Rafael M. D.
I don’t know if this example is right, but here it is: during an altercation with an aggressive man who wanted to hit me, I accepted him as such instead of resisting. I then had the image and sensation that a ball of energy was leaving my body through my solar plexus in his direction. It instantly turned around and I never saw it again. I found the training really very complete. I can say that it has profoundly transformed me. It has enabled me to broaden my consciousness and refine my perception of everything around me.
Alain L.
I bless the day I discovered Dr. LEFEBURE’s work because it completely changed my life. Phosphenism, with all its initiatic exercises, has become a major part of my free time. This revolutionary method leads us step by step to the development of our intellectual and energetic faculties. Indeed, I feel less tired and much calmer. I am full of energy throughout the day and I am much clearer when it comes to making decisions, both in my personal life and in my professional one. I have obtained an inner calm I have never experienced before and my personality has improved a lot. The phosphenic exercises have a very important effect on the purification of my consciousness and on my kind thoughts towards other people.
Debora G.
I was woken by a buzzing sound, and the more I listened to it, the stronger the vibration became. Then I found myself rotating slowly above my bed. Unfortunately, I then interrupted this experience.
Mennad Z.
I was lucky to learn about Phosphenism when I was 19, during a course in Paris at Dr. LEFEBURE’s School. At first, it was by curiosity, with a hint of mockery given the promises on the prospectus (expansion of consciousness, awakening while asleep, clairvoyant powers, astral travel, etc.). But, without really believing in it and expecting anything, I was surprised to have a really powerful experience.
Being sporty and in very good health, this prompted me to practice the exercises daily, which very quickly brought me, in the month that followed, everything that was written on that famous catchy paper, such as becoming aware that I was in a dream, which gave me the assurance that I feared nothing and was free to do whatever came into my head.
Thus, I discovered another world where I could levitate, fly, pass through windows and walls, while at the same time having tactile sensations such as feeling the fresh night air, or auditive sensations such as hearing beautiful music. Feeling that this or that thing or that event is going to happen. And I have also developed a capability that I don’t pay any attention to, so without realizing it I have become clairvoyant.
Johan S.
Philippe A.
Dr. LEFEBURE’s videos are extremely rich in their practical and theoretical explanations. All this learning opens me up to this transmission. Thank you Dr. LEFEBURE!
Blandine P.
The training is very complete and interesting. Personally, I sometimes find that the lessons follow each other a little too quickly but I suppose that everyone has their own rhythm of work, so the way the lessons unfold can suit everyone. In any case, it will be important to revisit the lessons to deepen them as the years go by. It has enabled me to deepen my understanding of the relationship between the way life manifests itself and the spiritual path.
Stephane T.
A very complete training course. To be followed in parallel with reading Dr. LEFEBURE’s books. Thanks to this training, I’m less materialistic, I accept life with its good and bad sides, and I’m more optimistic. I have obtained results in my professional pathway (currently unemployed, I accept this situation more easily; before taking this training, I would have been in depression).
Stephane M.
It is a training that is demanding insofar as it requires diligent and regular practice, but it is educational and allows you to rediscover the basics of teaching about life. All the laws are within us, we perceive them more or less consciously, and with training, we become aware of them and we find the path to truth. This training has brought me a lot into my daily life. My eyesight has improved and I manage my emotions much better. I have more intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, self-confidence. I sleep better, I remember my dreams because they are related to the problems I may encounter and they give me solutions. I also sometimes travel at night (a phenomenon that I cannot yet control). I also have more energy thanks to the practice of phosphenic exercises and my actions are more effective (I obtain more effects with less effort). The practice of reverse thinking is very powerful under phosphene. I am happy to have chosen to engage in this training.
Sophie T.
I find that the training exercises are particularly powerful and effective (…) This training allows me to acquire a sharper and more transparent consciousness, which allows me to better understand the occult books that I study. I obtained the most results in the purification of Consciousness. I am fascinated by the experiences associated with Kundalini and therefore was looking forward to the part associated with the Gyrascope.
Tristan D.
This training allows me to understand the essence of things. It brings me the knowledge of my Self allowing me to improve my relationships with others.
At night, in half-sleep, a ball of luminous energy appears for 2 to 3 seconds at the level of Shiva’s eye, like a torch whose glow formed a luminous pipe.
Alpha A.
The training allowed me to quit my job as an engineer and set up as a therapist, remove my fears, and regain control of my life to accomplish my life mission.
Having been in the health field for 1 1/2 years, this training allows me to accumulate a multitude of knowledge in a short time in my new profession and learn how the human body and its mind work. I go through training and specializations and this training allows me to throw myself body and soul into learning.
Stephane B.
