of enthusiasm to write and make my schedule for the week. The ideas were rushing in. It had been a long time since that had happened, I blamed it on age since I was in my fifties.
My experience of the second day : The exercise of the spiral which surrounds the receiver. As a receiver, I felt an energy spiraling around me from the bottom up, from the sacrum to the skull. My body started to rotate by following this spiral independently of my will. My consciousness has been projected into the solar system. When I reached this limit, I returned to my body, then went back to the sun in a back and forth movement of my consciousness from the Earth to the Sun. A cushioned oscillatory motion that stopped with exercise. It “ stuck ” me for the third time.
In the last Kiki exercise (6 / 10th pulse), I had difficulty starting because :
• too fast a pace ;
• not easy for me to project spherical waves ;
• mantra difficult to pronounce quickly ;
• movement of arms and hands unknown to me.
But the magic worked when we repeated the exercise 11 times. After the 4th time I managed to get into the exercise.
I tried to synchronize the movement of the body, the mantra and the projection of the waves. I was able to experience some form of division of attention by making my brain work in multitasking mode. I thought it was only for the female gender…
As a receiver, I received powerful waves of energy all around me. I felt a heat between the two shoulder blades. Reproduction of the phenomenon of oscillatory dilation of consciousness, but this time between the center of the Earth and the Sun. At the end of the exercise, I found that my body had become much lighter and my thoughts and emotions more fluid.
I observed that there was a lot of respect, caring and unconditional love in our group. It encourages me to go further in this wonderful adventure.
Receive Daniel, the expression of my gratitude for who you are and the high quality of this training.
Ghislain M. M.
First, thank you for this “transmission” at the two-day course that m ‘ is benefited. Being used to modified states of consciousness, which I also use in my professional practice, the exercise that responds the most to your request is that of Ki when I was in reception. I had intentionally set an intention by doing my phosphene, cleaning up old patterns unsuited to my life project. I wanted to “take advantage” of the present Egregore, because usually it is I, as a therapist, who induce as best I can this possibility of cleaning in my patients, very often without having the opportunity to do so. a return, in such a way anyway. And I felt the work that had to be done : operate from the first Chakra to the 7th, with at a time like filaments of light (waves) passing me from right to left in front of my eyes. At that time, I knew that the maximum of my request had been honored. By thanking you again and wishing you a beautiful “phosphenic evening” !
Isabelle V.
My best feeling was during the afternoon exercise, the one where you tremble in a circle to send energy to the person in the center. The energy was palpable. I also liked the last exercise of projecting the phosphene on the neck of the neighbor in front. I felt the projection allowing me to make the same movement as the person behind. It blew me away.
Jacques P.
My best feeling was on the first exercise by spiraling the focus point up the spine. This feeling was pleasant and took the whole body in the rhythm, at the same time as it reinforced the feeling of internal gyration ; I wanted to keep spinning my head without stopping, even long after the exercise. What was quite astonishing too was when I made the spiral point in the other go down again, it seemed to do the same in me ! On the other hand, I struggled with the second exercise, as I found the 1 / 6th of a second rhythm difficult to maintain, especially while doing the Ki mantra.
Jean-Christian R.
It has been a long time since I participated in such an energetic course. I found the exercise with the KI exhausting, but building colossal energy. It must be said that the group’s participation multiplied this strength. Recommended for anyone with mental or physical weakness. See you soon.
Jean-Michel L.
It’s interesting to hear about the power of Phosphenism and rhythmic thinking, but to experience it is quite another thing … And that’s what the group work has made possible thanks to this internship that you had the wonderful idea to organize. I really felt this energy in different parts of my body, and particularly in several chakras, when I found myself in the center of a circle of 10 people doing rhythmic thinking exercises while using the phosphenes. What power ! I have never felt something so strong practicing on my own at home ! It is truly an experience to be repeated. Thanks Daniel.
It has been perhaps ten years since I took part in an internship. It was a real pleasure. I saw a trainee from the past, made new acquaintances and found you in great shape. The exercises, always too short but fascinating. If our agendas are okay for the next sessions, I’m up for it. Kind regards.
Michel L.
Here is therefore my most marked feeling which took place when I was a receiver during the projection of waves punctuated by the kikiki . I felt intense heat mainly on the upper body, and even more marked in the area under the heart. At the same time, I could see wave trains on the phosphene. Then, the feeling of rising at high speed in the scenery that I imagined and whose images followed one another as under the effect of a strobe. The physical feeling of displacement was still very noticeable. Sometimes, when I focused my attention again on the phosphene, it took on a three-dimensional and “solid” aspect, then instantly became like the luminous exit of a tunnel. And when I focused on that light output, it felt like I was looking at another world through the keyhole and things could pass or appear in that field of view. The next moment this tunnel became a solid ball again. I think this is due to the brain alternation. I look forward to continuing my training rigorously. Another big thank you for this beautiful day that you animated with generosity, passion and great objectivity… All these qualities give me a lot of confidence. See you soon for further progress.