Although I have known Phosphenism for a long time, I very much appreciate the developments made by Mr. Stiennon, it would have been a shame for me to miss this. Working with the sun has been incredibly powerful in recent years. The phosphenic mixing with texts, music, meditations, and even plants demonstrates the fabulous contribution of light energy (among others) in awareness of our path and the ability to follow it.
During an exercise, a “landing” in a Buddhist monastery almost immediately. A corridor and the meeting of several monks, all seen as if I were there. Not the vision of an experience, nor a projection, but rather as if I were really present in this place with clear and precise sensory elements. I was quite surprised by the power of this experience.
Patricia M.
I was able to observe some initiatory experiences during my very first attempts:
– After 1 or 2 phosphenes, before bed, I was surprised in the middle of sleep to notice that my mind was bathed in an irradiating Light, which did not fail to wake me up.
– Staring at the fire in the wood stove a day or two later, I saw the flames again in my sleep much more clearly and intensely than in usual dreams.
More recently, during a vertical swinging session, with visualization of my dream of flight in the phosphene, I found myself in a dream of “takeoff” that same evening.
In terms of personal development, I have noticed that rhythmic-phosphenism exercises bring me strength and better psycho-emotional balance in my daily life; as well as phenomena of thought transmission with loved ones or strangers nearby.
Julien D.
I will describe one of my latest experiments related to phosphenic energy. After a lateral swing exercise with concentration on a flame, I felt in my pelvis and around the base of my spine a ball of energy spinning and heat radiating from there to my legs and up into the spine. I felt this energy and I could visualize it.
I now feel the gyration of the elements around me. I can move my point of concentration wherever I want and feel what he is going through. Some of my dreams are more clear and present and I can act on them.
Pierre-Regis M.
The sensation of undulation inside the body one morning in my bed, the vibration of the body for three days with occasional flashes of light in the beginning.
Stephane B.
Very interesting training. Results obtained in the field of perception of light phenomena. Has broadened my vision and the meaning of life, concretely.
Claude J.
I have had lucid dreams while being aware of sleeping and at the same time being aware of what was happening in my dreams. I also had “lifting” sensations during certain swings, as if my body was lifting through my neck and the back of my head. When I had these sensations, I always felt like I was cross-eyed. It was intoxicating.
Marie-Pierre F.
Since my childhood, I have been around researchers, scientists, and philosophers (especially within my family) who, over time, have made me aware of esotericism as well as occultism, paying great attention to the many traps of charlatanism and its excesses. Gradually and with patience, I studied certain texts and authors.
By discovering Phosphenism and the work of Dr. Lefebure, a deep inner joy manifested itself. So, I got some books and lamps as soon as possible. At that time, I could not fully finance the entire training. I didn’t despair, because I knew this day would come
Alchemy is also of great importance to me, for personal and family reasons, in this Quest for Knowledge and Truth. Thank you for offering us such training!
Emilien K.
On an intellectual level, I noticed greater creativity and acuity. A more positive attitude on life too. If I meditate after a session of Phosphenism, I very quickly reach a great depth of perception and a feeling of pulsation (…) I would also like to point out that I am very grateful to have the chance to follow this course.
Marc-Antoine C.
I have more “speaking” dreams, for example, something that I forgot to do comes back to me in a dream. I remember better what I learned with phosphenes.
Roselyne B.
I learned a lot. The experiences are wonderful.
Philippe A.
This training is fantastic, it allows us to get to know Dr Lefebure better, his great simplicity combined with his great knowledge.
A remarkable intelligence that has analyzed all spiritual currents to better understand the richness they bring to man. He was able to demystify all of this and find more than just the clues to give all people of goodwill access to such a rich inner world. Find and vibrate the “Divine curve” with its high degree of symmetry.
Learning to stimulate the phenic system, all his work focused on this for a sharing of the heart. Thanks to him and Daniel Stiennon who share all this knowledge with us.
I discovered Phosphenism during an internship and quickly registered for the online training afterward. I immediately perceived that this was a very serious and truly fundamental path. He inspired me with confidence and that’s how I started. I studied visual arts, I lead an artistic practice in this field and that of painting. I am particularly sensitive to the question of dreams and imagination. I am happy to join the second level of the training course that I am discovering.
Agnès P.
I carried out a particularly striking meditation where I felt extraordinary joy.
However, I meditate regularly but here, the experience was very different with the use of phosphenes.
Nathalie C.
There are times when dreams are very clear, precise, and wonderful. Three extraordinary dreams happened in a row that left an impression on me. They were all very different and I’m just starting to better understand their meanings which come in bits and pieces… things that flash into consciousness like flashes.
(…) feeling of well-being which rises in waves from the perineum region to the top of the head. The body feels like it wants to float.
Phosphenism has elevated and further clarified my understanding of my religion of origin which is Theravada Buddhism (southeast Asia) and Hindu yoga of which I am a practitioner. Thank you so much.
Sitxay S.
Not a day goes by without a little sign that brings me back to the phosphenic exercises, so many synchronistic events that it’s almost laughable. Often on completely mundane things, such as thinking of a person who calls me almost instantly, or an appointment that gets canceled even though I didn’t want to go. If I think about someone insistently I am almost certain that they will contact me.
The Alternophone helped me a lot, particularly about stress and emotionality, very quickly, in just a few sessions.
Catherine C.
This training is very comprehensive and has taught me a lot. I am very happy to follow it (…) Thanks to this training, I have become zen, my fears disappear day by day, I sleep much better and I regain confidence in myself thanks to daily listening to Synchrophony tracks.
Laurence M.
I bought Dr. Lefebure’s books many years ago. I have always been attracted to esotericism, symbolism, and the perception of other planes of existence. And then one day, I discovered this site on the internet. After thinking about it, I signed up for the training.
I really appreciate the practical and concrete side of it. This requires regular, diligent, and persevering practice; the investment is worth it. I now see bright spots on the front of my body, mostly in the evening and in the dark. I am interested in out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming.
Claude J.
The complete training is extraordinarily rich, I learned a lot of new things. Phosphenism is for me a culmination of the spiritual paths that I have taken. I have a lot of gratitude to Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon and especially to this reincarnated life which allowed me to encounter Phosphenism.
This training gave me a powerful boost of goodwill to pursue my goal of evolution… My dreams are not yet lucid but they are sometimes wonderful, very colorful, and precise…
This training is exceptional. What a colossal amount of work to set up such training. I try to follow as best as possible and often I appreciate being able to look back in the light of new knowledge. This training is alive and I have the feeling of having a private teacher at home. All my life I have searched for philosophical and spiritual answers, a gift has been given to me! I think.
The training allowed me to transform myself, to transcend myself, and to realize myself in the care I provide to others. More confidence in meeting others, and being more present. To realize myself fully. After darkness, light takes on its full meaning. Many thanks
Very comprehensive and detailed training. This training brought many changes and awareness. I see changes day by day!
I think it is with synchrophony that I have the most results because I practice it every day. However, I observe that telepathy and intuition work very well.
I am almost 57 years old and I am passionate about esotericism (dowsing, shamanism, magic, etc.) While looking for a method to boost research with the pendulum, I discovered the work of Dr. Lefebure. I equipped myself with lamps, as well as a Gyrascope, but I lacked the initiatory techniques. The objective is to discover all these techniques.
Michel R.
My name is Julien, I am 37 years old, and as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by the mysteries of life. Occasional etheric visions began in my childhood without my being able to talk about them. It was then around 17 that I had an experience of involuntary kundalini rising. And even if I was not prepared to live such an intense experience, it remains one of the most interesting experiences of my life, despite certain repercussions in my social life at the time.
I only made the link later, thanks to certain readings of Hindu spirituality, between this transcendental state and my spontaneous devotions to the Sun in the morning and evening.
I spent a lot of time in student libraries and bookstores to quench my curiosity, always guided by the thread of my intuition; seeking answers but also a complete path with which to engage in a practice that would leave no room for doubt and that all this does not remain just theoretical.
I must say that I have not found a practice that “triggered” me as strongly as my discovery of Phosphenism, but I will have at least expanded my general knowledge.
If I took this step of registering for the training, it is because I feel in my soul and conscience that this is the way to follow. The opportunity offered to us to experiment with initiatory techniques and to integrate teaching methods into a coherent and evolving structure represents a real opportunity. I am convinced that this is an exceptional teaching, and I feel immense gratitude. It’s like an answer to my prayers for me.
I have often tried to link the different traditions, to extract the common point, and what a nice surprise to have come across Phosphenism! Already many clarifications since the start of the practice, very pleasant in these troubled times, looking forward to continuing with patience and sharing with you.
Extraordinary training. It is done step by step with a pedagogy that can only lead to success. It allowed me to better understand the meaning and foundation of many spiritual exercises. I now have the firm conviction that spiritual power is a physiological disposition that can be exacerbated by exercise.
Philippe A.
Dr Lefebure’s videos are very rich in their practical and theoretical explanation.
All this learning opens me up to this transmission, thank you, Dr Lefebure!
Blandine P
The training is very comprehensive and very interesting. I find that sometimes the lessons follow each other a little too quickly, but I suppose that everyone has their own pace of work, the course of the lessons can therefore suit everyone. In any case, it will be important to repeat the lessons to deepen them as the years go by. It allowed me to deepen the existing relationship between the way life manifests itself and the spiritual journey.