Nicolas P.
Thank you Daniel for the quality of this internship and the great energy that reigned there. I first experienced very beautiful phosphenes, the most recurring in the form of a large diamond of a magnificent fuschia , then iridescent with sustained and luminous green. It disappeared in a chaotic vision of a deep black, dotted with sparks of all the colors still very iridescent, then finally returned in indigo white light, very soft and aspiring. The sensation was at first very pleasant and warm paradoxically accompanied by an almost mentholated and sparkling freshness which seemed to make a “pschitt” of purification in the middle of my brain… ! Besides the collective exercise of “ kikiki ….”, The last one on the hara was very powerful. I was trailing a disabling tendonitis of the right Achilles tendon for several days, it was practically cured at the end of the internship… !!!! Thank you for your teaching. See you soon. Fraternally.
Paul L.
I am very happy to see you again and to “reconnect” with Phosphenism… This is the first time that I have Daniel as a teacher, and it’s great for a cover. I have also “matured” since 2008… because today, I had a strong awareness during the rotation exercises at the start of the day. Indeed, I could feel the movement of rising and falling of the “drop of light” in the central channel of my body, which I have tried in vain to practice in meditation for a long time, but here I am. felt !!! And also, during the 6th of second, I did not take off from my body, but I felt my embryonic state during its formation. I was at the embryonic disc stage (that’s how I experienced it) : a more or less rigid or solid plate in the back more or less uncomfortable, it pulled and squeezed in all directions alternately between the shoulder blades , the lumbar and occiput, where it really pulled, sense of growth of the nervous system at the embryonic stage… and in front, anterior part of the body, total freedom and lightness, no constraint… which densified without the “ kikiki ” and dissolved again with it. Many thanks, Dr Lefebure, and many thanks to Daniel for giving us all this back. Happy holidays and enjoy it well.
Thi Le Dung N. A.
Being new, I was a little skeptical at first, but I was very quickly reassured by the many experienced people who kindly shared their experiences with me. At the end of the day of intensive practice, I felt more stability and energy, which allowed me to be more in tune with myself. Thank you for sharing the work of Dr Lefebure.
The first feeling was the joy of practicing in a group and being able to do the 6th of the second with others. Perception of warmth and rhythm inside me and on the periphery, 2-3 cm around me. I was very happy to do this internship. Another big THANK YOU for your work.
Saturday, static tensions. I finally understood how to do them, especially at the bust level. I continued after the internship at a rate of 45 minutes every evening. Four days later, I managed to see myself standing next to my physical body, which was asleep, then I whirled off. The speed has accelerated. I saw a light in the distance and tried to follow Daniel’s recommendations to further amplify the phenomenon of astral travel, but it was too intense and I ended up waking up, it was 5 a.m. I will practice ocular convergence, because I feel that it can bring me a lot. Sunday, the work on the fast rhythms allowed me to become aware (finally !) Of what some call “ENERGY”. Thanks Daniel.
Christian D.
I am discovering Phosphenism for the first time and its multiple initiation exercises. Thanks to Daniel’s pedagogy and to all the practitioners in my group (the workshops are done in groups), I managed to put aside my apprehensions, my analytical brain… and I agreed to let myself go in the process. ‘experimentation. And there, that happiness ! I have accumulated a lot of energy during these 2 days. The night after the internship, I hardly slept, so deep energies awoke in me. Daydreaming (conscious) and astral travel made up my night. So yes, definitely, I will come back for a new internship.
Pascal T.
Thank you for this internship which perfectly met my expectations. Many exercises that I still have to digest, and especially to put into practice. Hope to see you all again soon.
Pierre B.
First of all, thank you to Daniel, and then to my group which allowed me to experience very strong sensations. It’s not easy not to get caught up in these and to make, as Daniel asks, the distinction between training and experience. A big revelation for me : during the day, you have to manage the problems linked to everyday life and keep both feet on the ” cow floor ” so as not to cut yourself off from reality. At night, thanks to the energy accumulated during training, you have to immerse ” 2 feet together ” in the universe … Once again, thank you.
Stephane L.
Great internship and a lot of discovery. I learned a lot, also from my group where the atmosphere was studious and very friendly. I find it really helps to be surrounded by both beginners like me and more advanced people. In addition, the energy of all groups undoubtedly facilitates the perception of fine energies. I can’t wait for the next internship, in the form of a “ retreat ”, if I understood correctly !
Michelle G.
I want to thank you for the excellent internship. I really enjoyed the first day, and even more the second. The exercise that impressed me the most was the 6th of a second done with the group. The effect produced caused very strong vibrations in my whole body. They started from the circle formed by the limbs, entered my body and left, expanding until they reached a point in the galaxy. I also felt a lot of light throughout the exercise. See you soon.