Stéphane T.
Very comprehensive training. To be continued in parallel with reading Dr. Lefebure’s books. Thanks to the training, I am less materialistic, I accept life with its good and bad sides, and I am more optimistic.
I have obtained results in my professional development (currently unemployed; I accept this situation more easily; before following this training, I would have been depressed).
Stéphane M.
Several years ago, I had come across Dr. Lefebure’s books. After seeing Daniel Stiennon’s presentation, I signed up for the online training that I find very good and very practical.
Alain P.
I had heard about Phosphenism for a good twenty years without ever having practiced it. Nevertheless, I found Dr. Lefebure’s books intriguing and interesting. I had skimmed a few of them, but I had trouble getting started.
I felt that I needed help into my practice. I discovered Daniel Stiennon’s training courses on the Internet and I decided to jump in. Thanks to him for making this science accessible.
Fabien G.
I have already had great experiences with Phosphenism and yet, I am only at the beginning.
I knew Phosphenism thanks to my father who, when I was a child, made me practice the Phosphenic Mixing applied in Education. I can affirm that it is thanks to this that I succeeded in doing my studies with facility. I have been practicing Phosphenism for four years now.
At the beginning, from some ebooks, but it is especially by following the courses of Daniel Stiennon that I understood all the extent of the practice and that I succeeded in living a great number of experiences.
Ricardo D. F.
When I was very young, I read a book of Dr. Lefebure, the “Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education”, but I did not pass the first step of practicing this teaching. Later on, I found again the Phosphenism thanks to the internet.
I saw it as a “sign of destiny” and I started to practice it assiduously during the autumn. I started to dream in color, to remember my dreams and sometimes to fly during dreams. Even though there are still ups and downs in my daily life, I have a good feeling now that I am a being in the becoming.
Jean-Marc N.
I discovered Phosphenism while doing research on telepathy. I was immediately seduced by the numerous videos and the richness of the teaching at our disposal on the site. While listening to the first courses, I experienced my first out-of-body experience.
I stumbled upon the Youtube video ” Initiatic Experiences ” absolutely by chance. The next week, I took the subscription and ordered almost all the books, because it was exactly what I was looking for a long time. Now, Phosphenism is a complete part of my life.
Baptiste C.
I discovered Dr. Lefebure via the internet. I was immediately seduced by the methods presented. I quickly had an irresistible desire to follow the complete training. Since then, my life and my being have been transformed.
I discovered Phosphenism by chance and this, after a few years of practice of Yoga and Qi-Gong. If my initiation practice has been up and down, I can affirm that Phosphenism has never left me, and I will even say more, it has been a support in order to stay upright and to advance step by step in everyday life.
Patrick F.
I discovered the Phosphenism while I was researching the benefits of light therapy and since then, this technique has become my only passion. It is always with great pleasure and interest that I consult the levels and that I realize the suggested exercises. I have been lucky enough to have extraordinary experiences which led me to exceptional spiritual realizations.
This new initiatic process has revolutionized my life. My congratulations and thanks to Daniel Stiennon for using very sophisticated means to make the Phosphenism accessible to everyone.
Lysse Y.
I am starting to integrate it more and more naturally into my daily life. It’s a real happiness.
It has only been a few months since I started the second part of my training and I am passionate about it.
Claire T.
For some time I had been looking for something other than the so-called personal development methods to really understand what was driving me. I think I have found the approach that suits me best with Phosphenism.
Jean-Pierre F.
Although I have been initiated into many hermeticisms and brotherhoods, Dr. Lefebure’s work has always held a special place in my life. It is the same for his successor Daniel Stiennon who is his worthy successor. A training of very high initiatic and esoteric quality.
Louis D.
I discovered Phosphenism recently. I am an admirer of the Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon’s work. My research started with personal development, then I discovered the New Age, then I came to the Gospels, then to shamanism, and now to Phosphenism. I am really motivated. I enjoy my swaying sessions more and more.
I have been doing one session a day for the moment and now, I am going to double or even triple my efforts. What has surprised me the most so far are the internal swaying movements during the physical sways.
Sébastien D.
At now more than 65 years old, I have taken a great number of training courses in many fields. So I know how to recognize those which can really bring something. I regret not having known Dr. Lefebure’s work earlier; it would have saved me a lot of lost time.
Jean-Philippe S.
During the lateral sways with the OM mantra and a visualization of a Buddhist temple perched in high mountains, bathed in an intense light, but warm and pleasant in a clear blue sky, I felt a sensation of lightness with visualization of my own person inside the temple, but also outside, always sitting cross-legged at the edge of the void with this feeling of being able to move freely to different places between temple and mountain. A sensation of being one with the elements while being independent and free of any movement without fear or dread.
Nicolas G.
The experiment that I realize very often is to use Phosphenism to unblock experimental steps for which I encounter difficulties in my research work in the laboratory.
For several weeks, I try to make materials with a well defined experimental protocol. But I was not able to achieve my aims because one of the steps did not work. After several tries, I decided one evening to mix all the different steps of the synthesis with phosphene.
I did my anterior-posterior swaying exercise by visualizing each step of the experiment. Once asleep, I dreamed the whole experiment in great detail and when I reached the crucial step, I used a very short time to add a reagent. The next morning, I reproduce the experiment as it was done in the dream and everything was perfect.
Teko N.
One night in the dark, I thought of a patient who seemed to be doing quite well. But a scene of an evacuation in a resuscitation unit came to my mind. I thought it was a bad dream due to fatigue. The event took place 2 days later and I had many questions.
Dominique M.
Two months ago, I had an experience which really touched me. It was during a session of lateral sways. At a given moment, with my eyes closed, a kind of veil/curtain rises quickly in front of my eyes and I see the face of a man and a child (I don’t know if it was a girl or a boy) that I don’t know.
In the same session, still with my eyes closed, I saw successively :
– behind my back, the room where I am practicing, as if I were looking in front of me with my eyes open ;
– some steep steps which pass quickly by descending them with the eyes;
– a side wall which scrolls upwards and then, suddenly, I find myself projected into space, surrounded by the stars.
Each time, the fear felt causes the vision/sensation to stop. I wished I could control the fear and fully experience the situation/sensation, but I couldn’t and it all dissolved, causing the veil on the vision to come down just as quickly.
Giovanna C.
Since I have been practicing Phosphenism, my thoughts are clearer and I have developed a greater inner calm.
I also notice effects on my dreams that I remember more easily.
Olivier S.
The complete training that I have been following for more than a year now is a very rich and inspiring source that I enjoy working and studying. It has an obvious impact on my personality.
I especially remember that Phosphenism develops the best in us. The regular practice of mixing the thinking with phosphenes leads us exponentially towards the best of ourselves.
Pierre B.
I am very satisfied with the training. Having a course which opens at regular intervals forces one to be involved in the training every day and this is very motivating.
Thanks to the regular practice of the exercises, my awareness of my dreams, which I had hardly remembered before, has increased greatly. Thank you again for this.
Bertrand R.
This training has given me new skills, more feeling, and more and more detailed dreams.
Anne B.
When I reach a good concentration in the exercises, I feel moments of floating, fullness and well-being. During these moments, the notion of time disappears, and the practices become pleasant and sometimes allow me to reach an enlargement of consciousness. Then, the practices are no longer felt as a constraint, an obligation, a necessity to reach the level of self-knowledge and self-realization; a way to enter into myself to discover myself.
John T.
The course “The Secret of Secrets” is certainly one of the many most powerful courses in Phosphenism. In this course, Mr. Stiennon reveals teachings that I had never heard of even though I have been in the esoteric world for more than 50 years.
The teaching is of a very high level and has no equivalent elsewhere. I can say loud and clear that anyone who wants to change their life condition should follow this training.
In this one, Mr. Stiennon goes far beyond the undeniable contributions of Dr. Lefebure. He opens the doors to the esoteric aspect (hidden knowledge) of Phosphenism.
What surprises me the most is that although the phosphene is as visible as the nose in the middle of a face, no one before Dr. Lefebure had drawn our attention to it and its amazing possibilities.
The same is true of all the contributions of Mr. Stiennon. I am sure that history will remember him as an “inspired” man, as were the prophets in their time (a person inspired by the divinity, who predicts the future and reveals hidden truths).
The fact of having received the supreme initiation (by imposition of hands) from Dr. Lefebure and under particular conditions could only play a great role.
Michel L.
A vast and complete training. If I have one regret, it is that I was absent from it for eight months because of travel. The course content is magnificent. With my sincere congratulations.
Marc C.
A high quality training with a complete program. The teaching is well structured and progressive enough, especially for beginner students. The follow-up of the students is courteous, kind and hyper reactive. Congratulations!
This training has given me the first tools to go deeper into what I really am. It is in the “initiatic” field or the “access to information” that I have the most results.
All my gratitude for the work of Dr. Lefebure and for Mr. Stiennon his worthy spiritual heir.
Mickael Z.
Sandrine L.
Sincerely, I am very pleasantly surprised by the richness of the training content. I did not think that Phosphenism would embrace so many domains as far as the tarot.
Guy Henry R.
Very good comprehensive training, well explained and detailed.
Geoffrey M.
I like this training because it is not only theoretical. The exercises help me to improve myself and I have my whole life to deepen them anyway. The functioning of cerebral hemispheres by alternation, the phosphene phases, etc. are part of an exciting training to discover Phosphenism.
Alexandre P.
With the practice of Phosphenism, my intuitions have much improved.
Raphaël H.
I found this training excellent. It allowed me to have answers to multiple existential and spiritual questions from a totally new angle.
Hidalgo R.
I find this training extremely complete, enriching and well done. My only regret is that I did not give myself the necessary practice time. However, my plan is to start over from the beginning to make sure I did not miss anything.
Johan B.
The program allows a steady progression, step by step. It is a remarkable tool for people interested in spirituality. It has changed my state of mind.
Patrick L.
Very good training overall. You have to follow it daily and practice regularly.
Claude J.
I was lying on my bed when suddenly I felt divided into several parts in full consciousness. I was at the same time conscious in the plants, in the stones and in the trees while being everywhere at the same time and still feeling the feminine energy of the universe. Incredible!
Pascal V.
The training is well named. It is totally different from the way one might perceive Phosphenism through books. The content is dense and I am convinced by the practice.
Arthur K.
I was able to get out of my body and to move into a room in my house although I am only at the very beginning of the training.
Sébastien S.
It is now more than 15 years that I know Phosphenism. It took me many years of research of all kinds to understand and realize the pertinence of Dr. Lefebure teachings. His books were among the first I read. With the training, the circle is now complete.
Tristan D.
When I started studying and practicing Phosphenism, it was with the idea of transcending my condition. I still have a long way to go, but from the first level, I had some dreams of flying and, as I progressed through the steps, I noticed that my mental energy was much better in terms of memory, concentration and comprehension. My general balance is also improved. Phosphenism is a source of obvious positive changes in my personality.
Pierre B.
When I discovered Phosphenism a few months ago, I was intrigued and attracted by what it offered. What I regret is not having known it earlier. The beginning of my practice was marked by a few dreams of flight, but throughout my practice, a greater energy manifested itself through clearer ideas, a better mental, an undeniable balance as well as a greater fluency in my human relationships.
Pierre B.
This step-by-step training is a wonderful idea. It is a kind of accompanied guide in order to have more assiduity. Phosphenism is so rich that one can get lost with the many exercises. This training brings the methods in a structured way. Thank you for setting it up.
Olivier V.
The training is excellent and the price is well below what is received.
Noudemali N.
Thanks to the training, I acquired a greater fluency in my human relationships and the feeling of a better inner balance. But I also discovered the richness of his teaching.
Pierre B.
I discovered Phosphenism via a forum dedicated to astral travel. I registered in April and I don’t regret it for a moment.
Before Phosphenism, I had approached several ways of personal development. I have to affirm here that in four months of practice, I obtained more than I had after 31 years of initiatic research.
The only question I asked myself, why did divine providence wait so long before putting Phosphenism on my path?
Something extraordinary happened to me.
First, I was told in a dream that my daughter was being born and that I could clearly see her in my arms in the operating room. That very morning at dawn, during the prostration of the dawn prayer, I again had the confirmation of a daughter birth, which I had already experienced in my dream. And I began to cry with joy from that moment.
I went back to bed after the dawn prayer and got up to tell my wife, who did not believe me. But by dint of insisting, 2 days later, she finally agreed to take a pregnancy test and the test was positive.
My wife has always been attracted to clairvoyance unlike me. And every fortune-teller used to tell her that a boy was being born.
So I told her we would see the ultrasound at 4 months. Only, a divine mystery made that the umbilical cord passes between the legs and thus impossible to determine the sex until his birth.
Finally, I attended the birth of the baby in the operating room and I took in my arms, as in the dream, my daughter whom I called IMANE which means FAITH.
Karim H.-A.
I experienced a consciousness extension that I will name astral projection during my sleep. But I know that I was not sleeping. And I lived synchronicities in the following days. Thanks to the rhythmo-phosphenic exercises, I have another perception and the consciousness extensions allow me a connection with my guides. I feel energies more intensely for care I give. Many thanks!
Blandine P.
That night, I made several experiments in a row: first of all, cabalistic letters where I saw a talisman with letters written on it. There French translation was: this is the DIVINE.
Then I found myself with a group practicing Phosphenism and there I met Mr. Stiennon.
He asks me: “How are you Pascal?”.
I answer him that I am very well, thank you. And even before I ask him any questions, he puts his right hand on my head and there, suddenly, I get out of my body and fly directly towards space at high speed.
These two experiences made a strong impression on me when I woke up.
Pascal V.
Tonight, I had an incredible experience: I saw a mirror and I was playing hide and seek with my face, one time I see you, one time I don’t see you. I was swaying from right to left. Then in the morning, I felt Kundalini suddenly rise up my spine, a gentle warmth with pleasant tingling and the feeling of warmth in my head.
And there I felt the union with God.
It was like a divine nectar coming down into the body, a sweet (exquisite) sweetness which went up and down without stopping.
This experience left such a deep impression on me that I will ask for more.
At the same time that I was living this experience and that I was in fusion with God, I said to myself “no need for a guru, just follow the teachings of Phosphenism.”
I would never have gotten to this point without Mr. Stiennon and his valuable teachings.
I discovered Phosphenism on the internet through researches on personal development. So I don’t know exactly how I ended up on the Phosphenism website. I had heard about light therapy beforehand but I was still in the dark. So I decided to go deeper. In the end, I was very lucky to find this website with in-depth explanations on all these phenomena, because it is the only one that goes beyond.
Alexandre P.
Four days after the training, sways, especially the lateral ones, made me a more energetic person who wants to do things. Negative emotions no longer reach me easily. I am transformed.
Romuald Z.
This training is a really great “turnkey” for anyone who wants to reach a high level of psychic development. It is a progressive and very detailed training with concrete explanations supported by numerous examples and warnings.
Germain C. (Canada)
It is a very enriching training with theoretical input and coaching.
Jeanne V.
I don’t pay tribute to all those who have sneaked copies of it, who came to his school and did their business (I don’t care, but I can allow myself to say so), or who never advertised it to keep their ego and leave students in the dark.
I also pay tribute to Daniel Stiennon, who for years has maintained Dr. Lefebure’s legacy and who through his own mastery and discoveries has also advanced Phosphenism on a technical, esoteric, theological and especially spiritual level.
I remember an e-mail from neuroscience researcher Bokon, discovering the discoveries on phosphenes (his field of expertise), on the photographic and thermal possibilities related to the fact that it is a field of photons and biophotons.
But Mr. Stiennon was once again right, citing Dr. Lefebure’s work and saying that he was the first to make this observation… it’s so much easier to appropriate the work of another researcher.
These last few days, after having kindly discussed with serious researchers (on power transfer processes such as pranotthana, Shaktipata), I must conclude that we in France are lucky enough to have Daniel Stiennon, and that we certainly do not measure this luck.
So, I thank Mr. Stiennon again. Thank you for his knowledge which allows us to understand the rotating and rapid mantras used in Tibetan Buddhism, the Dzogchen practices with the sun and the sky, the mysticism.
Dr. Lefebure received two transmissions of “powers”, via the Zoroastrian Arthème Galip (just as François Brousse received one from a Zoroastrian Casrojan Ali, but unable to understand, he got a big head and thought he was Jesus), and via Pak Subub before it became a movement reported as sectarian in France.
So, yes, I laugh at those Americans who are looking for the secrets of the Sufis’ practices when I know that Dr. Lefebure studied them, as well as other Indian and Tibetan yoga exercises.
I remember the acceleration of my out-of-body exits by practicing Gyrascopy with a record player when I was 20 years old, and an awakening of a stream of fire, which left me sweating and my entire spine in the night.
Reading the bullshit of the Indian swamis, I thought my brain was going to burn (lol). So I stopped this awakening out of stupid fear.
In short, yes I laugh, because I see the Sufi brotherhood body exercises and head movements, which Dr. Lefebure explained the best way to do without getting fanatical.
Yes, I am forced to laugh at so much ignorance on the part of “masons” (freemasons).
Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon pushed its development to such a level that I know that a disciple of a famous master of a Sufi Tariqa in Morocco left his master after meeting Mr. Stiennon.
In order to make yoga teachers experience what they have been waiting for for years, Mr. Stiennon sometimes agrees to transmit the Initiation to them through the technique of the “3 Second Initiation”. The most powerful technique of Phosphenism.
Even when at night we dream of flying, of moving at very high speed, we don’t even reach 1/10th of the sensation caused by Master Stiennon when he transmits the Initiation. All this is to make it clear that it is really very powerful.
Just as we are surprised to discover that we can produce phosphenes and marvel at its colors, so everyone is amazed to discover this possibility of our mental (psychic) faculties.
I saw yoga teachers crying with joy who had spent many years searching for these phenomena without much effect.
I have seen incredulous people, skeptics, but all of them, from the first experience, were fascinated by what they had achieved. I would like to remind you that Phosphenism is above all an interior and enriching experience, as Daniel Stiennon reminds us, and that this adventure can only be achieved through practice. Thank you Mr. Stiennon.
Frédéric T.-V.
Following your class, upon waking up, after a square breathing exercise and practice of the 6th of second : swirl in the chest, I have the perception of a beautiful and magnificent bright purple color chakra pulsating outside my body.
Abderazak B.
I can say that my intelligence, my speed of comprehension have developed since the beginning of the practice. I can also say that my psychic faculties have also significantly improved, as well as my clairvoyance and clairaudience. It happened to me twice, to hear sentences on waking up that turned out to be correct after verification. The colors of my visual chaos (aura) are more beautiful and I see them more frequently.
Roberta R.
I have had many interesting night-time experiences while sleeping. Once, I had my arms immobilized as if tied to a cross by the force of an unknown energy, but with which I am now familiar, and I shouted out loud three times, to the point of waking up my wife, the following sentence : “It is only allowed to look at angels.”
I woke up immediately after I got back to my normal state. The experience was fantastic and quite intense.
El Hassan B.
When I work intensely with the phopheric lamp, at least for a month, every day, in the evening I see landscapes, people passing in front of me, like a movie, but I can’t identify anyone, it’s very pleasant and I end up falling asleep.
I can go from this state to the normal state very quickly, it’s just a concentration that I need to have. At the beginning it’s a visual shock, which later becomes structured into landscape and people.
Fernanda V.
I noticed this spiritual principle when I used reverse thinking in the ring of light to fight against my shyness, it worked well. I am currently using it for a future anxiety-provoking situation with the rhythmic thinking in the ring of light, I immediately saw the difference, I became optimistic again about this future situation. The thoughts swayed in the light are also very effective for me.
I am very happy to have committed myself to this training, because it allowed me, in a first step, to solve my insomnia problems following a burn-out. Then it strengthened my character, because I tended to let myself “walk” on my feet very often.
I also understood my shyness and managed to overcome it…
I have learned a lot through this training and I have also left aside many false beliefs…. I am looking forward to the end of this training so that I can then quietly resume and deepen the practices that spoke to me the most …
I am grateful to Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon and to all those who make possible this so enriching transmission that has changed my life. Since then, I feel much better, happier, and with much more discernment.
Simone U.
Sometimes I’m in trouble. Before my Phosphenism exercises, I would have tried hard to solve and find a solution, today I move on to something else and when I start again : “the problem is easily solved”. For me this is due to more concentration and more positive thoughts.
Marie-Claude K.
Some balancing exercises gave me more energy and confidence. Especially the lateral swing with the OM (pronunciation of the mantra by the monks). The 4th light exercise gives me a feeling of inner strength.
The most surprising thing was the meditation during which I experienced a moment of exceptional joy where I saw myself as a small golden ball sliding on a large white bar, laughing with laughter, feeling the most total joy as if I was finally where I was supposed to be without the slightest doubt. It’s hard for me to express this in simple words.
Nathalie C.
This training has really started to transform my life, I have another way of looking at things. I know that this is only the beginning of the transformation of my life and that of my entourage, for this reason, I decide to deepen the initiation and the courses of Phosphenism.
Nguessan Hervé K.
The training is well structured, it is clear and precise despite the fact that there is a lot of content. Mr. Stiennon demonstrates an excellent pedagogy, it is a real pleasure to experience the teaching he provides. It’s much more than a simple training, it’s a way of life. Mr. Stiennon has revealed the quintessence of my soul and my whole being.
Fabrice S.
I find Dr. Lefebure’s encyclopedic knowledge on many subjects and his ability to explain in detail the various topics without prior notes quite astounding.
Jérome S.
Previously, I had an apprehension about anything that talked about magical practices. But since my contact with Phosphenism, which demystifies many of them, I have become more and more confident. The word “Magic” now takes on a much nobler meaning for me.
I realize that with Phosphenism, I will learn to better direct my life according to the Laws of the Spiritual Plan. My quest through Phosphenism is to know : “what is my life mission ? How and in what way can I be useful ?” To become a conscious Actor and not a puppet of destiny.
Dieudonne B.
I am discovering the power of thought and I am always amazed by all this potential that lies dormant in each one of us and that we do not exploit.
All that I am learning from you and the training allows me to gain confidence in myself and in what I am doing, it is already a lot and I sincerely thank you for that.
Simone U.
Thank you for the important work you do to make Dr. Lefebure’s work known, but also for the clarity of your explanations during the courses, the organization and the progression of the courses. Easy to understand and effortless to follow. All you have to do is practice the exercises and persevere to benefit from the contribution of Phosphenism in daily life.
Phosphenism has greatly improved my health, and my mind in many areas.
Christiane M.